Hello Yas Forums I have been wearing one hair system for 4 years...

Hello Yas Forums I have been wearing one hair system for 4 years, results are 10/10 but its a bit tiresome and have some limitations, i have shaved my head now for quarantine and while i dont look bad and i feel good, i think ill continue wearing hair systems because they look 10/10, what do you think? im not sure if keep wearing hair system or just go full bald, i dont feel bad or anything its just that with the wig i look so good.

pic related is me

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op is russian chad, yes!

what? pic related is my wearing a wig, top is wig, sides are mine, OP is me too shaved

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the fuck is a "hair system"

a wig

Just keep it shaved. You rock the look.

yeah while i dont dislike it wiith the wig i looks realloy good so im not sure... thanks

Also i think with the wig i will improve mi rate of success with women isnt?

Own it faggot. It's not your bald head repelling pussy it's your beta lack of confidence.

idk man i think thats is a meme, iwth my wig a lot of girls talk to me every night i go out, but went i go bald none talk to me, coincidence?

Shave it bud
The shaved look only looks bad if you're fat, and it dosent look like you are

Wigs are for insecure faggots and no matter what YOU think, everyone else knows you're wearing a wig.

im not fat but im working to go back to 10% bf, need to loss 9 more kg

no they dont know, they are very realistic and im a master hiding it for 4 years, and i actually dont care, i really love the look with it but its tiresome and im not sure if keep wearing or stop, what im afraid is if i stop my success with women will go down again, now is very good

No... you're in denial. Everyone can spot a wig on a guy. It's not even a matter of debate. People can be polite about it, or simply wait till your toupee'd head is turned to laugh, but everyone knows.

I think how you look bald/shaved isn't only impacted by your head shape, but also your eyebrows, eyes, mouth, etc.
Not gonna lie though, if anything ever goes wrong with your wig and I notice I'm going to laugh at you behind your back, which I wouldn't do with anyone who's shaved, no matter how they look or how old they are

no man, thats not 80s anymore


>if anything ever goes wrong with your wig and I notice I'm going to laugh at you behind your back

yeah i know but i dont care and no one will know


>actually dont care
oh yes you clearly do you insecure faggot, I am bald and shave and the girls love it

not op but if you do get a good one, it's almost impossible to tell these days. let me put it this way, there are a list celebs that are household names that wear, not full wigs but they do wear a toupee and nobody has suspected anything. there are a few stars that today also wearing a toupee today that had all their hair 20 years ago. guys that pay for the real expensive hair systems are also used to the routine of having it look impeccable and never put themselves in a situation that would reveal they were wearing a rug.
ever seen Nora from queens? the actor that plays her dad wears a full wig. he's been acting all his life starting in the 80's. he used to have all his hair too.

So, you're comparing a professional actor with makeup and hair experts applying his rug before he goes on camera to some random user on Yas Forums sticking hi wig to his head every day?

i dont really have any problem being bald, i can just do normal life, but then why i love so much when i use a hair system? Isnt that like preffer one clothes instead of others? Why im insecure for that? I might be wrong idk

>when i use a hair system
This has to be a troll. FFS, I know people who wear wigs are incredibly insecure, but is it THAT bad that they actually say "hair system" instead of "wig"?

we use that word in forums for years stupid incel kys

>i dont really have any problem being bald
you clearly do, that's why you hide it
Consider suicide

>calls user incel
>visits forum for bald people
be honest when was the last time you had sex and didn't pay for it?

The fucks a hair system

You are literally no different than the neckbeard believing a fedora will make him classy. Let that sink in for a minute. You both slap something on your head, in hopes it will compensate for every other social inadequacy.

So, hello, Mr. Pot. I'm Mr. Kettle.

>the guy wearing a wig calls others incels

stick with the toupee. girls will not treat you the same when you don't have hair. you should do some more field tests but these guys that are bald are in denial as much as they claim you are. of course they think all girls love it but even those girls are being nice to them. bald guys are not hot because baldness looks good, hot guys that happen to be bald are hot because they are handsome already and can pull it off but guys under 40 that are bald are at a huge disadvantage . the only thing that looks good about being bald is just the fact that it L.OOKS BETTER than the George Costanza look bald men used to wear their hair like. that's all ppl mean when girls says that someone looks good bald, it just looks better aesthetically in COMPARISON, but they definitely don't mean that shaven heads look better that a full head of hair.

Your head went from Fred Savage to Jason Statham.
you will survive.

i have a wife for 15 + 5 married years, so 2 hours ago i think, also i cheat on her here and there on weekends

i think the same

It's amazing how pissy the people who wear wigs get in this thread.

no, the expensive hair systems are very expensive because it is possible to wear Hollywood quality hairpieces. and remember, the celebs are also photographed by paparazzi in they're real life so it's not a makeup crew it's a 24/7 maintenance thing. I think op means that its a pain because of all the constant maintenance and it probably takes an extra 45 mins for his grooming after bathing just dedicated to his toupee. the expensive ones can go for a few thousand and those guys have special barbers that know how to dye and match the length to blend the sides with the toupee and they might visit their barber every two weeks sometimes. trust me, you wouldn't know it, good ones also are in a hairstyle that is more conducive for toupee wearing in general. my last girlfriend dated a guy for 7 years that wore an expensive hairpiece and he showered with it and swam with it and she honestly never knew until at the end he decided that he was over it. he unfortunately looked like George costanza at 18 and when she met him he was 25 and had been wearing the rug for 8 years. she also said that he always took an hour to bathe and groom but he established his story early on that he was really into facial skin care and had a routine that took up that time. exfoliation, scrub, steaming, mask, then a multistep shaving routine with a hot towel, beard oil, then shaving cream, then straight razor etc. etc.

>I wear a fedora made from horse hair and that makes me believe I look like a movie star


>Jason Statham

Yeah, Jason Statham has one of the most handsome faces in the world. Why do you think he's a movie star. do you think The Rock is considered hot because he's bald? he had hair before too. he hot because he's fucking one of the most handsome black men in the world. bald heads do not make guys better looking or you'd see a whole industry of hair removing and balding medicines to permanently remove hair. nobody is using electrolysis to remove hair from men's heads.

Do what you feel most comfortable with. You look ok either way cuz your dome isn't a picasso

hey, I know you need to believe that men look better with no hair follicles on their head but your doing some serious mental gymnastics. name all the hot models and celebs that are completely bald and can't grow any hair except for two inches above their ears. ill wait

>bald heads do not make guys better looking or you'd see a whole industry of hair removing and balding medicines to permanently remove hair. nobody is using electrolysis to remove hair from men's heads.

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Find an actual place that does it exclusively/professionally. Best thing I ever did. Thank me later.

this meme sums it up exactly

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Wigs never look real. It may pass for people walking by but anyone that you actually interact with can tell you're wearing a rug

I can name one and end this. TRY to tell me this guy had trouble getting laid. I'll wait.

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i have seen many in photos and irl and they all look TERRIBLE and fake, i would never do that, can post pic?

Dwayne The Rock Johnson
Jason Alexander
Jim Rash
Sinead O'Conner
J.K. Simmons
Ben Kingsley
Patrick Stewart
Ving Rhames
Samuel L Jackson
Vin Diesel
Jason Statham
Ed Harris
Stanley Tucci
Jack Nicholson
James Spader

Fucking delusional, tell yourself whatever you want. Quit being a self conscious bitch, buzz your head and get in shape. No one gives a fuck about your hair but you

a movie star has trouble getting laid? are you seriously saying that it's hard for famous ppl to get pussy?
tell me, did you know all along that Andre Agassi was totally bald for the decade and a half he ware his wig? his fucking wife didn't even know.
what are you going to prove next, that bruce willis gets laid because he bald?



IM NOT OP and have all my hair but have been using rogaine and propecia since I was 18.

>name all the hot models and celebs that are completely bald
>names several

you might not be OP, but you're still a faggot

half of those guys had all their hair and im talking about sex symbols that ladies like, not fucking a bald actor.

user says
>name all the hot models and celebs that are completely bald and can't grow any hair except for two inches above their ears. ill wait
I reply
>I can name one and end this. TRY to tell me this guy had trouble getting laid. I'll wait.
You pipe in with
>a movie star has trouble getting laid? are you seriously saying that it's hard for famous ppl to get pussy?

Welcome to Retardland. Autist district. Here is your assigned housing.

I take it youre bald? lol.

you can call it a "hair system" all you fucking want, you're still a grown man in a wig, without the excuse of being an old British judge. Just keep shaving, it looks fine.

>sex symbols that ladies like
I already said Moby

okay fine, I should have been more specific. I meant name a ton of sexiest man alive people magainze winners and historic leading men from cinema. leo decaprio and brad Pitt type sex symbols. bruce willis is the only one that comes to mind, every leading man has a full head of hair.

he used to have all his hair though.

head looks good brother

no, I actually have great hair, and none of the men in my family struggle with hair loss, or even premature greying. I don't have many other redeeming qualities, but I'm good on the hair. I'm just here to talk shit.

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and he's not a sex symbol rock star. he's just a famous rock star.

Self confidence does not come from a wig. If you lack confidence and blame your hairline, you're deluding yourself. You're just socially awkward.

you post a murderer? also, he's good looking whether he's bald or not. that's my point. handsome men are handsome regardless and have better chances when they do go bald. the average guy who HAD ALL HIS HAIR doesn't get better looking when he goes bald.

everybody used to have "all their hair." At some stage in everyone's life, they reach their peak amount of hair, thereby constituting "all their hair." Any variance would then be considered "not all their hair"

trying this hard

that maybe true but were not talking about confidence. just the physical image. sure, a guy with a full head of hair thats a fucking moron is going to have trouble in relationships, im talking about picture A vs picture B. that's what baldness comparison is all about.

>misses the joke
>takes it seriously
>desperately tries to prove pointless argument
>thinks Moby is a rock star
you're just a fucking idiot, dude

what exactly are you trying to prove, im not even sure.
then tell me, why aren't men having hair electrolysis from the head in droves?

As an aside, I honestly believe that when Nicholas Cage gets the perfect wig, he'll finally make the perfect movie.

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what do you call him? sorry famous electronic musician?

remember, Nicolas cage once had all his hair when he started acting.


Nobody can answer this question.


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actually, Nicholas Cage did not have all his hair when he started acting. It wasn't until his 4th film that he reached his peak follicle count. But yes, its been downhill from there.

valley girl

huh? that didn't answer the question.

Some men just look better bald.

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i mean, I'm a guy, but yes, I live in the San Fernando Valley.

i can't argue with a dumb dumb, dumb dumb don't get none

>Some men just look better bald.

I agree to some extent but it only applies to black men imho. white guys look like mr. clean.

k. so I take it you once had a full head of hair but you decided to hair laser removal of all your hair because you wanted to be better looking and get more pussy, amirite?
how'd that work out?

lol. can't tell if actually trolling but I have to assume you are because that's very clever.

imagine not being able to comprehend

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