Not owning a microtech OTF in 2020

>not owning a microtech OTF in 2020
Explain yourself

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Cant get them in NY

Worth it? Thinking about spending some Trump bux on one

Go to /k/

time to add microtech to my filters

Have benis not need knifey

Overprice piece of metal, What ya gonna do with it, open letters and bags of chips?

>Not fixed blade
No thanks

Fuck yiiiiihhhh

>owning a meme knife


Haha yes I have the "bayonet" style one. High quality knife, good taste

>mfw not getting stabbed because of my gun

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That will look great on the end of your pea shooter, you fat necked rube

You must be the sales rep for your area.

> you must be retarded to think anybody in their right mind is going to spend as much on a knife as they would on a firearm despite it being very illeagle to own in most the country coincendently the world???

It's a patrician's pocket knife, poor fag. You wouldn't understand. Go back to clicking your fidget cube and playing Minecraft and let the real men KA-CHUNK our microtechs

Sorry if I haven't spent muh Trumpbux yet, you hick whackjob

>not owning a low quality steel over priced piece of shit oof knife in 2020.
i have better quality knives and I don't see the point in buying a blade that will rattle apart and roll the edge.

my son has one of these. it's a piece of shit.


>child doesn't know about quality knives.

it's a piece of shit. dont waste your money on that edgelord trinket.

i tried so hard and got so far

if your knife doesn't have fuse crimpers and a saw it's a toy

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you're a faggot with an overpriced piece of garbage made out of shit quality steel.

>faggots and their folding knives
pic related is a real knife for adult men

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Oh no...I guess you can have it then... SIKE! gonna have to do better than that kiddie, I hear grocery stores are hiring hahahaha

sheesh i can't believe the amount of bait and how much it's working

I suppose your wife's boyfriend showed this "super cool" knife?

please leave and take your reddit responses with you

i retired at the age of 33 thanks to 2017 btc boom. I don't need a fuckin job kiddo because I'm set for life.
but keep bragging about your shitty knife you fuckin NEET

oh is that so?
how'd you exchange your btc into usd (or whatever shitty currency you use), what bank allowed you to transfer that amount of funds and use it regularly without question in 2017?
nice try faggot larper

Low effort

shove that poor quality knife up your ass you trendy faggot

>low quality
neither of those are words used to describe the rat 3, you clearly know nothing about knives
go back, faggot

I’ll take things that are made up for 100.

>low quality bait

>"noooo you can't be a peasant and own a cheap knife!"
>haha knife go rrrrrrrp
im too much of a gunfag to care about knives. i keep a decent swiss army knife and generic bowie knife in my pack though.

Oh shit we have hit our daily doubler

It's a pig sticker you fucking pleb

U.A.E sold some p2p and some with an exchange, wire transfers to my brokerage accounts (plural).
re-patriotise into the US for %7 and completely dodge capital gains tax.
learn your shit boy

and yet still more effort than the production of that shitty low quality overpriced knife that will rattle apart and roll the blade.

Real men use fists... or knives I guess...
Whatever, guns are bad or something.

I actually killed an alligator and various other animals with mines. They hold up pretty well. Reverse image search if you don't believe me.

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low quality and trendy. we agree on that much.

i know more about knives than you do faggot. microtech = TRASHtech

my piece of shit leatherman tool has been more useful than a 150$ kabar i got as a gift.

because i use a half face

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What is your basis for considering it low quality. The extent you've probably used is opening boxes.

Shill it to me

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Switchblades and push knives are banned here in Canada :(

Russian shit.

I'm more of an ice pick guy
I carry a Camillus - the non-slip handle gives me a good grip when things get slippery

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I saw a guy get stabbed in the heart with an ice pick and he LIVED!!!

Ice pick is prison shank trash

No one gonna acknowledge this?

can't cut with one for long. couldn't use it as a bushknife.

ive done that with a kitchen knife

I tried bayoneting one with my sks. Was a little too fast for me so I shot it in the back of the head. i have a pic of that too.


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well thats the thing. most "brand" knife companies started reducing quality to increase profit.

old timers use to be great.
carson river knife and tool use to be pretty good.
Gerber use to be much better.
Buck has sucked for a long time.
AKC makes ok knives but there are so many knock offs it's difficult to find a legitimate one that's well made

you can't just rely on a brand name anymore because most of their budget goes into marketing trash that looks cool.

right now my edc is a hand made switchblade i bought in Belarus. paid about $50 usd equivalence.

and i have a carbide etching blade used for engraving metal that is pretty badass but even then. as far as knives go it's good at one thing and thats what it was designed for

microtech was designed to appeal to dipshits. all you're paying for is a mass production brand and style. if you want a quality knife you've pretty much got to hold it and inspect it. gun shows, yard sales, and pawnshops are the best place to find a good knife unless you happen to come across someone who builds good quality shit.

if you like knives enough i suggest buying blanks and building some. fuck it. why not. might make a little bit of money and if you're in quarantine then you can kill time doing something.

i will say ASA, think they are based out of Washington, they made some really nice shit 15 years ago but it ain't cheap and I don't know if they're even still around or how their craftsmanship is currently.

Because I can buy a decent pistol for the same price.

Looks like you need it, you limp-wristed faggleberry

where is the hilt ?

>dont fuck with me, boomers
>i kill things
>dont make me have a dark mood!

A dark mood lol? Nah I just like to think of creative ways to hunt because after killing so many animals with a gun it gets boring.


Why don't you discuss your bloodlust with a therapist?

Its not pretty but its strong and sharp as hell.

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I think people have become giant pussies since we've assimilated into living in societies. I'm just carrying on the tradition of being a savage.