Pedophile aged 25 years, said I was a 12 year old girl and he still thinks it is completely fine

Pedophile aged 25 years, said I was a 12 year old girl and he still thinks it is completely fine.

I don't believe I can report it to the police so thought I can post it here, because his intentions are to have sex with a minor but he is actually talking to me. gonna post proof aswell.

His phone number sweden (+46) 707278060

Him: "Do you love me" "Answer my question" "Now"

Me: "I think so" "You're a bit older than you said" (He told me his real name and I found it on the yellow pages) "But is it still okay if I am 12"

Him: "Yes ofcourse it's okay that you are 12 years old" "Answer my question now" "Now"
In snapchat his name is Patrick Jensen which he used as a fake name which he explained was his brothers account but this account is completely new so his story does not make any sense.
His real name is Rasmus Neubert.

Attached: peddo.jpg (288x543, 25.33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Translation "Should my dick be in you"

Attached: 92355885_533560200689725_5154313625418072064_n.jpg (288x543, 24.64K)

His adress

Attached: 92141668_231291091402717_4138393953986674688_n.jpg (270x540, 23.36K)

he looks like mentally retarded

Not your personal Army. Report to the police

stop bullying someone whos retarded

Damn, bodde jag närmre skulle jag gjort honom till min lilla mark-slave

Get some goons and fuck him up, then report to police?

also threaten to report him and get some money from him, report him anyways

quads of truth

by the way, vart/hur kom ni i kontakt?
catfishad eller yngre syskon eller så?

You're wasting your time OP, I think the cops give you a medal for being a pedo in Sweden, lol.

Cunt looks 12 to me

Leave him alone. Now if you doxxed some mudscums who were luring sex trafficking victims I'd be fully onboard with you.

Vilken äcklig jävla fitta

nigger. what happened to b

Yas Forums died 2011 my nigga.

My girlfriend got a friend request on snap, added to see what is up and just joked around a bit to see what this dude is up to.

His first message was that he wanted to be together with her, even if he never has seen her before.

Now we wanted to test the limits but he seemed a bit off, which he most likely is but this is really not okay at all. He could be doing this to a real 12 year old girl some day if he already didn't

Slumpmässig friend request på snapchat.

svarar inte på många frågor det..
Har du ett 12årigt catfish konto?
Är det ditt main konto?

Var brudens main konto, ingen catfish här.

Hur inledde konversationen?
tvekar på att han adda dig och ba "jag är peddo, är du 12? wanna fuk?"

we grew up

No more English being taught in Swedistan or what?

NYPA you stupid faggot

>calls someone else a pedo while pretending to be a little girl

Get fucked.

WhAt HaPpEnEd To B? This shit happened. Stupid cunts like Op. just report him to the police, or fuck off.


Han ville bli tillsammans, skrev att "jag" är 12 år han berättade att han var 15 år sedan när jag frågade igen skrev han 12 år men detta verkade ju verkligen inte trovärdigt alls.

Sedan frågade han om jag ville ha barn, frågade även om sex och så. Han erkände senare att han ljög om ålder, killen är ju uppenbarligen inte frisk.


Catfish is an English word

pics nigga, now.
>har bokstavligen hans LSS boende på telefonen atm

Nigga look at this fuck

Attached: Snapchat-697995069.jpg (1152x2170, 225.25K)

not showing shit homie

Attached: Snapchat-911362630.jpg (1152x2170, 224.51K)

nigga damn, get some pics OF THE BEGINNING
i swear niggas dumb as fuck these days.

Go to Reddit

Attached: medium (16).png (602x547, 65.7K)

Attached: Snapchat-1404401736.jpg (1152x2170, 237.17K)

What is this, frozen language?

can you actually show some shade or no?

make a vid of slowly scrolling my nigga.

and I can actually get some shit on this pedo-nigga

nbigga swedish's fucked.

Swedish. Though mr. Pedoman doesn't sound like a native speaker to me.

Mannen snacka med polisen ist för att posta här. Vi kan inte göra ett skvatt.

just tell him to self quarantine and not spread his stupid around

he does, he's just retarded.
Like, actually mentally handicapped.
Was speaking to his caretakers earlier.

Du sitter altså och flörtar med män på din fritid? BÖGJÄVEL

Attached: 1350847873923.jpg (450x500, 149.9K)

Ahhh, LSS? Ibland funderar man om det borda krävas IQ-test för att använda snap. Hade filtrerat ut grottmongon iaf

det är IQ test involverat..
Har man snap installerat har man max 50 iq.

HAHAHA, he actually does look like a nonce too.

what the fuck is a

This is why we left the colonies

have we raised this pedonigger for keks yet or is Yas Forums a bunch of lazy faggots

I'm studying my dude. Would try some shit if I had time tho, this seems cool

nigga this pedo gonne keep peddoing, OP dosn't wanna give us shit that shows he should get locked up.

Post phone number to gay dating sites/Craigslist seeking men

Call from outside line saying you think he's fucking kids/killing niggers/making bombs.

set up stream for keks.

Not your personal army.

No girl will fall for this beta anyways. OP is a faggot

Attached: denied.png (783x808, 89.2K)

Swefag chatting with "pedo" and REFUSE to give evidence
Posting a mentally challanged man's face, number, adress and more.

Man I thought Yas Forums couldn't go any lower than sending a frog into space.. but ya fucking did it OP, you're a fag.

Is this a troll? He looks like a fucking downie.

Attached: 20200405_225841.jpg (540x960, 62.95K)

at least he's not a nigger or an arab. You're swedish, so, I guess you wouldn't be complaining about him if he was

vilken jävla downie "svara nu" konstant, garanterat asperger

That's only if you're a nigger or muzzie.

neger, kolla på honom, han har för många kromosomer

stop repressing her sexuality faggot

det ena utesluter inte det andra

Yas Forums was never your personal army newfaggot

no but we didnt fucking tell people to contact the police you newfag

Aint that the truth