Why are leftists violent hypocrites? This is a serious question, I want to know what generally causes their poor mentality.
Why are leftists violent hypocrites? This is a serious question...
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Their thinking their ideology is morally superior and is “the right thing to do” so they can do whatever they want to some one standing in their way
plus theyre getting paid
*they're. They are.
They're mentally poor.
There is violence on both sides. Except right violance is waaaaaaaaay more often
Imagine thinking California liberals are leftists
Gr8 b8
The right thinks they're stupid.
They think the right is "evil."
If you think someone is evil, anything you do anything it is justified.
Racism and Sexism are "evil."
So, calling you either gives them reason to hurt you on basis of you being evil.
Problem is, they don't realize that evil is subjective. So, they're no different than the religious folks they constantly crap on.
-- pursuing some objective means of "good" that doesn't exist.
TL;DR: The Left Can't Meme.
You're retarded. Your literal slogans were "Punch a Nazi" and "Kill all Men."
They are. It's to a point where enough leftists have infiltrated you that your ideals have merged. Keep ignoring it and you'll end up just like the Democrats.
Look at the way they frame themselves, as if they're the heroes in a fictional story and they're fighting pure evil bad guys. They don't see their opponents as people with different/wrong ideas. You're just another bad guy in their delusion, and no one gives a fuck about what happens to the bad guys.
Poor upbringing. They were never taught respect, humility, or really anything.
There's inherent violence in even the most limp wrist neoliberal ideology and violence is not a bad thing in itself.
Why is OP such a faggot? This is a serious question, I want to know what generally causes his poor mentality.
So wait, after so many years of trying to curb violence by handicapping citizens now it's good?
>poor mentality
>they can do whatever they want
>theyre getting paid
>another bad guy in their delusion
>never taught respect
Big words. No proof. Just some framing. Typical right-wing. No content.
Lamont lies about an infant dying of wu-flu.
one word: antifa.
where is your content?
Entitlement from victim mentality famlam.
lol wut
Basically this. It's not all leftists though, just the screaming fringe you see a lot of because they obviously make the most noise and get the most attention.
The aim is to de-humanise their enemies with baseless slurs such as Nazi or Faschist so as to justify violence towards any group they disagree with.
I mean the left believe that Dank is a Nazi, someone who would be the first to be thrown in the camps by Hitler himself.
>Racism and Sexism are "evil."
Imagine being so braindead that you write something like this unironically
You see, this is what you people don't understand.
You're all racists. Everyone is. We all discriminate in some way, especially in terms of sexual preference. Are you telling me that not wanting to bang a person from a type of race because you don't want babies that have that race is "evil?" Are you telling me that being heterosexual is "evil?"
For people that want sexual liberation, you're quick to control what people are attracted to, it seems. You might want to rethink your own beliefs about racism and sexism before clowning others.
Which leftists you talking about? I'm going to assume you're American due to your use of a Ben Garrison cartoon, and I can assure you there are no leftists in the US. There are centre-right (Democrats) and far-right authoritarians (Republican)
Anyone has the capacity to be violent or a hypocrite.
One can see clear evidence of hypocrisy from Donald Trump and his White House on a daily basis. Do you consider them to be leftist?
I think you are confused and possibly influenced by propaganda. I would recommend not worrying about politicians for the time being and concentrating on improving your critical thinking skills.
I think you should have focused on pointing out that categorizing and organizing things based on their biological traits isn't wrong and that's basically what leftists call "racist and sexist"
Rather than going the route of "we all do it" hurrrr
or here's a bright idea, how about you don't group people by supposed physical traits and just judge individuals by their actions.
This guys is gay and a try hard.
>he responds to me instead
See! Watch the left writhe and squirm in pain over categorization.
Because it's common sense.
Everyone does do it.
The point was to highlight their own hypocrisy. You can't fight an ideology unless you showcase how it betrays its own preachings.
If we're racist and sexist, so are they. So, if they're not willing admit it and change it, why the heck should anyone else?
The fact that they won't is why it doesn't matter. Biological or not. You don't get to take moral high horse and at the same time say you won't bang a black guy because he's black.
All racism is racism and all sexism is sexism. If you're not a sexist, go bang the same sex AND the opposite sex. But, you won't. That's the point.
I don't have to make YOUR points. My points worked well enough.
>My points work
no they don't. you don't know how to talk to the left.
>we all do it
isn't a good point. it doesn't work on the left
Identity politics will be the death of the left
Yes, they conflate wrongthink as if people who make mistakes as demonic incarnations of evil. If you get sexually harassed, there's a process, you file a complaint with HR, and the EOD and if that fails, sue in court.
Instead they start an internet witch hunt, doxing as if someone was a convicted sex offender. Innocent until proven guilty means nothing to them, they're armchair vigilantes. They don't empathize with their targets as human beings, but like faceless stormtroopers or zombie. This is your mind on Disney and MSM.
Okay. Then, why don't you do the same? Go out and have sex with literally every person you meet. Right now. Hobo. Drug addict. Tranny. Prostitute. Tranny prostitute. Tranny prostituting drug addicted hobo. Bang 'em all.
What? Are you some kind of bigot? Stop judging them.
Mate you're literally so fucking dense you've sucked in this entire realm of debate and made it into a black hole. It's really not so fucking hard. Sexism is sexism and racism is racism. If you need to be taught that then you should be eradicated. How anyone saw your fucked up antics as you were growing up and didn't decide right then and there to off you as a favor to society is literally fucking beyond me. Seriously. Imagine being so fucking stupid you don't know the definition of racism or sexism. Imagine having to have a concept as simple as breathing or shitting explained to you as an adult. Imagine that, and then imagine blowing your brains out, because that's what you should be doing next.
It does. It's working now. You have to hold them to their own standards. The point isn't to convert the left. To point is to turn other people away from the crazy. I know I can't change the left. No one can. You have to make them eat themselves.
Now, most of us can agree that racism isn't a good thing. Unfortunately the national socialist party are really try hard and push that endlessly. It's really not gonna get anywhere.
On the other hand, we can all agree that feminism is a barge fire right now.
>Sexism is sexism and racism is racism.
I literally just said that here:
>All racism is racism and all sexism is sexism.
The dense one is YOU, buddy. You're the one that can't see how stupid you are, saying all racism/sexism is evil when you do it, too. I guess you're also evil.
lol that's a pretty cool way to admit your right wing shillling is lame
>>This is a serious question
>Not an argument
You just prove the point
>breaking down this quickly
Your whole post is nothing but a paragraph of insults or repeating points already made.
>There are centre-right (Democrats) and far-right authoritarians (Republican)
>Make you pay taxes
Republicans are center-left and Democrats are far left. Classical liberalism will only be achievable when we colonize space and get the fuck away from the earth establishment.
They can't. This picture is an example of it.
All you do is bully, ostracize, and berate. You don't have humor. You're just jerks. That's your "humor."
you retards claim democrats are literally in league with satan running a pedophile cult. stfu.
The left still can't meme
Nah i don't work for either side. Just a random person who thinks you are gay by reading your text.
they are though, they've admitted to it.
pain? ok lol - but what is your point about categorization? All I get is that you want to be banged by a black dude but you're too ashamed because of the racism and homophobia that's been drilled into you since you were a child.
Is that right? I can only assume it's why you're so preoccupied with other people's race or sexuality
There you go again, proving you are a failure of our entire species. "I literally just said it there." Said what? Said you're a waste of space? Said you're a stain upon your family's lineage? Said you don't know what racism is? Because I definitely didn't see any indication of rational thought. I definitely didn't see any reason to believe you have more than two brain cells to rub together to create the occasional spark of conscious thought. Crawl back into your trailer park and unplug the modem, you don't deserve to have access to something as useful as the internet since you clearly have no clue how to use it.
whats wrong with punching Nazis?
lol bro i think that is the entire point of the picture.
I'm pretty sure thats a fake left can't meme pic but that doesn't change the fact that they can't.
lmao yeah and they're the ones behind flat earth not being taken seriously either
God I wish
You are very confused. You actually think that left-wing people don't have personal taste or something? Why are you so concerned about who someone wants to have sex with?
Your preoccupation is showing signs of some underlying inner conflict
Cliven Bundy
sexism isn't not wanting to bang a certain sex you fucking mogoloid
Hey bud, do you know what racism is? Can you explain it to all the good guys and gals? How about sexism? Got that down pat? Why not tell the class what you know?
What's wrong with lynching niggers?
>Now, most of us can agree that racism isn't a good thing
True, but somethings are worse. Hiring an untrained illegal immigrant over a licensed professional contractor can kill a person. Outsourcing software to India crashes airplanes.
Pretty much this. If you think you're right then you'll fuck everyone over
Far-leftists have become violent as a result of a lot of factors. Firstly, they tend to have victim complexes, causing them to percieve disagreement as a personal attack. Secondly, far-leftist voices tend to be communist or communist-leaning, and thus tend to regard any disagreement as a personal threat or a personal attack, often going so far as to percieve any and all disagreeing parties as "nazis" or simply "statists". It's been pounded into these unthinking idiots' heads over the last decade or more of media that anyone who isn't leftist is a far-right ultraconservative who wants to kill gays and force women to be chained to the stove and pumping out babies despite the actual fact that none of that is what even the most traditionalist type wants.
Essentially, leftists are mentally ill.
>you retards
So, anyone not in YOUR group?
That includes a LOT of people, not just Reps. and Cons.
I don't even know where you're getting this, but keep pretending all of this believe that. That's the most retarded thing I've heard people yet use to somehow showcase issues on sides opposing them.
Meanwhile, speaking of thinking someone is literally Satan:
>owange mwan bwad, amiwite?
>somebody think of da poor wittler nazis
lmao nazism is an ideology inherently based on violence against everyone not like them. They cannot be tolerated in a civilized society.
lol according to who? How do you classify communist governments or even european social democrats, which are all wayyyyyyyyy more left than your corporate-loving centrist Democrats