I could have been an engineer or a doctor in Africa, in one of the empires or republics there

I could have been an engineer or a doctor in Africa, in one of the empires or republics there.

YET I am in the USA and I am none of these. Why? Instead I am none of these. Because fucking crackers, here's why

Your ancestors colonized and enslaved my ancestors. You continue to reap the benefits from this to this very day. You invaded our countries and stole our resources and destroyed our cities.

You are the reason I don't have a job. You are the reason I don't know my father. You are the reason I dropped out of school.


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Sorry nigger

i need to coom

Gr8 b8 m8

we're sorry...

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Taking a look at the state of Africa today, nothing of value was lost.

Ok first world cracker.

but we're feeding your females

Attached: slave.webm (1280x960, 1.56M)

Hey we bought you fair and square, bitch to your relatives in Africa for enslaving/selling you.

I'm not even sorry. Blame your fellow tribe niggers for selling you in the first place.

That's really hot, sauce?

To this fucking day in 2020 THIS


Move to liberation nation and suffer

seen that on chatpic 15min yesterday

You're only purpose in life nigger is to fail at everything and die.

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your ancestors must have been truly advanced if they were all enslaved.

What the flying fuck is this? Some type of live art performance?

Why does this picture ignore 1,000 years of the Arab slave trade?

Thats life bitch, survival of the fittest
Be a man and come take back whatever it is you think we took
Oh whats that? Youre not gonna do shit about it?
Ya thats what i fuckin thought, faggot
Stop cryin, pussy, we won you and your weak pathetic ancestors lost

Sliiiiiiide threeeeeeads.
Yas Forumstard slide threads everywhere.

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I do the same thing after taking a shit I gotta splash some pee pee on it

act of formal apology for slavery

Your ancestors were the scum of the shit country you come from. The rich in your own country sold you off as slaves. Not our fault.

>unironically believing it's okay to trade human life as property
Imagine being this sociopathic.

God, look at those curves... perfectly chiseled for BBC. I hope her child is black as a shadow.

So you are a failure and found us to blame for your own retardness. I know 2 people from Africa who made it and now living a happy life. Blaming others for your own failures are fucking lame, you faggot.

Do you think the Mohel will still suck after its circumcision?

Not going to apologize for something I did not commit myself.
Was the Colonial Age shit?
Does it impact your current life?

There are enough black individuals who rose to the top strata of our society, and there are millions of white underachievers, too.

If you want to know why you are where you are, look in the mirror and ask yourself.
We live in a mertocrazy, so if you end up at a place that you don't like, you either lack the skillset to do better, or the motivation to have shown it when you had the chance.

All I can say is that buying into ideologues trying to paint you as a victim of circumstance will do nothing to improve your situation.
Handouts in form of reparations, or forced apologies will just reinforce your role as lazy underachiever. If you want to improve your situation, get your shit together, look for a job, improve your education and therefore increase your worth on the jobmarket more and more until you get paid enough to pay for the lifestyle you think you deserve.

With the whole corona situation going on, you should have enough time to take online courses and seminars. If you waste this time with just sitting there and complaining on some shitty image board, that's entirely on your own, again.

>Was the Colonial Age shit?
was not

I think we are all from Africa originally!!

Just different journeys , different time lines , have a look at your dna we are all linked ..


oldest human remains have been found in northern greece.
seems africa wasn't the cradle of life afterall.

the Colonial Age was actually golden age of human civilisation
spreading modern medicine and technology saved tons of people
all those african shithole countries should thank us for that

So, good sir, would you prefer a timeline in which China invafed you first?

I think they were all connected at that time , greece is right next to Africa


We still need some answers here!

while it indeed did all that, it also supported slave-trade, robbed local cultural sites, subjugated local populations violently, and formed a flow of goods and wealth that primarely favored the empire centrals.

Spread of technology does not outweight the spread of corrupt feudal inderests. And it wasn't a golden age for these nations, either. Even their own populations suffered under their feudal masters, who were the only real profiteers in that situation.

especially as a republican it should make you projectile vomit.

>it also supported slave-trade
Well when you overlook the whole "colonizing to push own laws to end the west african arab slave trade which arabs refused to do" then sure.

well, one population moved south, the other north.
So they were connected at some point, but interestingly the human population that went for harsh winters, dry forrests and swamp flats thrived more than the one heading for warmth and abundance.

When they met again, one population sailed the oceans, the other succumbed to cannibalism and tribalism.

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So did all the black people who are doctors in the US win a lottery or some thing?

Or is it that your dumb ass parents made piss poor choices? Choices that put you at a disadvantage? Choices that were further exacerbated by your own dumb choices.

And now you blame the every one but your self and your parents for your stupid choices.

Moving the goal post?
It wasn't even a topic until you brought it up, so I hardly overlooked it, it simply wasn't relevant.

if it satisfys your nu-brain, I can crap all over sandniggers and their despicable culture all you want. Did you know that they continue to use slavery to this day?

Get a grip and stay on topic, will ya?
It's like arguing with libtards.

>it simply wasn't relevant.
Colonialism aiding in the ending of the west african arab slave trade wasn't relevant to your argument that colonialism supported the slave trade.

Go on, tell another one.

And why is that not okay?
"bUT wHaT iF yOu WerE a sLaVE?"
That would suck, but why should I care about something I am not? That's what is wrong with you, people, you care too much about shit that doesn't have any effect on YOUR life.

You realize that your ancestors are still in Africa putting their local tribes into slavery?

I know, right? I can't believe those African sociopaths. Selling your own people. How awful!

You're acknowledging that environment can influence behavior, yet for some reason arbitrarily limiting that to the parents. What about the fact that the grandparents of a black person existed in a system that actively prohibited them from gaining wealth or satisfactory education, leading to a cycle of being born poor and grown up to have kids who are born poor.

>Well when you overlook the whole "colonizing to push own laws to end the west african arab slave trade which arabs refused to do"
this did simply not happen.
No european force colonized to free slaves from arabs. If all, they colonized to secure resources and influence FROM arabs.

Uh, Pangaea broke looooooooong before there were people, cunt.

unless you can come up with solid historical sources, this is just you trying to bend reality to your liking.

And local tribes not only sold slaves, but they also begged whites to intervene in their wars against other tribes while whites were only really interested in keeping other whites out.
Funny eh?

cool, keep blaming other people
the weird thing is that the nature of your blame makes it clear you think white people are superior to you

>No european force colonized to free slaves from arabs.
Never said that, but nice attempt.
It did stop the arab slave trade however. The trade which had been going on for 1,000 years but nevermind that WhItEy ToOk PaRt

Is this an actual photograph? Because I'm pretty sure the water would seek the lowest point due to gravity and fill in the hole which is in the shape of Africa. The there's displacement, the water volume which fills the hole would lower the average volume in the rest of the world, cause all of the shorelines to change the familiar shapes of the continents into barely recognizable, other-worldly, lines. I am fairly certain that this photograph is shooped, as I can tell by the pixels, and should not be regarded as fact. On a side note, I don't understand why North America and Europe have chickun nuggets stacked all the way into the atmosphere. I do believe this is physically impossible also.

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Yea, real funny how you tout known historical facts like something someone tried to hide. You realize that this just reinforces the original statement "the age of colonialism was shitty", right?

Not our fault you guys couldn't get past the most rudimentary of technology and tactics. You had the same amount of time as everyone else, and couldn't even get past the stone age.

Also? Not us that enslaved you. You got enslaved by other africans, we just bought you from them for cheap because it cost us basically nothing. And then you had 150 years of freedom, and 60 of guaranteed equal rights. Your daddy issues are your daddy's fault for leaving, not ours for him being weak.

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>Never said that, but nice attempt.
I literally quoted you.
Don't have time to argue with a complete asperger.

Really funny how the reparations crowd isn't rushing to get apologies and money from the Arab world or Jews who dominated the western slave markets.
Support it would be racist to go after the largest profiteers eh?

Fuck off nigger. It's time you people took some responsibility for your own shitty situations instead of blaming white people.

>I literally quoted you.

oi, faggot!
learn to read, will ya?
Maybe then you'd realize that I argued AGAINST the reparations crowd, too.

Now pull the dildo out of your arse and scramble.

You have serious problem. Africans were sold by Africans

Are you telling me that colonialism didn't end the west african slave trade?

>responding in support is responding against

>You invaded our countries and stole our resources and destroyed our cities.
Human appear in east Africa 2 million years ago. Gets "invaded and destroyed" by the U.S. that's 250 years old and Europe that's 7,500 years old. Want to know why? You awesome country still lives in mud huts after 2 million years.

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No, I don't.
Thank you for trying.

are you fucking retarded?
>Not going to apologize for something I did not commit myself.

>Does it impact your current life?

whatever you imply I support or not, I can assure you, it's just your projection, idiot.


It's not my fault your kind is beta as fuck

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