Ok so let me get this right. We have tanked the whole world economy for the next 10-15 years...

Ok so let me get this right. We have tanked the whole world economy for the next 10-15 years, just to save a few old people and weak people who should be dead already? What the actual fuck??

When will we stop messing with nature and just let life take its course?

We should just euthanise these weak fucks then the rest of us can get on with life.

Attached: covid19-graphic-1600x900-updated-3-17-20.jpg (1600x900, 510.57K)

>t. shitskin who hates his parents and grandparents

t. t. t. t.

It's not about saving the old people's lives...it's about politicians saving their jobs. If they let a bunch of old people die, then all the angry normies will demand 'justice' and the current politicians would be out on their asses

It's about time they passed on their wealth anyway.

Good. They're all useless wankers anyway. The world needs some change. And less people.

economy aint tanked dog. we'll be fine and gdp will continue to grow the same ol percent as usual.


aaah the universal language of millenials

Ok boomer.

Ok boomer. The coof is coming for ya oldie

All you niggas are retarded

> About time they passed on their wealth anyway
Do you somehow feel you should benefit from such passing on? If so, what makes you think you should get any of it? If not, why do you care?

It's called inheritance bitch. All these fucking boomers sat in their overinflated houses on a pile of wealth are the reason I can't afford to buy a fucking house in the first place.

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I quite like a few elderly people, my grandparents especially. Don't you? I don't understand the argument of 'only old people are dying!' Yeah, so what's your point?

Oh you are one of those who think this just kills ill people. Go get it and become immune, oh wait what's that you are too scared to leave your house.

Awww diddums.

> Inheritance
You're not entitled to inheritance. Your elder relatives may choose to give you something if they have some spare when they die, but you have no right to it. The mere custom of passing on things to your descendants could be abandoned at any time.

You did not get this right, but whatever. Just keep being a dickhead, no wonder everybody hates you.

I wonder how many if these idiots have asthma or some other thing that one of the underlying conditions this bug can react with to put them in a hospital, gasping for breath as they drown in their own pus

You know, I'm inclined to think that the eledrly people dying in hospitals probably AREN'T the ones isolating in their massive houses. Don't think a bunch of normal older folk dying is going to do much for you buying a house.

young people are gonna get hit just as bad, retard

Ok boomer.

If op is the only dead person. you have to admit that this is not a loss for humanity

kys boomer

no u

> Ok boomer
It's always amusing how the Millennial communists and socialists suddenly get all grabby about personal property when it comes to inheritance.

You are not informed.
Babies die
Young die
Old die
Rich die
Some very old survive
And so on
You are completely wrong, worthless and not relevant for the system

>ok boomer
>yes boomer

corona is the new summer

Because we haven't seen the ridiculous house price booms you have. At my age you guys had already had at least your first mortgage totally wiped out by house price inflation and onto your second or third house. I can't even afford to buy my first. You've fucked the housing market. You've fucked pensions. There is no such thing as a final salary pension these days. You've already fucked up the economy so much, and now it's the same with corona.

The silent generation fought hard for freedom and rights. They handed you the world on a silver platter. You fucking abused it and now you are handing the millenials and zoomers a turd. A fucking turd. Fuck you. Self entitled prick.

its not just killing old people you fucking spastic peanut.... the last 2 news reports on tv in Britain ive seen : 2 nurses dead, with no underlying health conditions, ages 33 and 39.... a 19 yr old chef (again no underlying health conditions) and a 13 year old kid....
Not sure if the britsh health care system is so fucken shithouse that they cant even afford respirators or even the basics needed to fight the virus.... and i thought land of the amerifats was a fucked up place to live....

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Nature is a horrible monster who kills thousands of animals in horrible ways, why should we let it fly free? We can do better.

Go cry somewhere else.

How do you figure a month of downtime is going to ruin the economy for 15 years?

Is that the reason for you? Isn't it because you're an uneducated piece of shit? Too stupid to learn a reasonable job and then make money yourself. But do not worry. You will inherit something, you stupid, arrogant, ignorant, little turds are inheriting a dying planet of misery and despair. It's what you little fuckers deserve!

ok boomer
we get it you're not ready to let go.

i just wanna the fat and ugly die.
the poor sure too. but less than the fat and ugly

>the last 2 news reports on tv
How do you know the (((television))) is telling you the truth? You don't. They can claim a million people died of corona somewhere and we would have no way to make sure it is true.

I'm waiting for all the disgusting culturally obese in the US to get wiped out. That will get out of control super easy.. I hope in the end the obese survivors get the message and change their lives.

Ok boomer. Shut the fuck up and get your will in order.

>for the next 10-15 years
don't be a dramatic retard

Right and how do you know it's true when someone says an elder has died?
This is an argument that doesn't go anywhere.

Ok zoomer

>i just wanna the fat and ugly die.
>the poor sure too.

Says a spoiled ameritard.

You must be 14 yo, right?

>OK Boomer

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Is this just on a loop? Or is it just trendy to not give a shit about human life any more?

Are you seriously dumb?

What would happen if people would have the impression that it's up to them to defend themselves against this virus and the social implications it brings?

You would have old and young people on the streets, wrecking havoc on society to protect themselves or their loved ones.

Young people are affected too, you poor excuse for a failed abortion! The mortality rate is 2% and if I offered you 100 skittles knowing that 2 of them would kill you, you'd steer away from the fucking skittles.

As a millennial who (still) has a career in a good city I want to invite you to go fuck yourself and die horribly of covid you bitter, useless boomer.

Self preservation is the course of nature. You didn't think this through.

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Fake death stats

Attached: Fake Virus 18.jpg (901x654, 147.28K)

Stop trying to sow discourse in these troubled individuals

Hospitals faking shit

Attached: Fake Virus 17.png (594x311, 46.42K)

Fake hospitals

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 1.png (1844x960, 1.96M)

Sweet :)
I will earn more in two weeks than your Trailerpark family in one year

The only difference is your late parents house was repossessed to settle their estate. so now your homeless, fat and alone.

Attached: glorious-future.jpg (1010x733, 212.75K)

Fake deaths

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 3.png (1664x1292, 1.57M)

shitskins love their parents and grandparents though, it's white people who hate the elderly.

Fake tests

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 2.png (1500x1560, 1.26M)

More fake deaths

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 4.png (1256x1176, 1.38M)


yeah, there's that or maybe people are just practicing social distance and you see a plunge in ANY transmittable disease (including those that cause pneumonia).

Just look at car accident related deaths since #stayathome started. I'm sure they just count accidents as corona related too, right?


In what ways? About the virus? I dont see European youth dying

The world is over populated anyways, and yes I'm selfish enough not to care to much about the third world countries. China which makes most ours stuff is already getting back on track. And many people dying makes jobs for other people

sup CIA

Attached: Corona FF6.png (720x480, 58.31K)

Citation needed. That said, pnuemonia and bronchitis cases being switched to corona as cause of death seem believable to me since someone who would survive those things without corona would probably die with it.