YLYL dark humor edition

YLYL dark humor edition

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What the actual fuck is this mind-numbingly obviously-staged bullshit? Was this for her insta or something? Stupid cunt bitch.

.... also, sauce?

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it should say "sorry, not a winner", like scanning lottery tickets.

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Whats her name please

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This is great i used to put spiderman in the shorts of my hulk and it stirred weird feelings in kid me... i wanna explore that but i dont know where to start. Someone help?

Interchangeable Asian woman #376

Obviously we can save the planet by getting rid of the niggers and jews rather than the entire human species

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chink #214398

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>...and here we see a shit-assed monkey jerking off a talentless whore
>~museum of degeneracy

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Lil,its brother,not polish

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Don’t make the mistake of thinking it couldn’t happen to you.

I’m surprised there’s no meme on the cruise ship and the patrol boat yet

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Why would she need to take off the mask for a forehead fever reading? Makes no fucking sense, dumb fucking asians.

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I don't get it

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amerifat seething

Hahaha funny memes xd lmao

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post more china hate oriented content thenx

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