Explain how universal healcare is a boo-boo

Explain how universal healcare is a boo-boo.
Here in Russia doctors are paid from our taxes with us having any examination we need whenever we need it. Most sanatoriums are completely free and even the unexpected operations like appendix removal is free of charge.
>inb4 Boris
That's a weak one and I think we all could simply dissmiss it.
>Inb4 some shit unrelated to subject about world stances and international conflicts

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Insurance companies run america, its been this way for quite a long time, you want an instatutuon that has fuckloads of power, its illegal to be uninsured, but it's not illegal to not have a bank account.

unique problems, america has upwards 40 million illegal immigrants that people refuse to do anything about. due to chrona this will come to a head soon, especially when family members die due to not getting treatment while they treat illegals for free (new your apparently explicitly said they would)

now, because all the studies are poisoned, we get told retarded numbers like 'it would cost 30 trillion over 10 years' but the only way I get that number is if I assume everyone un insured has stage 3 cancer.

Then what's all about that blind retarded patriotism behind it all? Russia gets shit on a lot by zoomers yet they don't realize that the country basically could give them the best farewell before they decided to move to Europe or US. (Putin is definetely not the best thing though, but we simply do not have competitive alternatives right now).
>people refuse
I doubt it's within people capabilities right now and I honestly cannot see how goverment is up for that kind of order in their own country.

I just don't understand how in america somehow everyone pooling together into an insurance fund is frowned upon as "SOCIALISM" but pooling together in smaller groups and paying higher premiums for less coverage is perfectly reasonable and totally not socialism compared to you know, not using an insurance system at all because insurance is inherently socialist

this (idk enough about any of the illegal immigrant stuff to have an opinion)
And also the majority Americans are soooooo unhealthy it probably would cost the government a shit load of money and why would they want that?

I mean just look at how they are handing vaping. Over in the uk where they have universal health care they are selling vapes in hospitals to help people quit smoking. Because its in the governments best interest to have healthy citizens. Here we are having the war on drugs 2 electric boogaloo. Andrew CooolMo (fuck that guy he dosnt get his name spelled right) Said "Is Vaping less harmful than smoking? Technically yes. But so what." all so he cant keep getting his master settlement check.

The Master settlement agreement btw Is when the bigggg tobacco companies got together with all the sates and said "Hey how about this: for every pack of cigarettes you sell we will give ya a little money back. So when people smoke its good for us and its good for you"

(maybe not a relivent rant Idk)

Most probably because most US terms are flipped upside down and are completely different from what the rest of the world perceives them as.
>e.g. socialism, liberalism, right-wing/left-wing, etc.

So america has the most expensive healthcare in the world, this is because of price fixing.
On average a bag of saline solution, which you can buy retail for about $1, is villed at on average $110 from a hospital, and all their services are like that, and it's so that the board of 40 or so people can have 10s of millions of dollars salleries.
So should the government
A. Force every american to pay though their ass in taxes(even though 100% of americans will need expensive healthcare, and because some % is always unemployed, you would have to tax every employed person literally more then they make to pay for healthcare)
Or B. Force healthcare to be cheaper, obviously pay for the staff, and machines, but you could cut the price by at least 60% and it wouldn't effect any staff wages any equipment, and the upper echelon would still be millionaires.
What's fucked up is righties say no to anything, and lefties want the people taxed and plug their ears and scream if you try to offer any other option.

Now it definetely would cost them some, you are right.
However at it's core taxes are not the payment your goverment takes for themselves as a charge for provided living space and house utilities.
The country economics exist for the sake of flowing around, and taxes are the money that should be used for paychecks the goverment arranges. If there are exessive tax money, it is used for improvment of social organisation, but definetely not for some functionary's pocket.

the blind hate for russia is largely because its a dictator and you don't have the most freedom possible...
Personally I would prefer a monarchy to democracy because at least then the people in power have a vested interest in the country's well being, while we currently have half the politicians blocking help and obstructing at every fucking turn no matter if its for good reasons or not.

because insurance is for profit.

don't get me wrong I agree for the most part, I think a simple tell the government what it cost, standardize the cost and treatment, and pay doctors a good wage would be enough, cut all the middle men out, the middle men who force those with no insurance to pay retarded rates while if you are insured, you pay significantly less.

some of the fear is also if insurance went to government they may mandate health standards, as in, you no longer have the freedom to do as you want, drink till you drop, smoke till you cant breath, or eat till you cant move... personally I would be ok with government stepping in and regulating things just due to the fact companies will put things in food that make them more addictive as a hope you keep buying that specific brand, its why its near fucking impossible to find something that doesn't have a sugar additive, its also why, even eating less doesn't see people lose weight unless they explicitly make their own food from scratch at every turn.

but why have insurance at all in america? its literally a socialist concept, the thing that makes americans seethe the most. just make people pay the 17 grand for 3 days in the hospital

>Here in Russia
+15 whore.
I live in Russia too and i know how it works. take your 15 rubles and go out this thread!

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For the USA, just look at the VA. The idea is all nice and great, but i don't trust the retards operating the system to implement much of anything well, despite any altruism.

Fuck off nigger. That's my thread. If you want to seethe stop posting normie cringe here and go back to hk.
Also I already fucking told that Putin is a fucking totalitarian dictator handicapping all talanted leaders at their roots, so you just simply remembered a hip-and-cool zoomer meme and decided to post cancer.
>tl;dr fuck you

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On the illegal immigrants, they largely do not pay into state taxes, but they do pay into federal. most of americas free/subsidized health care (which shockingly is better then the rest of the worlds free healthcare, as you get it for free but you also get it without the restrictions that free offers you around the world, canadas 'I have cancer, the tumor is the size of a golf ball, its visible from the outside, but a doctor called it benign so I have to wait a year for a re evaluation, or europe's enforced 'we won't let you take your kid to another country to have a chance at living' policy) is state level.

the chronavirus, they were trying to get people who had investment properties also lumped into the bail out, you know the reason why? the number that those people get for tax reasons, is also given to illegal immigrants. the sheer amount of illegals in america will bog down the system to the point you can't implement it because everyone is running different directions, and democrats want to bank on an illegal becoming legal (and in some cases not even that) and voting for them, so they will never be willing to do a fucking thing about it.

With vaping, one of the big problems was how vaping is so appealing to kids, as in juul is almost exclusively sold to people under 18. vaping people brought this on themselves due to advertising toward kids. yes its less dangerous, I will never say its not, its some glycerin with some nicotine in it, it's FAR better than actually smoking, but its still not good. it also doesn't help some illegal vape things happened and it painted all of vaping as that.

but we are going into lobbyist territory, you know, legalized bribery. we have our problems.

How is anything he posted a "+15" meme?
Do you not care for reading the posts?
He literally said that aside from universal healthcare Russia isn't really the best with it's Putin leadership.
You have to be over 18 to post on this website.

Insurance companies generate a profit.
And in America we worship god money.

It would cost more because it's there so you'll use it.

Normally I would tough it out and go only if something wasn't going to get better by itself or if life threatening.

If it's free you'll have people going for hangovers and shit. Then when you really need something like some kind of flesh eating bac, you'll have to wait 6 weeks and by then you'll be proper fucked.

I kinda like where you are at right now. I get enraged that the right wants to do nothing. What it actually feels like is that they have their toe dipped in the water to check the temp at all times and won't make a move until they have to. But they're hurting themselves because they're setting themselves up for another outsider.

Insurance is a scam. You pay in. Everyone does. This money is not returned to you if you do not use it. The companies use this money to invest/buy things to make their wealth bigger.

From a foreigner view that seems so weird. If I have a worrisome mole I'm not sure about, I could order an examination the next day and the doc would probably advise coming next month again for another check-up totaly for free. We never "tough it out" here unless you live in some poor countryside.

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the right typically does not say no to everything, however the right is opposed to expanding government under the left.
The left wants to tax americans and give it to people who are destitute so they can have a voting block that can never not vote for them.

the main issue in america is everyone is allowed to vote.
I want that right stripped and only given to people invaluable to the country, people who risked shedding blood or shed blood for the country, and people who have a stake in the country (land owners)

this would remove leaches from the voting pool, and things would rapidly change for the better, for everyone, because people who own land what that land to gain value or make money for them, and the best way to do that is to have everyone do better so there are no un desireables.

as for hospitals, they are for profit, and im of two minds on this, on one hand, it enables research and it enables better treatment paths, on the other hand, paying 1.8 million dollars for 13 stitches is fucking retarded. ( a fun case where once the hospital put a guy under they brought in an out of plan plastic surgeon to stitch him up, as in cosmedical stitch his skin, and he was charged 1.8 million for the 13 stitches because insurance won't pay. )

drug companies charge america more
hospitals charge america more
insurance companies make sure they charge uninsured more so you have incentive to insure...

its a shit show with no clear way to fix it. america gets the best doctors because in america you are paid what you are worth, while other countries have doctors who get paid the american equivalent of 400$ a month. some of these places are near the for front of their fields too.


Fukkin Starship Troopers larper

because its for profit, how do you not get that?
also, socialism doesn't make america seethe, its the fact that america is full of people who flead socialist countries and told their horror stories that makes america fear it. everyone is ok with a safety net, but most people want that safety net to be given as charity and not taken at gunpoint.

but the axe has the usefulness of getting a point across. BOOM BITCH!!!!

You are right here. Doctors at hospitals in Russia have an average wage of 900$ (my mother is a former nurse, she was paid about 750$), yet nobody is really complaining, because the prices in the shops aren't really that high and you always have about 10% of your wage left for entertainment.
I know I lowkey describe Russia as a paradise right now, but it's still not that well here for reasons I don't have to explain.

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I can't believe this thread hasn't started killing itself yet. Must be a slow night.

Russia healthcare is bullshit. we have good corona results because russia doesn't have corona tests! Russians so poor that no can travels and
spread the virus

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You do know this is how america was before we gave everyone the right to vote?
you gained the right to vote either by owning land, and this is why there were females who got the right to vote before they had a universal right, or you has to sign up for selective service.
Men are the only ones who have selective service as a requirement.

once you had everyone have the right to vote, you started to see pandering to very undesirable aspects, such as the erosion of the family, you see this in tax breaks and hand outs to single mothers, or when shit hits the fan for a family they get told explicitly that they would be given more if they divorced then if they stay together.

This is one aspect, you also see california, where people live in congested cities and they take form everyone else because counties don't have a say, its pure majority in cities, its why its illegal to collect rainwater there, because san francisco needs it more.

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You're late for this kinda shitposting

Nice bait

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>Women in meme holding women for Trump signs.
>Declared not to be factual.

vote democrat so we can steal from people and sexualize children and turn them into attack helicopters.

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russia is near the brink of complete collapse. I don't know how deserved that position is, its hard to really get truthful news on any side of the equation.

I look at it this way.
I care about my entertainment
I care about my video games
I want to be left the fuck alone, and neither party is willing to do that

but democrats, they are subverting due process, as in innocent till proven guilty, and are actively attacking things that I enjoy far more then republicans.

I call left in my ideas, but I would vote right just because between the two, democrats are the more corrupt side.
republicans hated trump, but he still got the nomination fairly, democrats will rig their side so people who are popular cant get on stage to even have a voice.

wish we didn't have a 2 party system, but that's what we have.

Man the lefty bs in this this thread is cancer

I mean... Collapse is a stretch. From my perspective at home I still get paid working at my PC, shelves have food, mind you, and people really took it upon them to deliberately stay at home (aside from bbq retards for some ungodly reason). Schools work, workplaces pay default. If anything, as long as we all keep being rational it seems to be fine. What it does look like, however, is a police state. That I cannot dissmiss, policemen are really out there fucking arresting you if ypu got out to take the trash out if you look suspicious. But yeah, as soon as this shit ends and after some time it'll work out. Doubt it'll collapse.

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Where did you get 40 million from? People handwring over immigrants way too much. Rich people, they're the ones screwing you.

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Great fucking argument you made here faggot.

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In that case, because this is New to me, Russia is official a first world country. Murricunts are still disgusting subhumans with a bad taste for Architecture, Design, and... Healthcare and even Mexico is economically better and I totally understand why Canada keeps denying their existence.

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Put any politicians name in this box tbh.

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russia is sanctioned by so many countries for so many things, that it is crippling your country. I honestly think trump being elected and being willing to work with russia helped quite a bit, granted if wheels are moving it helps everyone so its not just for russia's benefit.

you know we can see news that isn't msm where democrats fucking block little ray everything he does for better or worse, and we have the long enough memory to remember that in his first 2 months as president he fulfilled nearly every campaign promise, with the wall being the one remaining sticking point, but he did get mexico themselves to actually crack down on the movements though and out of their country.

not perfect, but he got more done than any other president in living memory, despite being fucked at every end.

>workplaces pay default

40% are now unemployed!

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i thought covid was when you take turns fucking a cow and then 19 stands for how many turns you can take.

I've been to Russia and used to live in Ukraine which is similar. If you go to the Government hospitals, you literally have to bribe the doctors because they don't make shit, plus the hospitals are complete poverty stricken messes. It's called a gift, or пoдapoк when you have to bribe the doctor.

The private hospitals are not free and don't even take travelers insurance, but you actually get really good care, but you're going to pay up front in cash because they don't fuck around. Kind of like Thailand hospitals.

I hope that clears things up with OPs socialist nonsense.

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Yeah, shine and sparkle, expect Putin isn't leaving the throne any time soon.
Wanna hear a joke? Putin ministers just launched an act that lets gov override the presidential terms, so he is here forever, apparently they can do that. That's hillarious, and that's why in my OP I only talked about healthcare. It doesn't suck here, but that's about it. A common view among citizens is "Putin has a strong international stance, but inner politics suck dick".

Is that Jackie Gleason?

various places tend to report the number above 30 and under 50, the number you have for undocumented is a known population while other C is an estimate. and some of those charts are wrong as they have said numbers FAR higher especially in recent years, but they may just be displaying the numbers weirdly.

You don't have niggers like the United states does.

you know trump is left of most democrats that aren't socialist on important issues.


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Universal healthcare promotes more fraud. Poor people already get free healthcare, and are often charged for extraneous shit because the doctors know the government is covering the bill.
There was a big crackdown back around 2012 of medicare/medicaid fraud where doctors were billing for 24 hours a day. Now doctors just tack on extra shit to their bill.
I think the program could be expanded a little more, but again, how do you prevent greedy ass hospitals and doctors from over billing when they see that cash cow ready for the milking.

Where did you read that? If that's a biased source I get it. But yeah, surprise, barbers and small restaurants loose income because of corona. Having a buisness is self-sabotage in Russia, but goverment workers get paid even if they can't work now per bald guy's words (paying from reserve). First-hand experience.
Btw, the real percentage is about 15% in major cities, because, you know, 2/3 of this country is a forest with no people there, and the real deal makers are cities like Moscow, StP and etc.

my understanding of russia from an outsider's perspective, is without putin russia would be in free fall.

>Which is similliar
That follicle of a country is fighting itself and has price spikes every 2 weeks periodically, that's total bs.

Are you retarded?

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We don't actually. That is true. That's why nigger dick threads make me chuckle here. How come?

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According to wiki, and you can take that for what it's worth, the high end numbers were 16 - 29 million and they were "met with criticism." I don't see why we make such a big deal out of them, they're annoying for like a generation or two and then they're average american workers who pay taxes. I'm all for not "taking care of them" but we already don't do that...you cant get ebt/snap/unemployment if you're not documented. And they do most of the farm work, and I dont want to be out there on the face of the sun all day, maybe that's a job for you. And I dont blame them for "taking your jobs" or "driving down wages" because we could always vote to fix the wages via minimum wage, and their bosses hire them...it's their fault. Be mad at the admins.

dems blocked the wall
dems blocked the muslim ban
everyone blocked the swamp drain (though much iof the swamp out right quit, so slight win)
obama care isn't bad, just aspects of it were poorly thought out
the cabinet, he needs people who are loyal more than people best for the position
history will likely put him as one of the best, given how congress constantly pulls a sub double digit number yet trump for as much as media hates him hasn't gone below 40% approval
and he is pulling in more black and latino voters

everything here is misleading or you just don't understand where the problem lies.

Not to mention the numbers of them have been trending down.

trump comes out and wants to out right give americans a check
the left refuses to let that happen and forces it to go through their programs.

yea... more left then the left on important issues.

Rather it would be better if the dude stopped fucking blocking prospers that have a better understanding of shit on elections, but yeah out od all the candidates HE LEAVES IN THE ELECTION, all of them are miraculously shit.

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choose your side

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minimum wages are a bad thing, but having people pay a wage that the job is worth, that is a good thing.

let me point it out. mcdonalds is not a 15$ an hour job, at 15 an hour they will invest heavily in a robot to do it. the higher the wage is the less likely it is for the job to be sustainable. a small store may be able to stay afloat with a 10$ minimum, but put it to 15,and it's out of business.

If you work somewhere, you argue for higher pay or you go elsewhere.

if they didn't have illegals who will work for 1$ an hour, they would have to pay far more to get it done, this could be passed on to consumers, or the more likely, it would eat into net profit.

illegals suppress wages, at best. I care about americans, not illegals who shouldn't be here.

Last I checked I'm not competing with rich people for wages. Don't try to sell me that bullshit. I get what you're trying to say. The system is rigged. But why hire me for what I'm worth when they can get someone else to do it for cheaper? It isn't fair competition when those people are living 30 to a house and don't have people to support like we do. If I send 5 bucks to granny she laughs. If they do, granny lives good for a few days. And the people it hurts worse are people that are in my bracket the most. Unskilled, low wage work. Who else do you think has the majority of "their people" in this category? That's right, all people of color. So much for giving a shit about people of color, I guess.

Also, how does it make sense to pay people a "livable wage" if you're just gonna take almost all of their money for taxes?

I'll take one that doesn't have a civil war going and doesn't constantly borrow money from the US, please.

Shill kys

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