3000+ Amerimutts dying every single day from the virus
Literally a 9/11 every day
Because Trump called a virus a hoax just 3 weeks ago and refused to take action
3000+ Amerimutts dying every single day from the virus
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my lungs feel heavy
It's funny watching all the alt-right jokers from 2 weeks ago choking on reality.
The saddest part is the boomers that this kills at a 1 in 4 rate are those who are most flippant about the protective measures. It's not an admission of weakness to stay at home you faggots, it's a requirement for survival
Imagine thinking it is one bad politicians fault without even mentioning the thousands of faggots who went on the beaches
Ur mom gey lol
I work in a department store. We're meant to be in lockdown but it's always boomers who scoff at the safety measures
is this going to make houses cheaper?
Don't buy now but prepare. Tens of thousands of homes are about to hit the market
Here in Australia we don't have an orange nigger as president and we already got this thing under control bitch
i inherited my parents home last year in portland or, and sold it for a big chunk since portland is so overpriced, and havent done anything with the money, im hoping this shit will let me get a nice small place for cheap so i can coast on the rest of the money for a while
Australia the land of fags and cucks.
It’s not going to be any cheaper. Me and others like me just waiting to buy cheap. There’s to many nogs who own nothing dies. To little boomers I’m afraid die and nothing changes
I once visited Australia and the people were very uneducated and rude. It was very sad to see.
I inherited $70 million from an uncle that raped me and will be looking to buy many homes
Nothing's changed. Don't come back
theyre already almost dead, what do they have to worry about?
>almost dead
Being actually dead?
The europoors arent even trying to make the bait sound reasonable anymore.
You're also sparsely populated and have an ocean for your entire border
you dont need to die to foreclose, banks and jews will be cleaning house soon
its inevitable, most have accepted it.. this will save tons on health care in the long run since the last 6 months of life are more expensive than all of the rest, on average, in terms of health care costs
Why are you working in a dept store during a pandemic? You are worse than those you are calling boomers.
im guessing so they arent homeless and can eat?
My ass was itching and I farted and it no longer itches
As an American and cuckold I disagree. Cuckoldry is our thing
>Because Trump called a virus a hoax just 3 weeks ago
It is a hoax. I survived many flues and even pneumonia once. I am not at all worried about "corona virus." When the economy in virtually every country will resembled Oct. 1929 America then the real crisis will begin. That's the plan afterall.
It's good we let the down syndrome spastics like yourself have input too
Plus everyone smart is staying home. More wear and tear on electrics, plumbing etc. The home maintenance section is full of tradesmen right now who can't get shit that's sold out at the hardware stores. People are eating more at home so fridges, microwaves and of course food are in massive demand. We're hoping it'll all be deliveries or pickup soon and we won't have people coming inside but so far corporate are too greedy. I have noone anyway, gf is quarantined bc her father's a doctor, so it's work or stay home and jack off
Yup, it's why the elites dumped massive amounts of stock so they can make gigantic profits on the rebound. Banks will seize record amounts of property. We will see if america puts its guns to use or not.
Wow low IQ post. Is there perhaps a relationship between extremely low IQ and survivability of influenza?
Yeah, I mean imagine if planes could magically jump over the ocean!
its almost as if a government cant lock down flights easier than foot traffic - sounds crazy, i know
The entire cuck genre of porn was created and popularized by the USA. You even bred an entire race of people specifically to do all the things your own men couldn't do, like plough your fields & women.
>Because Trump called a virus a hoax just 3 weeks ago and refused to take action
mainstream media labeled every measure Trump had taken against COVID as racist until one day they realized they were in the wrong and proceeded to say he wasn't serious enough about this early enough.
Reality is you can't fix stupid, and Americans are too dumb. Even with social distancing Ameritards take to the streets because no one will take away their rights!
This. If not for Trump it would be another idiot in charge, and the retards still wouldn't stay inside.
trump saying it will go away like a miracle and not giving new york York the governor said the state needed is what was happening
What has Trump withheld from NY?
>Because Trump called a virus a hoax just 3 weeks ago
6 weeks ago
Respirators, masks, test kits. NY will get it all done without Trump's help though. Jack Ma and Joe Tsai both co-founders of Chinese Alibaba have sent boxes of coronavirus test kits, medical goggles and N95 masks to NYC. Tsai is sending a few thousand respirators on top of that.
>yfw CHINA is trying to help NY more than retard Trump is
>yfw CHINA is trying to help more than retard Trump is
found the China shill. Imagine believing what you just wrote
Updated April 5, 2020, 2:11 A.M. E.T.
1.1 million+
CORONAVIRUS in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count
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MAP: nytimes.com
Cases by STATE
Cases and DEATHS by STATE and COUNTY
It's just the flu... Fox News told me so.
Thanks Hwang
lol, saved
>orange nigger
gotta watch out for those mexicans spreading chinese covid
>by the USA
You mean by the (((usual suspects))) and they are not based only in the U.S.A.
If you're young, healthy person I fluenza will not be dangerous to you.
Thank goodness 100% of America is young and healthy
Have fun America, you lumbering obese diabetic motherfuckers.
>Everyone elses numbers are fake expect USA!!!
Ameripoors with poverty health care
>Australia is doing fine
Thanks mostly to the states doing their own thing and paying lip service to ScoMo.
> Trump called the virus a hoax
No, he didn't. He was talking about the Democrats drumming up another conspiracy theory about it, that was the "hoax".
> Refused to take action
Action like setting up a dedicated taskforce or restricting borders for hotspot countries?
Oh wait...
you sheilas are part gook now, they're so deep in australia it's literally china #2
He still said plenty of moronic things though.