US had 1331 deaths yesterday from Coronavirus. The highest any country has seen yet. You're still number 1 guys...

US had 1331 deaths yesterday from Coronavirus. The highest any country has seen yet. You're still number 1 guys. Congrats.

Attached: Screenshot_20200404-233242_Chrome.jpg (1440x2960, 1.1M)

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Fear the computer aids, didn't click, don't intend to

>italian heritage
>have cough/lungs feel heavy

meds seem to catch it easier

Attached: holoo.gif (600x400, 62.86K)

Imagine not understanding ratios.

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Imagine caring more about ratios than lives.

look at the amount of cases america has compared to mexico

trumpturds must be mad that a "shit hole"country can handle a virus better then they can

Mexico probably isn't testing properly. I'm sure they can't even afford to test anybody for anything.

Haha US is fucked. Idiots think they're the best because they have so much money to spend on their healthcare, but they choose to spend it on their guns and military planes. I guess this is just natural selection.

How's europoor land doing fag? Italy? Spain? :) LOL FRANCE!

I'm from Canada. Suck it. We're doing 100x better than you retards because we took it seriously from the beginning. Not like your mentally disabled President.

the south is getting assblasted. Georgia just opened all of its beaches, and 8 red states refuse to ask people to stay at home.

diabeetus/obesity is rampant, people are dying in scores, whilst about 1-200 die per day in blue states.

this is bigly die time for trumpanzees

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Americans thought, what's the problem with having a retard President in charge? He'll make us rich! Then he went and killed 200,000 people and called it "good". 10/10 troll

actually we're going to be looking at about 300k-500,000 now, red states aren't taking any measures to buckle down. there are going to be "mass deaths". The CDC keeps updating the likely fatality rate by the end of this thing...
before it comes back next fall.

It's just a meme. Chill. Webm can't inject viruses

>and 8 red states refuse to ask people to stay at home.

nobody is doing that shit anyway

trump is a fuckin moron who was hated before this coronavirus shit,and is even more hated now.he should just pick up his golf clubs and let the medical professionals handle this

Shit healthcare system. Insulin is the same price and don't pay for any non doctor or hospital services. While in the us I have 100% free healthcare with everything paid.

Best case is 100,000, worst case is 2 million. We'll probably be somewhere in between because we're not doing the best we could and some states aren't even ordering shelter in place like you said. Idiots.

But either way, Trump was like 200,000 Americans will die and that he means he did such a good job, even though we could've had only 1000 die if he mobilized states to take these measures 2 months earlier when it was already projected how many were going to die.


If Trump didn't downplay the virus for 2 months and say it's not a problem, all these people wouldn't have died. What a fucking psychopath. He is playing with fire and he doesn't care how many people he hurts for his own gains (reputation, stock market, etc).

So...France+Spain is clearly much more than the entirety of the US? Seems like we're doing pretty well.

source for that web tracker?


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They are much further along than the US, and besides which you fat cunts aren't testing everyone to deliberately keep the numbers lower.

France and Spain are 2 weeks ahead you dingus. In 2 weeks, Trump's pandemic team predicted in the best case we'll be peaking at 2,500-3,500 deaths/day. That's half as bad as Italy per capita. But you'll probably do much worse than that so don't worry, you'll be number one per capita by April 15.

BINGO. he fucked us all with his retardation, no other country on earth's going through this like the US.

> Being this retarded
Must be American.

Wake me up when it hits over 30k. Even at 60k it's still just a flue.

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I'm not sure if you're an idiot or what, but the only reason it's going to be 100,000-200,000 is because of our lockdowns and social mitigation measures we've implemented. If we did nothing and rode it out, it would've been 2 million deaths. So you should be happy we will only be at flu level of deaths. That's the whole point with why we're doing all this!

How can you be this stupid?

>but they choose to spend it on their guns and military planes.

Indeed. We have unlimited money for tax cuts and the military. Anything else, we can't afford it. lol

Dumb move doing the tax cuts in 2017 when we were in the 8th straight year of a bull market.

> 2 million (30x flu deaths) without mitigations.

> 100,000 (~1-2x flu deaths) with mitigations.


Must be another American retard.

These are headlines from the liberal media when trump closed travel from China in January and they said it was racist.

You aren't comparison a country that is 33 times the size of Italy to italies Corona deaths are you?

I read all medical journals. T.medical student. CDC always over estimates rather than under estimate. You wont know true numbers till it's over. Here is a pic related of them doing so. Everyone is the US would have to he sick in order for it to even reach 30k. It is no more contagious than a cold.

Attached: Screenshot_20200404-000654_Chrome.jpg (1080x1920, 615.85K)

>dagos be dagos and fuck up
>pretends that mean 'murrica isn't also retarded

1. Deaths don't care for your per capita crap. A life is a life.

2. US is projected to have 100,000-200,000 deaths by Trump's hand-picked pandemic team. You'll be on par with other countries per capita very soon. You're still 2 weeks behind Italy and Spain.

3. Try not be an American retard.

CDC over estimates rather than under. Stop being a scared nigger and pick up some medical journals

actually the whole point is to prevent the hospitals from being overrun. It will be at least a year before a vaccine is widely used and there is no way we can shut things down for one year.

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The number are based on China's statistics assuming they were truthful.

It is as contagious and more deadly. And even if it was just as deadly, the fact is we don't have a vaccine for it right now so the hospitals are being overwhelmed. 20% of the people in the ICU are people between 18-44. This doesn't happen with the flu, and the flu doesn't overwhelm our hospital system and cause PPE shortages.

Out ot 350 million ? Vegas says those odds are bankable....


Where does it say that? Dr. Clifford Lane and Dr. Fauci didn't use any data from China. The CDC for years stopped using data from certain nations (including China) because they hide true figures. Example North Korea.

lol look at all these Americans moving the goalposts. Two weeks ago it was a chink virus that had no chance to infect the US. Then it was only a minor thing that had no way to infect the entire country. Then it was just a normal flu and nothing to get excited about. Now it's "well we're not worse than the countries who've had it the longest. We'll lose 2 million people. Tops. Absolute tops!"

It's hilarious. If the us does reach 2 million dead, chances are good we'll be back here for new excuses and new assurances that the US is the best country in the world. The absolute best. lol. Nothing can shake the American conviction that they're the best. Not even when they absolutely fuck up. Welp. I'll be back next week to remind everyone of how the goalposts have been moved. Again. Like they always are.

Pretty sure you missed the fucking point.
No one is testing everyone. Firstly, it's not possible (even if everyone came somewhere to be tested). Also, the testing takes so long that count will never be accurate until 6 months from now.
The point is, that all things being equal, you're comparing a the entire US to a country that is the size of one of its states.

Updated April 5, 2020, 2:11 A.M. E.T.

1.1 million+


CORONAVIRUS in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count



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Cases by STATE

Cases and DEATHS by STATE and COUNTY


That's not true. The model is based on US data and Italy not China. They said so in the press briefing.

Italy has something like a 10% death rate. If they US got that bad literal millions would die and tens of thousands would already be dead.

This. They are retarded and won't understand.

Scared idiots are overwhelming the hospitals. There are seasonal flue vaccines yet 35-50k people die a year in the US alone and hits multiple millions globally. It is not more contagious than the common cold, Dr. Fauci already admits to over estimating figures in his works as is standard to be on the safe side and it is already stated to not be any more deadly than a bad flu season. Re-read the screen caps I posted. The article is easy to find if you want to educate yourself, unless you are payed to fear monger online?

Italy does not have a 10% death rate. It's just that they're not testing mild cases. So the death rate is inflated because not all cases are in the denominator. Their death rate is probably 1-3% like any other country.

Also, I'm pretty sure epidemiologist are aware of all the variables and adjust accordingly to comorbidities in the US. They're not retards.

Is there a reason why you sucked off a nigger?

>this doesn't happen with the flu
Sure it does. It depends on the strain. Spanish flu affects the young more than the elderly. H3N3 has killed nearly 50,000 a year multiple times.
They're just giving massive amounts of press to 10-100 very special cases and not even giving you any real details about them. It's your standard media attention whoring.

We also have 330 million people. What do you have??

Lol what an idiot, you think the CFR can just be calculated from the current cases in the middle of a pandemic where test are limited. How can you be this retarded?

>what is china, japan and indonesia

We're talking about the seasonal flu that killed 60,000 last year and 20,000 the year before that. Not the Spanish flu you idiot.

>the south is getting assblasted. Georgia just opened all of its beaches, and 8 red states refuse to ask people to stay at home.

fake news


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If they were adjusting for morbidity then the count would be fucking 0.
Not only that, but if people are walking around asymptomatic and it takes 5-8 days for a test result, how the fuck could you possibly even generate a FAKE number to use for a model of 'infected persons' let alone a semi-accurate one?
If the virus has a p=value of 2, and a death rate of 1-2%, then in the US that means 160 mil will get it, and 1.6-3.2 MILLION people will die from it. If those numbers were accurate and New York City was a hot spot, there is no possible way that a MINIMUM of 10,000 people would be dead by 3 months in NYC alone. It's impossible to isolate a city like that from an airborne virus.

Seasonal flu kills tens of thousands... yes. But this is going to kill more than that AFTER the harshest isolation and lock down measures ever.

If this SARS Cov2 was left to swarm unabated like seasonal flu it would kill literally millions.

where is china in this overview?

they have a 12% death rate actually