Why do we keep letting Capitalism kill us Yas Forums?

Why do we keep letting Capitalism kill us Yas Forums?

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Get a job commie faggot

Because capitalism is all amerifags like me know, and even though I see cunts like you constantly complain about our politics your governments are equally unjust, corrupt, and even more shitty. Freedom is an illusion in any country in this world so until you open up your eyes and realize this is as good as it's gonna get. just stfu, this is life.

A mix of under funding schools and strong implementation of propaganda using techniques stolen from Russia.

Give me three rational reasons why as an American I'm brainwashed to think capitalism is the best political system. I'm genuinely curious why people step on capitalism so much other than pure laziness and being bound by unrealistic perceptions of the modern age. You either get fucked by the American Dream, or die in a shitter oversea nightmare. Far as I'm concerned grass is not greener, but please change my mind.

If you have never read the theory books that shaped capitalism you are certainly brainwashed. That's pretty much how propaganda works, you accept something as natural;true;good without the basic knowledge about it

Yeah like people who work/try harder are more successful while the LEECHES and lazy cunts have to eat moths and fuck rats because they're poor.

You're asking someone to give rational reasons that you're brainwashed, how about you explain why the fuck Americas capitalism is better than other countries capitalism. Even mentioning "The American Dream" shows how brainwashed and cucked you are. Americas "capitalism" gives corporate welfare to failing and unviable businesses while leaving people to die homeless, sick, and broke for things outside their control.

People will stop calling you brainwashed when you stop being such a corporate cuck.

I can agree siding with a political system before knowing how it all works is a form of brainwash, but the current state of this world is nothing but corruption, living under capitalism, socialism, or communism doesn't really matter. You're screwed regardless. Everyone knows nothing is what I'm getting at. What makes any goverment better than mine? What makes my goverment shittier than others? And where can I find actual non biased information where I can learn about all this? I feel like people are just gonna inform you in a way that makes then to most profit, not what makes you fully understand the whole scope of things because politics can't be trusted from the start considering it's all for money all the time. As a dumb invidivual I'm powerless in america or anywhere, all I can do is ignore the puppet show that is politics and keep on keeping on. I can vote but everyone will even argue how much power your vote has, I would assume nothing in the broader picture. Idk it's all a web of lies, don't know who to believe or trust. Plus Yas Forums isn't a sound way to began a journey in understanding. I could be brainwashed, or I'm choosing to not give a fuck enough to complain. This is all I've ever known, but I don't anywhere else doing much better or having better lifes. Certainly american culture is greedy and materialistic but that's because we actually make just enough to self indulge. I'm scared of actually forming a confident ideology in politics without eventually finding out I only got educated with more propaganda in what I thought was supposed to be educational and unbiased material. I ramble, I know. Apologies

I was using the american dream phrase sarcastically. Why do you think I used the antonym nightmare in the other half of the same sentence?

I'm not supporting the greedy big businesses, I'm simply challenging the idea it could be better. Surely the goverment will never be not greedy, they need their pawns poor. Stop using cucked when you can't find a better word, fag.

Bump. Can someone reply before this 404s

There is no unbiased opinion, as there is no theoretical work unbiased. To choose not to get involved is to abstain from a preference, not entice one. Capitalism is an economic fundamentally an economic doctrine and its biggest problem is that overreached to every aspect of our lives, every big ideology died because of it. Corruption, entitlement and such things are intrinsic to power so yeah it will exist in every form of government and capitalism you forever shape our politics and our way of life but its ever more evidently non sustainable. We as the young people should read the classics and modern thinkers of political theory so we can be able to navigate trough the inevitable changes that are and will occur in our society

I didn't understood a word of what you said, but it seems you are bashing poor people and have the perception that capitalism favor the hard working people, witch is nonsensical. In my country we have a say that goes something like: if hard work made you rich the baker would be a millionaire

Because boomers are control freaks who make money off us.

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6.5 million layoffs in 2 weeks bruv. Go be a dumbass somewhere else.

Because we're at a point where some of us realize that capitalism doesn't work anymore while others are just grasping for meaning and want a sense of tradition no matter how damaging it is.

We need to make it harder to start businesses and increase regulations. We need to force companies to give 3 months paid time to workers each year. We should be taxing business MUCH more.

It's ok. The taxes made from capitalism cover your ass. OP's picture is backwards btw.

unnecessary jobs obviously, they didn't matter

They could all start their own businesses online where they take credit card payments from website traffic

Thanks for your reply Yas Forumsro. I got a non troll reply when talking politics for once. So what books or sources of information should I look into to get a deeper understanding?

No you shut up I've got another 50 foot yacht I want to buy. Why do you want to punish my success?

wow so much energy to defend your masters, it amazes me to see how mid to low income people can be such big fans of the people that rape them

So you want famines again or what is your point? No system helps against pandemies you dumb faggot.

In a sense don't all jobs matter to feed the big machine? Even if they're flipping burgers and making sub 10 dollars an hour the millions doing so add up to lots of money when Uncle Sam collects.

This. Only unskilled, replaceable retards lose their job during something this temporary.

You sound like a poor person stuck in a infinite ponzie scheme

Business owners should never make more than their employees.

>government tells businesses to close indefinitely
>capitalism's fault

lol ok

By rape you mean having an income and living a relative stressfree life?

The word cuck perfectly applies. You are just accepting that greedy big businesses who fuck over citizens is the best case scenario, and that no other way system that could be better. That's why people are saying you're brainwashed, because American capitalism isn't the best system and that propaganda cons people into believing it's true just keeps lining the pockets of corporations.

this, communism is the only way forward, the people need to retake the means of production

Yes it does faggot. If we had a system of healthcare where anyone could get tested for diseases on demand we wouldn't have nearly as many fucking deaths but instead nooooo you have to pay $1000 per test
Fuck you profit whore

Okay so you tell me the better option. Red pill me on the "best" political system. Because I feel there is no best the people will never be as satisfied as those that rule over them.

you shut up I'm gonna buy stuff while I'm in quarantine and you're out of work

You don't even know what that means. Neither does communism, because it's bullshit. The whole labor theory of value is not applicable in real life.

We're seeing capitalism fail utterly now. China will come out of this in a much better position because the government has more control.

if you can't afford 1k for medical care, you do not matter

You realize a different healthcare system has nothing to do with capitalism or communism right? In South Korea you can get tests very fast and very cheap.

Always nice to have an actual conversation, especially in a place like this. i would recommend The Wealth of the Nations by Adam Smith, Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Von Hayek and Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy by Joseph Schumpeter if you are interested to learn more about capitalism and its fundamentals. If you are more a interest in socialism the combo you should go with The german Ideology/ Manifesto of the Comunist Party by Karl Marx, The Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci and The Dialetics of Enlightment By Mark Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno. I found this works to pretty much summarize the biggest points of each ideology. Those are of course big ass books, so i suggest, if you are interested, looking for academic articles and papers about this books than can summarize them, so you can be sure you are reading something worth of your time! There are surely lots of other intellectuals and works that are pretty good but i personally read and enjoyed these the most. If you would have any suggestion i would love to read it also.

China is capitalist. Its government is authoritarian. You can't honestly believe China is communist lol.

it's the other way around you fucking dumbfuck

>random 4channer knows more than google

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I don't get American health care/insurance. You're supposed to be the richest country in the world, but your not "allowed" to get a chronic terminal illness. In other countries you can at least die with some kind of pride, not putting your remaining family in deep debt.
Even with expensive insurance you still end up having to pay an arm and a leg for basic healthcare.
I know Americans love to politicize every little thing, but this is not a political question. It's just a fucked up, broken system.

sustainable and relatively stress free life is the concept of a pet's life so you got it right chief

China is a communist state that perfected State Capitalism user, political doctrines and economic doctrines can vary wildly

Chairman Mao was an Ayn Rand kind of guy amiright?

Piss off cunt.

Not saying everyone will ever be satisfied, that's just unrealistic. I'm just saying that capitalism (mainly talking American capitalism, but even capitalism in so called socialist-capitalist systems) could be improved on. Couple simple ways easily would be to remove corporate interests and lobbyists from politics, get rid of inhuman price gouging from things like insulin or just basic healthcare, or just reducing corporate welfare.

I'm not even against capitalism in general, I think it provides a great deal of motivation for innovation and provides a decent degree of return of effort/labour. In America though people are motivated more by the fear of poverty than the rewards of capitalism. If it wasn't for how unfair most hard leaning capitalist systems are, you could provide a baseline for people to not live like shit while still giving them motivation to strive to achieve more.

>perfected state capitalism
>the state perfected the state not owning the means of production.

u fuckin' what m8

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Well played. Got a good chuckle!

Did you know america patents more drugs than anyone else in the world? Did you know europeans and the rest of the world reap those benefits? Did you know our fucking tax dollars are used for this? Along with our military? I wish it was different too. I wish your shithole countries had to pay out the ass to have a proper military and pay your share for drug research.

100 social credit points transferred to your account Chang, good job spreading ccp propaganda :)

Are you legit retarded?

There is no barrier between the CCP and private business. They delegate control but can call the shots at any time they want.

Because USA healthcare is a crony paradise and heavily regulated... in favor of the insurers.

yes there is faggot, the fact that market feasibility is the crux of which those private businesses exist, and the CCP exists regardless of any feasibility

Its similar to Germany's, except Germans aren't retarded and didn't centralize their healthcare system unlike dumbass Americans

Sorry to burst your bubble but it seems like you know very little about how their economy runs. Why do you think so many of their rich businessmen either disappear or flee to america when shit gets hairy? Do you think businesses can actually stand up to the government? That they have rights?

if these concepts are foreign to you user i cant be blamed, i wasn't your teacher

wtf is your point exactly? that government is in bed with their corporations/companies?

What's your solution to this anyway "more government"?

Their economy runs hardcore capitalist while their authoritarian government does dumb shit all the time, wasting tax money left and right and trying to control what is not controlable. It's honestly a wonder how China is still operable. If the West suddenly stops buying all their tax money substituted shit China would be hardcore fucked. I hope that day comes.

Haha, blaming others for the problems in your own country. The modern American classic.
So, the US has some of the biggest, most profitable companies in the world. Why not tax the big players more, and at the same time making it easier for small & mid size companies to thrive? Instead you have mid size companies paying more taxes than fucking Amazon.

I know. I lost my job. Because the government said my job wasn’t essential. And now the unemployment is backed up. And you want me to put my faith and trust in these people. You’re nuts.

Capitalism died at the start of the 20th century.
Hate it break it to you, but we've had socialism since FDR's new deal.

state capitalism doesn't exist, its an oxymoron like "left-wing anarchism"

Do you equal more taxes to socialism? Maybe you want to read again what socialism is?

Oh, please enlighten me, user. What is your definition of socialism?

user is not completely wrong, socialism did shaped basic every civilized country in the west in a lot of ways

we still live in the old feudal system the castles have just changed how they look and jews have a tighter grip on the sheckles

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It would be easy to win an election based on only that topic. Massive Healthcare reform. How do we do it? Make the fortune 500 pay like 1-2% more in taxes every year. People are simple, and only understand simple solutions to difficult problems.

this is true.
Time moves forward but shit never changes.

It always amazes me how people with so little knowledge of how anything works have such grand opinions on how things should work.

nah user, low tax environments and policies friendly to big corporations are totes inline with socialism

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trust dude. makes me laugh all the time when people compare economic models.
they're all fools

Probably. But it was the government who helped creating these regulations, so im certain they won't just drop it. Combined with an absurd patent system and an import ban on certain medications, such as insulin, as an example: