When are americans going to say enough is enough? for 4 years now,republicans have tolerated trump's bullshit

when are americans going to say enough is enough? for 4 years now,republicans have tolerated trump's bullshit

should we just force them to get out of office so we can deal with a sick and dieing population? since i guess thats what they meant when they say trump is going to make america great again

wearing masks isnt going to help coronavirus,having a decent healthcare system and quaranting the sick right will

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also,95 percent of people arent going to follow the trump administrations guidelines anyway,i went to the store today and the only people i say wearing masks were old boomers.if they die,great.less people who voted for donald trump in america

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"Make America Dead Again" - Trump/Pence 2020

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Proven fake. Try harder faggot.

Sorry I don't speak retard, what did you say?

2024, maybe the Democrats will scrape together a decent candidate by then.

Don't hold your breath.

Trumps honestly a lot better than what could have been (Hillary) and I'll be voting Trump again if the option for Democrat is Biden, he's just as bad if not worse than Hillary.
I didn't think it'd be hard to replace Trump but my god are Democratic Picks atrocious

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I don't follow Twitter because I'm not a faggot but he did get in front of the camera calling the ban racist. That much is fact.

Yeah... this is what happens when a president constantly lies about the dangers of foreigners. Remember the caravan of Ebolo carrying ISIS members marching toward the border in Mexicos.

Well... you cry wolf enough and people just assume you are full of shit.
Which Trump is...

Of course... maybe these politicans just followed Trump and thought it was just the flu. So, they were wrong like him.... until they weren't.
Then, Trump was still in denial.

Trump chased out the only qualified person in his administration. And now... the US is fucked.

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i think the word you were looking for was


Man, you MUST be getting paid to be this retarded and persistent...

Imagine being this vindictive.
For 4 years.
Well, it's ok. The liberal cities are the ones getting hit, tbh.
>DeBlasio tells people to go on about their lives.
>It's Trump's fault.
Mental gymnastics, baby. Round Two.

It's almost like they're either:
-not trying
-to stupid to understand what the public wants
-both of the above

How blind are you? Democrats are the real racists, I guarantee you every single person making these cancerous threads with childish insults are of brown/dark skin, it is the only thing they share in common. It should be fairly obvious by now.


>"Trump chased out the only qualified person in his administration"

Funding all the Mexican drug cartels and throwing cash at random foreign countries for no reason is totally good qualification, faggot

DeBlasio and city Mayors don't get national security briefings from the CDC. Trump does you dipshit.

And the Senate didn't get their briefing until late Jan after which pic related sold her stocks for profit. That is when the Senate Found out.
Some of these democrats you mock started to push for social distancing. Eventually dopes like DeBlasio recognized their error.
Had there been better leadership this wouldn't have happened.

Trump was still in denial until 2 weeks ago.

The mental gymnastics are done by you. Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug. Just say "I was a moron for buying Trump's shit". And then look at reality again.

Its scary... 200,000 dead and Trump thinks its a good job. I'm sure you think its a good job too. Christ... it isn't.

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Niggers and spics are the real racists -> Niggers and spics hate trump for no reason because they are racist, End.

Looks like someone left the door to the echo chamber open and some retards wandered out.

"Give the Government all the control because I don't want to ever accept responsibility ever and also I'm a huge childish faggot." - (you)

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Fall in behind Biden.

No Refunds!

English is not your first language is it???

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I hate the establishment, but I just didn't think he would make the right decisions. He should have led the world in locking down the coronavirus, but his supplicant base would have turned on him. History would have seen him as a hero, but he would have lost the 2020 election. In a way, he's just playing the Mysterio role right now.

You can live with that

Or maybe not live...

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You are a fucking idiot or a child with idiot parents. You call for treason against almost half of the elected American politicians? You are a traitor unless your are a child and your parents are the failure. 1 president, 1 vice president, 435 Representatives from the states, 100 congressman. All of the legislature from your state, the governer of your state. You local mayor and city or county officials.... And you blame 1 guy? You are a fucking moron. Your city could have quarantines, your state could have quarantined, and they should have. It shouldn't be the federal government's job to make local businesses shut down. I don't want them to abuse their power in that way.
Do you think Trump opens and closes hospitals and designed the health care system? You are a true moron or just crazy to attribute a virus from another country or the problems with the American health care system to 1 man who has had office for 3 years. Fix yourself. Run for office or shut your mouth. You want someone out of office, cast your vote but your stupid ass doesn't get a million votes to mine just because you talk out of your ass. The states wanted Trump more than the other candidates. If you don't like that do something about it at the next election. But you are proving the point of everyone who voted for Trump last time. You are making his case for him.

Because we are sheep

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It's like the people in power at DNC don't want to admit they are wrong. So instead of admitting how they fucked up so badly that they handed the election to Trump they want to double down. More race politics and divisive politics to split the country. Only the stupid fell for DNC tactics and Sanders is now on record with racist comments towards whites. There is no way that Trump loses this time. If America comes out of this fine then he was right. if it comes out bad, it's mostly bad in far left sanctuary cities and they appear to blame. If Trump calls for everyone back to work then he saved the American economy. If he keeps people home he kept us safe.
Meanwhile the Democrats call everyone who sides with Trump on anything a racist and sexist a hillbilly and a moron. There is no one who votes for Trump that can vote Democrat because they have insulted them for the last 4 years.

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Constantly mocking him for the color of his skin and childish mocking of his appearance. Racists and bullies.

Why do people waste time in these threads arguing about shit they have no power over?

Yes I agree 100%, it is completely fine to point out errors and stuff he could have improved on, Shit I bet he would actually like to hear this criticism so he can do a better job.

The problem is two things, first off the democratic side is such a shit fest cess pool of complete fucking idiots, both Hillary and Obama are probably the worst possible choices that could ever even come to thought for this nation, both of them have COUNTLESS horrendous examples of why they are such trash, And insults/bias attacks based on no logic at all whatsoever is not good for anything, it is just wasting time for absolutely no reason other than to attract attention.

So while Trump is not the absolute prime best person, and has many faults, WHEN COMPARED to the other side you would have to be the dumbest mother fucker on the planet in about every single imaginable way possible to think he is a bad president, in fact he will easily go down as one of the best in this nations history.

Cities and States DON'T get national security briefings from the CDC. So, no they couldn't have acted sooner. This started coming out only after the House and Senate were briefed and people started talking to the press.

As for why its Trump's fault.
It was his organizational failure. He set up an Boss Baby executive system and kicked out anyone who didn't kiss his ass or give him news he wanted to hear. So all we had left after three years were yes men dumbasses or yes men manipulaotrs.

So, when there was something he didn't want to hear. There is a dangerously contagious disease that threatens the economy... no one is there to push him into taking it seriously. So, he declares nothingburger and the people around him nod.

Honestly, this could have turned Trump into Reagan.

Blue States are skeptical of him... but are fine with federal power. If he showed some leadership and generosity... they would have probably rolled with him once they understood the danger.

Red states on the other hand are skeptical of federal power, but love Trump. If he told them to freeze their economies they go with it to. Imagine if Shillary was trying to close Georgia and Mississippi... they would be outright violence.

Trump was in the perfect position for greatest. He was perfectly position to have responded to this problem and gotten us through this shitstorm with minimal causalities.

Instead he didn't get out of his own way... and was in denial up until too weeks ago.
Its a wasted opportunity and now 200,000 Americans will die. Its a god damn tragedy. Stop trying to exonerate him. He blew it despite being in the perfect position to lead us through this struggle.

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>If Trump hasn't been elected, then we wouldn't be jeopardizing public health for the sake of being contrarian
>So, you see, it's all the evil orange man's fault!
imagine being this retarded

And note... if Trump made the right call and those Blue State governors resisted a lock down cause they hate Trump. The Bodies would start piling up and Democrats would probably be finished as a party.


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Are you being paid to post anti trump bullshit everyday?

Not true, he drained the fucking swamp (and rightfully so) of complete fucking degenerate faggots that tried to bring him down for NO REASON, 1 example being the Ukraine phone call. It was a completely fine phone call yet some fucking faggot with a hair up his ass so far up to his nose had some fucking issue tried to get him impeached, but because they had the transcript nothing happened.

The same exact concept applies to the fucking clown shit show of the FBI hit squad that tried bringing him down, strzok and paige romantically texting each other that "this will never happen", is a complete fucking disgrace and it is a complete fucking joke that you won't even admit it.

He probably could have done more to prevent it, and I'll give you credit he shouldn't have downplayed it so hard on Twitter; However it would be physically impossible to contain such a virus without an extreme authoritative measure, USA is definitely the most commerced country in the world and is home to the most valuable families of various countries, it is not his fault and practically the rest of the world got infected with it also.

Why not blame China? They concealed it for over a month and evaporated the original whistleblowing Dr.s that worked on it, Why not blame the true cause that burns mass pigs in graves as a hobby and beats dogs before eating them because it "tenderizes" the meat?

Because you have a hair so fucking far up your ass for this man and are brainwashed beyond any type of sanity to think rationally.

It's most likely a bot. I'm guessing it's like tech support: bot creates the thread, then makes scripted replies. If someone posts something that the bot can't reply to, then control is forwarded to some pajeet in a call center

Updated April 4, 2020, 8:40 P.M. E.T.

1.1 million+


CORONAVIRUS in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count




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MAP: nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html?#map

Cases by STATE

Cases and DEATHS by STATE and COUNTY

Makes sense. Reason why they never say anything and just post jiberish nonsense statements.

Americans tolerated that nigger commie chimp, even if trump isnt perfect he’s human, and doesn’t hate the country he lives in.

you americans are a bunch of retards, you deserve this.

You really need to watch a station other than FoxNews or Bretbart.

Try CBS... they are pretty objective.

None of this is relevant. And if you think he drained the swamp... look no further than son-in-law Jared. This slumlord sociopathic creep is worse than the fucking swamp monster.

China is to blame... BUT the problem for the U.S. response is that other countries were in the same boat (Taiwan and South Korea) and actually responded appropriately. They saved thousands of lives.

They found out at the same time as we did (South Korea on literally the same day), but they took it seriously. Hell Taiwan hasn't even needed to social distance cause they quarantined Chinese visitors who had it and everyone they were in contact with.

They had the same info from CHina as we did... and they did it right. Trump took that info and decided nothingburger. Now 200,000 Americans will die and Trump says he's doing a good job.

I'm not the one who is brainwashed.
As I said... Trump could have turned this into the biggest political win in history possible destroying the Democratic party. Instead a lot of Americans are gonna die. And yeah... that makes me mad. If your not mad about 200,000 dead Americans... your not an American.

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Nothing can get Trump out.

And I say that as a ballsacking leftist. Biden doesn't stand a chance.

Well the US is doomed

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Don't really watch any news to be honest, but you can damn sure bet I avoid the bias ones like politico and washington times, do check in on CNN for a laugh here or there but thats about it.

I already said I agreed he could've not downplayed it so hard on twitter, and I've said since the first day that this is a bio weapon and the danger should be taken very seriously, but regardless of how you want to look at it we are like 50x bigger than south korea and Taiwan. And the rest of the world got infected as well, it literally would have been physically impossible to contain it unless we did something like out of the day after tomorrow. Want to talk about Bidens son then, with his oil company corruption?

Fuckin I Am Legend I mean**
And I do read a lot, but don't watch any news really unless it's big ticket stuff

Try CBS if you can. I found them to be very sensible. Nothing like 60 Minutes.

We are bigger than S. Korea and Taiwan... but they took it seriously. They had pandemic response teams because H1N1 hit them hard. We had a pandemic response team too... Trump got rid of it. I can't vote for a guy who got 200,000 people killed. Biden is a dope... but Obama did get the economy back on track. I'm not sure the Republicans can do it. The party is pretty damn corrupt with 2 prominent members shorting stocks while lying to the public. Mitch McConnell is a retard. Pelosi and Shumer are no good... but they did get a extra 600 in unemployment for people.

I don't think some guys in the CDC are swamp guys. They are just doctors studying disease. It was a mistake to eliminate that response team.

As for Biden's kid... whatever. Every politician has a dipshit relatives. Billy Carter got a loan from Muammar Gaddafi. Ronald Reagan had Ron Jr. and Patti Davis (Playboy). George H.W. had W. Trump has some real morons around him. Jared is just the most obvious. Don Jr. is also a complete waste of humanity. Ivanka is not so bad.

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>Mueller / Ukraine phone call were perfect.

Bullshit. You're delusional.

ANY president in the history of this country would have been impeached, BUT for FOX News airing shit like the 'Mueller Crime Family'.

ALL of a sudden a decorated veteran turns into a commie. Yeah, right.

IF Trump did NOTHING wrong, why didn't he testify? I'll tell you why, Because he's a LYING POS.

Over 16,000 Lies in 3+ years. My bad. After all, only 10% of his Lies were actual Lies.Call it ONLY 1,600 Lies b/c of the MSM, amirite?.

Trump embraces VICTIMHOOD and his IGNORANT supporters suck it up.

Perfect phone call my ass. Crooked Senate will NOT convict Trump of ANYTHING. Only defense is conspiratorial bullshit. Again, parroted by FOX Nutwork.

Nixon never would have been impeached under today's "New Norm".

It's okay. The tables will be turned sooner or later.

Payback is a BITCH.

Coronavirus is a hoax. You're literally being lied to your face and you're too much of a bootlicker to see it.

The deaths are exaggerated = dying from anything else while maybe being near covid and they say covid got you.

The mortality rate is falsified.

The measures being taken are doing nothing more than washing hands and not coughing on others like the stupid faggot neckbeard you are.

The number of critically ill people is false.

The power grabbing bureaucrats are fooling you, and you're thanking them for being permitted to live in their nazi state.

Shut up bootlicking nigger faggot cuck.

Get curbstomped, you Antifa gender confused cunt.

Do you ever get tired of posting the same shit on b every day?

LOL believing statistics and numbers from the media.

Get this schill.

Baloney. There's sites out there other than Breitbart, Fox, NYT. Try CDC, or no you can't trust them either.

Donald J. Trump, the last honest man on earth.

It's his literal job.

CDC told me masks don't do anything and is forbidding medical personnel from using them. I believe official sources over Yas Forums.

I'm sure you'll get a red armband and the rank of Oberleutnant.

Your commitment to the state and its lies will be rewarded.

Trump needs to stop the madness of the statist, or he can burn with them. And I like him as prez

Exactly. After seeing a handful of these threads, you can tell that the exact same things are being said every time with a minor variation in vocabulary. It only appears to be a conversation as long as you don't participate.

Say anything outside of meme replies, and the bot instantly fails the Turing test

We made our bed, now we have to sleep in it.
Unfortunately electing Trump will cost 100,000+ lives, but it was our decision as a whole.
My only hope is that we as a people can elect someone who can repair our country

Can't face the truth, TOO FUCKING BAD.

Conspiracy loving POS, alternative fact motherfuckers.

Where's your evidence?

Okay. CDC Bad, Trump good.


Deaths from COVID-19


Sorry kid I believe what the CDC says. Masks don't do anything.

I'm probably not going to respond to your next nigger speaking post unless you say something sound, but just to give you a bone You're wrong as fucking shit, he didn't do anything illegal and it was completely reasoned considering Bidens' son does have weird connection ties to high executive gas/oil companies, and he didn't with hold shit by any measure. Even Ukraine admitted there was "no push"; AND he didn't even realize that we had aid to give them. Why would anyone want to testify in a complete fucking circus zoo? I sure as hell wouldn't, just a complete fucking waste of time for a bunch of porch monkeys.

You are so deranged and need help badly, I'll pray for you.

Also good job hitting only 1 fucking point out of multiple arguments in that paragraph, Care to explain the Strzok/Paige dilemma?

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