How do we stop and end racism for good?

How do we stop and end racism for good?

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By killing all whites.

You don't


If OP promises to kill himself immediately, we shall end racism for evermore.

killing all niggers

It's simple. Education.
National socialist hated books and intellectuals for a reason.

Also, we gotta keep communism back as well with education in basic economics.

So, the answer to this and also keeping our society together is simply education. Now how the hell are we gonna fix the broken system with all the admin sucking the money out of everyone? I don't know.

The white blood is the one that isn't mostly kool aid.

dumb fuck
racist fucker

because society would collapse without whites, thus due to the lack of modern comforts, we turn into some primitive species who fight over scraps, never learning racism as we never collectively become a race for us to universally hate, but rather small nomad tribes?

unfortunately, educated people know that the distribution of iq between races is enough to prove that whites and asians are the superior races.

bottom right

We just need to form some teams. I think it should be america, all white europeans, chinese, and japanese against everyone else. Whites and asians can either divide up the world among themselves after everyone else is dead or we can just have a round 2. But first things first. All blacks and middleasterners GOT to go

I would say we systematically inter breed until we are all café latte



The one without aids and sickle cell.

Silly, you can't literally SEE HIV in blood.

There are deviations to that generalization, and in the grand scheme of things, I wouldn't want to destroy a potentially valuable person based on how they look. If anyone even consider that, they should be ashamed of themselves.

Love is the only way to stop racism annon

Make sure to spread love

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>ass-blasted nigger and/or nigger-lover detected

You can't end racism for good just like you can't end murder for good. There's just always going to be a small percentage of people in the world that will do shitty things.

That said, the best a society can do is to have a single standard of law that treats all individuals by the same standard.

want to try to say it to my face irl? ill fucking smash your teeth in wh*toid

He's got a point tho, dumb as it is. In the OPs scenario, people with AIDS and sickle cell anemia (usually) can't donate blood, so that does disproportionately discount a lot of blacks. Not that it's a case for/agianst racism but if we're talking about a blood bank

end whites

Kill all the niggers and racism will end overnight.

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However, when presented the crime statistics, that 10% of the population commit 50% of the crimes, it becomes somewhat of a trolley bus issue. If we killed all the blacks now, less people would die or be afflicted by crime due to such actions in a long shot.

Not only killing niggers is ethical, it's morally superior and just.

i'd be happy to say it to your face, but its getting dark out and I'm not sure I could find you

id be more worried about picking nig blood cause of aids and stds

Also, blacks are generally lower IQ, more greedy and violent people, and economically less advantaged which add up to me guessing the rate of black to white donors being something like 1000 to 1. or less.

Get your fucking facts right bitch.
There is such a thing as black and white blood.

Honestly black people are so ugly as a rule that you could argue for their extermination solely based on aesthetic principles. You wouldn't even have to bring up crime stats, iq, poverty level, drug use, disease rate, illiteracy, or even basic fucking hygiene

Kill all niggers
This made me fucking lol. All youd have to do is make him smile tho then you can see him in the dark

>Kill all the shitskins
>Problems solved

The white one is the one that doesnt have AIDs

Yeah, no. Going by that standard asians are superior.
Moreover that metric completely ignores the massive difference in support that different environments have.

Also, have you seen old pictures in the middle east before religious extremism took over after coups and massive western interference?
Environment matters.

>those in glass houses...

Put all the trump supporters in one place and then build a wall around them

We could exterminate you.
No argument needed.

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Segregation, send all the niggers to Africa and it should be good everyone else would live in peace and the niggers can live in trash like they want to

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im reporting all racism i see in this thread
saying the n word is against US Law


plus it has the consistency of molasses. Thats why niggers so lazy until you put them in the sun for a few hours.

Low tier bait

That is your best? I'm disappointed

Found the roodypoos

No it isnt nigger

dubs checked nigger

Haha, no! Kill yourself, please?

The Coofers are coming for you.

Nice dubs, nigger

fortunately africa was one of the best environments, proving further whites superiority. Obviously white people are well established and able to out innovate the japs who have higher IQ, so whites must have underlying traits that are useful when combined with IQ that outperform the japs. Blacks however tend to not get much done and are lazy so i'm going with whites and asians.

sup oldfag

>build a wall around Trump supporters
>suddenly highest property value in America


Enjoy jail racists

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and there's always sickle cell anemia and g6pd. how come these nigs haven't been wiped off the planet? fuck

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Nigger nigger nigger

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as long as it keeps the nigs and mudlslimes out, id be ok with it

>not changing your jpg filename
I'm back tracing your ip now, you goober. Get ready to get hacked.

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Rape niggers, chinks & spics aborting any male children or sand nigger looking abominations. Thick lips, flat faces or general Catholicness = Abort.

Freedom of speech. It's important to openly talk about it anyway.

Bottom line is, we got two dangerous ideologies here that has and will probably continue to kill countless people: national socialists and commies.

Scum of the Earth is what they are. A bunch of spinless victims.

Blood has a type and if you transfuse the wrong type it kills.
Race needs to be understood and respected, that's how you end the stupid idea that only white people are evil racists or that all racism is bad.

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>time is racist
dubs checked

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>they'll never be the same

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you cant as long as there is more than 1 race. best chance is to make one particular race a common enemy and that would at least create unity within the others. i vote blacks because most races already hate them so you wouldn't have to do much

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that memo went out a long time ago

koko is legally a non-human person.
niggers are just non-human.

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Bottom left obvs