is this traditional Danish attire?
Is this traditional Danish attire?
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sex sex sex
hope that's a man
yes it is danish women and danish men both wear them
how much is his onlyfans
Cool, I like the Spanish national costume too
White women >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any other race of women
I don't see a pig's tail
for a certain Danish king, yes.
oh no no no even I have 3k more than that
Faggots out here whoring themselves out for 15 followers kek
they do it for free
post your twitter
Yes, but only the cutest are allowed to wear it
Yes I dress like this
oh it's an actual man...
too late nigga, you gay now
>that manhand
>that limp wrist
That kinda hurts to look at.
you don't deserve attention if you're gonna whore yourself for random people on fucking Yas Forums
how much would you pay for me to make one?
haha you have the gay now
cute prince
This nigga has bigger forearms than me
Yeah, my erection struggling against my jeans does kind of hurt
nothing, but someone else would play some dollars
Yeah im strong enough to pin you down :^)
Lovely, how are you holding up?
Perhaps but it seems heartless.
about tree fiddy
daily reminder the dane cross dresser only likes buff bears
twinks BTFO once again
hanging in there, masturbating the hours away one day at a time
is this what prison feels like?
you do know I like all types of men right?
where does one get such clothes?
asking for myself
>lowering your standards when you look like that
make the losers in this thread work for it honey
I gave 20 danish kroner for the bunny suit and added the fur myself.
You know the breeding habbits of rabbits? >:3
I honestly like all types of guys and what matters most is that I like their attitude.
What kind of attitude do you like?
these are absurdly large nipples my guy
Confident, dominant, caring, easy going, passionate.
look i'm not into guys but i'd let you teach me about those habits just once
>all types of dudes
if i were you i would only go out with rich white buff daddies who have lots of money
if I see one sure. But how do I find those?
Du är söt :3
hej hej, i lige måde!
was their not some rich white guy flirting with you at one point?
said he made 100k plus a year?
think it was 160k plus
just ignore most of us losers on 4channel
and find someone to spoil you and buy you nice things
Man arms and big feet.
I don't recall ever talking about that.
And yeah I ignore all Yas Forums posters who are haters.
have you guys really inflated his ego that far
the higher they climb the harder they fall
im not talking about haters
im talking about 4channel neets who cant do any thing for you
besides give you replies on a anime image board saying how cute you are
find someone nice to take care of you
just some advice
Äh, jag är väl inte så söt. Jag är mest ensam. Så ensam att jag nu brevar bilder på mig själv till främmande män. Den här bilden brevade jag igår.
Jag är icke så stolt över mig själv just nu. Jag vill bara ha någon att snacka med :(
he should look for someone that like him the way he is not the way he looks, he won't stay cute forever
I do this for my own sake, not other people's.
ahhh den røv er dejlig. Jeg er også ensom men hvad kan man gøre?
will probably end up like all the other people with orbiters on this site
good one
i think he is the only one left
He started recently.
which one is your dream BF Yas Forums?
piggy here
friendly reminder
Androgynous boyish twinks >>>>>> traps
>thinking traps are real
that was your first mistake
thanks Sven
you're cool
damn, daneslut lookes very danish
traps only look good in cosplays
They are real.
I fucked one like a few months ago.
>ahhh den røv er dejlig
Tack hvad kan man gøre?
Om jag skickade ett meddelande till dig på twitter, skulle du svara då? Du verkar vara en hygglig dreng.
is that you in the pic? If so I want to lick your tummy so fucking bad (no homo)
yes that's me
you're cool too
>Cat girls
Kill yourself animal fucker.
What do you think about my tummy ?
>Spanish twink in the thread admits to wanting black cock
do mutts count?
based. would you be upset if I informed you I was masturbating to your picture user?
not a fan of hair but kissable belly
awww not at all, if you want more you can find them at rinnene22 on twitter
>another twitter
>not a fan of hair but kissable belly
danish girls have big feet.
>>Spanish twink in the thread admits to wanting black cock
not really I prefer white or asian boys
jeg kan ikke se din besked men jeg er dog ikke så klog på twitter.
he is a slut he would take any cock
how about italians
italians are white and cute to me
Har icke skickat något, ville veta om du var intresserad först.
Jag skickar ett besked imorgon, ska sova nu. Sov gott söta du