What sci-fi movie should I watch tonight?

What sci-fi movie should I watch tonight?

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Event horizon...

Keep it light. Go for "Andromeda Strain"

I was probably 200m away when this ship beached, staying at the cadet base just out of frame to the left of this picture. Shit was epic to watch.

Also, not a movie, bit watch the expanse

But it’s not in reality

It's a "panamax" right? My father and I were wondering if it was a part of a ship breaking operation.

Seen it twice which is once too much.
I'll check it out.

Mad Max Road Warrior
West World movie
Logans Run

edge of tomorrow

It's the pasha bulker, pretty sure they changed the name after this incident, yeah, it's a panamax, ran aground during a storm in 2007

>Mad Max

This movie really doesn't hold up well.

Why is it in no way even a little hydrodynamic?
So it will fit more snugly into the panama canal?

It's called MV Drake now.

It is, it's just taken with a super zoom lens which heavily compresses space. Perspective gets thrown way off and the distance between things become negligible.

The Ice Pirates

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Not the case at all champ. I was living in Newcastle NSW at the time. It was right fuckin' there.

The only good recent sci-fi is
Ex Machina
High Life

to a less extent

Not the case at all champ. I was living in Newcastle NSW at the time. It was right fuckin' there.

The fifth element

Cadet base at Nobby's Beach?


Annihilation is worth watching for the imagery
I Am Mother can be pretty gripping, just don't read a review and spoil yourself
Life is a pretty good space thriller
The Host (the Korean one) is a good monster movie

What? I'm saying the boat is there. The way the photo is taken makes it seem strange.

Turkish Star Wars

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Gives you that kind of claustrophobic/isolated feeling.

Oblivion is decent. +1 for the Expanse as well. Aliens is always a great ride. Original Bladerunner, directors cut. Stargate. Would you like to know more?

I was going to say this as well. Got bad reviews but I thought it was fun.

actually a pretty good mindfuck movie even if it does star cult manlet cruise

The man is a maniac but he does tend to make good movies.

John Carpenter's, 'The Thing".

Seemed alot like you were saying the ship isn't as close to shore as it appears to be

Moon Trap. It's obscure but amusing.

Ex Machina

Unrelated, the movie Outbreak holds up much better than I expected.

Her is slow moving and about relationships, but good
Attack the Block is a pretty solid bit of British B-movie sci fi with a recognizable lead
Ghost in the Shell (1995) is one of the all-time greats
Flash Gordon (1980) is pretty much the apex of cheesy B-movies
They Live is constantly referenced for a reason, plus it has one of the greatest fight sequences of all time

Blade Runner final cut on Netflix

Starship Troopers is always fun.

I love these poster give me more!

what you wanna see OP?

Thirded. I liked Pandorum.

Have to agree. Oblivion and Edge of Tomorrow were both excellent too.

A sequel would be interesting. Humanity starting from scratch on a new planet. Somebody tell Netflix, they're looking for stuff like that.


Training ship Tobruk, just across from Nobby's, next to the pilot station

13 Monkeys

Fuck that was a stupid movie
>Alita, there's something I need to tell you
>Alita, there's something more I need to tell you about

>Plot twist #15, Alita, you're a warrior or some shit
>We never see the floating city
>Ends with her being a rollerball star

huh. I didn't realize they made a sequel.

An overlooked B roll that is better than it deserves is Space Truckers.

>They Live
Loved it.
This reminds me of another good one, Dark City.

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I think i remember that one. Had a nice look.

Fellow Geordie reporting in m8

Good film

Watched the manga original from the 90s. Started amazing. Ended dreadfully. So never went to see the new film.

I didn't know it was a remake but yes it ended stupidly.

They Live was until recently on Dailymotion. This movie is truly awesome.
Also the 5th Element. I watch both repeatedly.

Seats taken

There are several original "books" about her, this is only the beginning, hence the cliffhanger ending.

I think they could have made an amazing TV series or series of films out BA Alita. It's a decent concept just...missed the boat a bit

Will they make another live action?

Battlefield Earth dude, you can watch Forest Whitaker and John Travolta do a pretty good Korn impression.

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Probably true, I never read the books/comics. Only saw the 90s TV episodes. Might explain why to me it felt like the TV episodes I saw didn't go nowhere coz it was only the start of the story...

Fine then you dildo, 'virus'