Does anyone know how many people have died of covid19...

Does anyone know how many people have died of covid19? Not Coronavirus but covid19 itself because I can't find the numbers anywhere, currently all deaths from seasonal flu are added to the coronavirus because seasonal flu comes under the coronavirus umbrella, people are dying from heart attacks/strokes ect but they have a cold, the common cold also comes under the coronavirus umbrella so the also get put on the coronavirus deathlist with "underlying health conditions" all I want to know is the exact number of people who have died of covid19 not coronavirus

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Try using google

I've tried that they only list all the coronavirus deaths but not the deaths from just covid19

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Someone must know the number, come on guys help me out.

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1.1 million+

Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count
Updated April 4, 2020, 3:46 P.M. E.T

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Cases by State

Cases and deaths by state and county

I don't think you understand the question I don't want to know how many people died of coronavirus I can already find that number, people die every year of "coronavirus" I want to know how many people have died of covid19

People that test Negative for "coronavirus" and DIE are not classified under the "coronavirus". umbrella"

So no one can find the actual number then

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Yes because they tested "negative" for it you fucking spastic

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You know I didn't think it was going to be this hard, I mean not to find out how many people have died of covid19 that seems pretty impossible but I dint think it would be that hard for people to understand a simple fucking question.

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Holy fuck why are you people so dense. OP is not the faggot this time


I understand the question. I don't really have an answer for ya though however I also don't know a whole lot about health stuff at all, so I'm not sure if your question actually makes sense. Like are there still other coronavirus' besides covid19 right now? Like I said I'm retarded

Here's a bump so maybe a bigger brain sees thread and can explain or get a real number

Not OP but for everyone interested, you can watch this short video and will understand a lot more

The word coronavirus umbrellas alot of nasty things seasonal flu, the common cold, SARS, MERS, covid19 a whole host of nasty things and some that are really not that bad, got the sniffles? Yeah you got coronavirus. Seasonal flu kills tens of thousands of people every year and always has, this year all those deaths have been added to the "coronavirus" death list because it comes under that umbrella but covid19 is the stain this year that we are all supposed to be scared of. Now don't get me wrong I'm not denying that people haven't died of covid19 because clearly they have but I just was the number of people who have died from that strain not everyone who has died this year of "coronavirus"

Are you fucking retarded? READ

This video explained a lot. I kinda knew all that which is why I understood the question a bit. (I knew covid 19 was a type of coronavirus anyway, but not for example whether it was simply the new type, others died as it mutated sort of deal for example) but I didn't know how much of an umbrella it was.

I am really stupid with this sort of stuff, haven't even talked to a doctor in probably a decade.

China lied so millions have died good luck with fake numbers

Oh I SEE. Just a LOT MORE people DEAD b/c of the COMMON COLD, SARS, MERS, and the SNIFFLES.


That cool theres no shame in admitting you you don't really understand something hopefully you take something away from this but please understand that the death rates they are quoting to you in you country will include seasonal flu and people who just happened to die with a cold ect now go and look up what the death rate was in your country from seasonal flu last year and the year before and you will see the numbers really aren'tthat scary. I really didnt think it would be that hard to find out how many people have died from the strain of this years flu covid19 tho however it seems almost impossible.

Not a lot more dead the numbers are about right for seasonal flu this year however the numbers are being bulked up by people who are dying with colds of unrelated matters ie heart attack ect and then being added to the "coronavirus" death list. However I really don't want to talk about that I just want to see if anyone can find out how many people have died of covid19 not coronavirus

You have proof for this?


Confirmed COVID-19 deaths by country

Just fraudulent STATISTICS, amirite?.

>how many people have died of covid19? Not Coronavirus but covid19 itself
what's the difference?

I was never really afraid of it anyway tbh. Always been much more afraid of what the government tries to take from us. So far I have a curfew but as far as I can tell it's not enforced except on business. Police aren't supposed to do traffic stops anymore either, or any petty shit like that. I've noticed nobody really taking advantage of that and that I'm much more comfortable around cops haha

Coronavirus is an umbrella term that encompasses more viruses than covid 19 specifically. So someone could die of coronavirus and have never had specifically covid 19

If you weren't lazy and actually read people's responses, you'd understand that there are a lot of diseases that are classified as a type of coronavirus. Covid-19 is the particular strain of virus that people are freaking out over.

What country are you from?

Look at the official count then add 275,000 to China’s count. Add a lot of numbers to India, African, and South American countries that don’t have the capacity to test.

So what you are saying then is if you dont know the numbers and have no way to test you should just make them up?

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America. Right by Philly if that matters

coronavirus and covid19 is the same fucking thing you retard

>Not a lot more dead, numbers are being bulked up by people who are dying with colds of unrelated matters ie heart attack ect

Uh-huh, so INDUSTRIES across the WORLD
shut the F*ck DOWN. Got it.

Sounds like your looking for conspiracy fuel suggesting that the numbers are inflated because people are dying of "complications" or coronavirus.

This is the Covid-19 stats

Complications... that result from the disease are lumped in there because they death is attributed to the disease.

For example, if I were to cave your head in and you were to die a week later from a heart attack while you were laying in a coma... I wouldn't be able to say "Muh heart attack... this is just assault and not murder" because my caving in your ignorant ass head ultimately started a chain of events that ended your worthless life. That's why its murder.

Complications work kinda like that. These people are dying due to the disease. Say when a person with asthma dies because their its too much fluid in their lungs and they have an asthma reaction. They attribute it to covid19 because you wouldn't have died of the attack were it not for the disease.

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I should say it also seems like most people are following the curfew advice as well as all advice coming from our governments. But I still see a car on the road now and again passed 8 and have driven passed curfew without issue

Apparently 200 people in california are dead from this chinkflu. So 200 dead = 40millon on lockdown. Seems legit

Nobody has said conspiracy on his side. Matter of fact there's a fucking video in this thread and you would know if you had seen it this could easily be that we're just wrong about how bad it is. Nobody with Ill intent is required for this to be true

This was the same response post 9/11 with Taliban and al qaeda they were both used to mean the same thing.
Donald Trump signed the peace agreement with the Taliban a few months back so the war on terror has ended but the war on viruses has just begun.
We don't have to be scared of muslims or terror cells anymore but we now have to be scared of everyone, friends, familys, coworkers, people in the street no one is safe from this....sound familiar?

You're real smart aren't you

Funny you should say about caving someone's head in, a man in the uk died after he was cleaning out the guttering on his house and smashed his head off the patio so he died of blunt force head trauma but tested positive for coronavirus in the autopsy, now have a guess at what list he got added too?

Passive aggressive thread by Trump OP to downplay COVID-19 death toll.

>muh orange man bad
>muh still thinks the 2 sides are different
We're talking about the government at large, not one guy. Maybe one day you'll get it

Well keep your eyes open as this one got passed in the uk last week and most of the people in the country have no idea this was passed

Forced detention and isolation can be of anyone, including children, and for any amount of time.

Authorities can FORCEABLY take biological samples from your body. Your body becomes the property of the state.

There’s no clear access to legal rights from as-yet unidentified isolation facilities.

Powers last up to 2 years, with reviews every 6 mths

Lockdown powers could prevent protests against measures.

State surveillance safeguards weakened.

Protections from forced detainment and treatment under Mental Health Act lowered.

Cremations can be enforced against personal and religious wishes.

Changes to the court system. Registration of deaths.

No inquests into suspicious deaths! No requirement for any medical certification for burials or cremations!

It also indeminfies the health service should they fail for what ever reason to provide care.

Only one medical 'officer' is required to sign off COMPULSORY TREATMENT ORDER which means... in the real world you can be forced to accept medication. Or held down and injected with whatever is seen fit.

Local Authorities will now be exempted from compliance with their duties under The Care Act 2014. Schedule 11.

So. If someone dies in police custody or any type of custody they can simply dispose of the body without any paperwork medical exam or certification or inquest

What makes you think that flu comes under coronavirus "umbrella" . Flu is caused by a different virus called influenza. All deaths under covid-19 arencoronavirus since thats the only coronavirus that killes peoples on the reg. Human coronavirus that we experience as common flu doesnt generally kill.

Apparently that "commie" Newsome made the right call EARLY.

YOU know highly contagious and all.

Great to know the NBA is part of the conspiracy. Flushing tens of billions down the toilet. They shut down a week or two B4 California.

Common flu kills tens of thousands of people every year, mostly old people or people with underlying health conditions.
It italy between 2013 and 2017 common flu killed 68000 people in that country alone.
And yes common flu is classed as coronavirus

Concern troll... gotta get the numbers totally right here!

Remember the White House projected 200,000 fatalities and Trump said he'd be doing a good job if he kept it that low.

As for that Youtube video (Dr. Wodarg).... perhaps you should do better sourcing on that so that it is clear where its coming from.

He's being interviewed as part of a critical documentary entitled "Virus Madness" on the WHO and its conflicts of interests. They are raising funds for it on

It sounds like a conspiracy movie to me! Low budget Zeitgeist.

Wow... un-sourced anecdotes. You've changed my mind. Coronavirus head trauma. If it is one case, maybe it is some cases or majority of cases. Or even all cases.

WELL ACTUALLY... people aren't dying of the virus at all. They are dying from immune system responses that fills their lungs and suffocates them. So... no worries.

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1) Be global cabal.

2) Doan want any more useless eaters, human weeds, oxygen wasters , cuz mai technology, AI, 3D printers, robots, wireless energy, roadless travel &c.

3) Create mass global crisis under auspices of alleged global pandemic.

4) Roll out weaponized 5G communication protocol that makes the body more prone to millenea old corona type common cold, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, ordinary sicknesses. Useless eaters die much faster.

5) Always manage and profit from crisis.

6) Crash managed controlled economies world wide to create mass unemployment. Send unemployed masses home to starve to death and kill each other in the purges.

7) Foreclose worldwide on mai fiat debt mortgages, cause mass homelessness, move billions of stupid human cattle into camps where they will be soft kill purged.

8) At the same time, roll out Covid-19 'fertility inhibitor' vaccine to sterilize all males regardless of age, worldwide. Stupid human cattle will clamor for the vaccine shot to kill their testicles.

9) After 6 to 8 years, the useless eaters' testicles (the ones that survive the mass purges) all stop making sperm, and then also develop so called testicular cancer.

10) Routine common procedure for testicular cancer is surgical removal of cancerous testicle, in this case, both as both testicles will have cancer, 95% or more males all become castrated eunuchs.

11) Harvest millions even billions of now useless testicles worldwide. Picture very related, your balls ten years from now, just another useless eaters' now useless harvested balls.

12) ???

13) Profit!

Who the fuck am I? This message brought to you by CA ben Yahuah. Now fuck off back to watch more of your ministry of truth television and social media.

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Problem is it's not un-sourced go look it up

Coronavirus and influenza are completely different viruses. A cat is not a dog you retard. Where did you even get such stupid information.

What virus from coronavirus are you talking about? Coronavirus isn't just one virus it's a term used for a lot of diffrent viruses

Satellite readings indicated huge amounts of sulfur dioxide and other chemicals caused by the burning of bodies around Wuhan. Far more that could be explained by the number of dead that they were claiming.

People in Wuhan reported that the crematoriums were operating 24 hours per day and not keeping up.

They later made the absurd claim that they had zero cases.

It's China, the CCP lies.

Jesus fucking christ user... I hope you're not in UK I guess.. That's fucking horrible. What has happened to the west? The UK!? Yall niggas went to work while bombs were falling acting like nothing different in ww2...

For anyone wondering, Google the death tole for that. Men were men back then. Today... God dammit

All governments lie even yours!

You have a source for this claim? I'm not questioning you but sounds interesting and I'd like to have a read up

Just find me a single credible source that says that any of the influenza strains (which is the family of viruses responible for flu) is part of the coronavirus family or shut your ignorant ass. You are ibviously too ignorant for this conversation.

The sad fact is I am user, people think that right now is scary times they really have no idea of the shitstorm that's coming

Hes right it's from the same family so stfu user

Calls unsourced reference "not un-sourced"...
Do you know these words mean?

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So you looked it up then?

user, i think you are confused. Coronavirus has become synonim with Covid19 nowadays. We all know coronavirus encompasses a lot of different viruses, but thanks to this pandemic, "Coronavirus" has become the word people use for Covid19. Unless you are trying to bring about some retarded conspiracy theory, then you have to realize that, no, all those maps who follow the spread of "coronavirus" were not made to follow the "spread" of common cold and the deaths associated with it.

Not sure if you are trolling, tbh.

I'm trying to work out the number of people who have died from covid19 people can use whatever word they like but it doesn't mean that word is right.
Same as how many people have died BECAUSE of coronavirus and not how many people have died WITH coronavirus

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