Rekt thread, only cool shit, not niggers being niggers

Rekt thread, only cool shit, not niggers being niggers

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I'm tired of niggers being niggers, but it looks like it's the only type of rekt that Yas Forums likes

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lol i have that cat toy and when i first bought it my animals thought it was real and were terrified, it was so amusing


mmm delish

i would unironically be happy


Attached: wagecuck lvl 80.webm (426x426, 1.59M)

where can i get her nudes

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right? white bitch beat some animal ass

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What a piece of shit. How can you do that in front of a kid like that. I wish he was still alive so I could kick his fucking ass

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nigs gonna nig sucker punching

they cant coexist in a civilized world


fucking kek

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white trash bitches be like

Can't take the jungle out of the monkey

The most american webm of the thread

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Saw the kid trying to help
What a piece of shit fatjer he had to have , some lame fuck probably got left by the mom and ours himself cuz hes to much of a fagt to grow up
Im all for eliminating the weak but fuuuk dont ruin new lives in the process
Inb4 fagt
Its not till you actually have a kid and been with a women that you realize shit, till then keep wondering what a woman ass/pussy taste like

White privilege

vote democrat

Can you hear me can you see me
Ok for work

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its hilaaaarious cause the doggo fell down the hole next to it.

Classic giving up halfway through.

These are the kind of people that would crash their own car into a pole just to get attention.

Didnt trim tendericed the meat
Fucking noob

Fuck You faggot, you don't have to marry and ruin your life to understand this kind of shiet

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>saved as queen of b.webm

what's for dinner? Nigger and mashed potatoes? Mmmmmm!!!


did he lie?

She gonna self isolate for a while, so why not?!

Obviously the other degenerate niggers have to join in.

yeah it happened here in the philippines his wife ran off with another man and left both of them him and his son alone

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IS went too far

Have they drugged him or something. Adrenaline alone wouldn't stop you squirming around in agony.

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What draws you all to this thread?

lel. not much differend for mthe sandniggers we have here in Berlin, Germany. They flirt the exact same way.

>literally sharting in a mart

fp violation, reported

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documented proof that niggers are animals who cause 99% of society's problems. that's why, faggot..

Wouldn't your love for violence make you more uncivilized?

he didn't say he loved the violence.

Attached: index.png (300x480, 13.12K)

Damn bro

Niggers of Yas Forums:

What do you think when you see your people acting like this?

you are assuming I love violence. I never commit a violent act, ever. you're watching the same "violent" thread.... perhaps you should go fuck yourself for being a hypocrite.

Metal as fuck

Okay, assuming he just "sorta likes" violence because he isn't ready for a commitment because he's trying to build his life up even though he could do that in a relationship... wouldn't his enjoyment of violence be a reflection of his character?