Friend sent this to me

Friend sent this to me.

took me about 2 minutes, i wanted to be 100%. got to the answer in about 1 minute.

my IQ is 115.

am i smart?

Attached: 1586020291595.jpg (960x695, 86.77K)


I open the lock woth an angle grinder, now what? Whats inside?



Why not use scissors and cut it open? Has to be faster.


Thats what i got

OP here.

042 is correct.

you guys smrat. IQ at least 115+

042. Barely took a minute as well

It's 602 You fucking idiots
I'm shitfaced and knew that

Attached: 1578047728264.png (429x410, 11.88K)

So shitfaced you've got it wrong

line#3 states only 2 of the numbers are valid. your answer is using all 3, making it incorrect.

don't worry though, i'm sure you would have gotten it sober. drink up, enjoy the lockdown!

this is literally the game mastermind. It can be played with colors or numbers, theres plenty of online variants as well.

this person had some shitty ass guesses btw. but yea its 042.


the lock has 3 digits and is between 999 and 000
It will take 15 to 20 min to find the combination by hand
throw the clues out the window

15-20min of fiddling with a lock is a LONG time. not being retarded and spending like a min and a half thinking about the clues and having the answer so you only have to make one attempt is much better.

you're not wrong, but perhaps there is a more efficient (smarter) way to open the lock, by using the actual clues.

but, i admire your brute force barbarianism!

Iq 9000

I could open that lock in 5 seconds with a nail bar.

For the hard of thinking, here's one way you can solve it
Numbering the clues 1 to 5 from the top:
Clue 4 Tells us that 7, 3 or 8 aren't in the solution
Combine this with Clue 5 and it tells us that 0 has to be in (3 & 8 not in - Clue 4). It also tells us that the last number of the solution is not 0
Combining Clue 1 and Clue 2 tells us that 6 is not in. We know that 8 is not in (Clue 4), so 1, 2 or 4 are the remaining two numbers. But Clue 1 shows us that 2 must be in, as we know 6 and 8 aren't And this shows us that the last number must be 2 (Clue 1)
So we now know that 0 and 2 are in and where 2 is.
From Clue 3 we also know that the first number must be 0. So we have 0_2
If we now look at Clue 2, we know 6 is out, so 1 or 4 is the remaining number. But we also know they are in the wrong place and the only available place left is the second digit, which therefore must be 4
So we have 042

If the lock was electronic, with a delay of 1 minute for a wrong answer, increasing by 1 minute for every additional wrong answer, you're fucked.

Took about 1.5 mins

I got 599 or 955



Josh, don't be the git posting this on facebook


You're being thick or deliberately obtuse


but check out these dubs

If the lock was inside a safe that was inside of a larger safe that was at the bottom of the ocean it would be tougher than that to open

It's entirely consistent that you think that's dubs

actually I meant these dubs sorry

But then you couldn't input a solution at all. You could with error-checking. Try again

right... here ^

Consistent...but keep trying and you'll probably get there

Attached: 1586020394825.jpg (960x695, 150.85K)

I like giraffes

i like this
post more


How? Do you mean a nail removing claw type thing?


That's what I got. TBH it took me more time to read the thing than puzzle out the answer.

got the same.

One out of three is not bad, I suppose

Attached: Capture.jpg (592x162, 10.09K)

Clue #4 Eliminates 8 from Clue #1, 3 & 8 from Clue #5. 0 has to be correct, and it cannot be in the last place.
Clue #4 eliminates the middle place so it must be in the first place


#1 & #2 one digit is right and in its place, one digit is right and in the wrong place. since 6 is present, we are left with 2 for #1, and 1, 4 for clue #2


since #2 has to be in the wrong place, it has to be 4 by process of elimination, so the middle digit is 4.


>Clue #4 eliminates the middle place so it must be in the first place
Clue #3 eliminates the middle place so it must be in the first place



hi, i'm lockpickinglawyer and today I'm gonna decode this lock by hand in a few seconds

Attached: Find-The-Area-You-Should-Be-Able-To-Solve-problem.png (600x337, 39.7K)

Nobody got the answer correct yet. It's not asking you for the digits to open it. It is asking if you can open the lock with the provided clues: the answer is yes.

32cm squared

Are you assuming I have arms?

Then the answer is no for you.



Attached: 71WqmOjj1gL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1125, 71.58K)

31cm squared




this post just owned everyone in this thread. easily 5000IQ +++