Daily Reminder:

Daily Reminder:
He lied - People died
This moron is still lying today and every day.

Attached: Demented Donald.jpg (250x166, 7.57K)

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Butt hurt trad. Go cry to mommy


Fuck off stupid republicunt asshole

Still your president, and he fucked your mom in the dirt pussy

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This asshole is NOT a president, he is a butthurt little brat. Vindictive and stupid. Just like you asshole, fat and stupid.

Republicunts are too stupid to be allowed to speak, should never be allowed to vote either.

That's a funny way to admit you're retarded

He still fucked your mom in the dirt pussy, and you were the turd baby that resulted

Show your father more respect

Hes proof you could feed republimutts a shit sandwich, tell then its gourmet and they'll eat it with a smile. You know why they dont require an IQ test to vote? Because there wouldn't be a Republican party left

And hes gonna do it for 4 more years titty baby nigger faggot.


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Dumb and dumber

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Fuck off republicunt asshole. You are too stupid to have an opinion.

You have to be 18 to post here

Oh I'm sorry is this b? I thought this was b. Not sure why people care about some boomers dying, if you do then you belong on reddit

>implying you know how to count to 4

Trump Lied People Died

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Niggers can be posted about anywhere on the internet. It's universally agreed they're sub human

Daily reminder that 60% of the country approves of the job he's doing.
Daily reminder that he's going to win November.
You are cordially invited to seethe, cry openly about this, and call me names for pointing out these objective facts.

This is what I mean, too stupid to have an opinion. Got to be a republicunt.

the best part is, the people who love this dumb fuck, are the same people most likely to get fucked to death by this dumb fuck. the idiots are culling themselves. it's glorious.


Just more republicunt lies.
What a moron, not even 60% of republicunts approve of his covid-19 response.
This asshole will lose BIG TIME.

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damn op get off his dick unless you love the taste of a winner in your mouth

I swear to God liberals are the whiniest, crying, weak pitiful pathetic clumps of rejected human DNA that crawl across the face of the planet. Every one of them has a dick an inch or less. Every one of them gets cucked by a black bull right up the butt. Every single one of them furiously stabs their keyboard with their Cheetos encrusted fingers, trying not to drool on themselves, while simultaneously shitting themselves overTrump, every goddamn day, while the rest of us are winning and getting ALL the pussy

Lick my nuts lib

Seethe, libtard.

I am farther right and farther up on the compass than republicans, they're cucks not much better than democrats. That aside: Boomers took a bunch of meds because they were stupid, and then they died. That's what I heard anyway. I don't care if trump was partially responsible for it, nobody should take what a politician says at face value without any investigation. And that's not a defense of trump, I think he's too limp wristed to be president but that's beside the point

stfu whiteboi

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Whine much asshole?

Cry on republicunt moron.

lol actually my opinion about Lincoln except even if he hadn't been shot he's still a faggot for emancipating the niggers

Winner? More like eternal LOSER.

It's heartwarming to see such overwhelming support for G*d's chosen people and their glorious state, Israel, on this board.



Yes, Trump's dementia syndrome.
He really is demented and fat and stupid.

Oh I'm sorry nigger I forgot to include some evidence for my opinion on niggers being disgusting brain-dead animals
There you go that's a link to a nigger fucking a goat

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He's never had approval rating above 46% you fucking soydick

Fact is, the entire republican part of my family got fucking corona and they all voted for him and believed him when he convinced him it wasn't that bad, Now I get to donate all their hoarded supplies and leave them with what they only need while they're in hospital.

You know he just did that to troll the south, right? 150 years later you rednecks are still butthurt lol. Trump could only hope for such a legacy.

Where's your god now dick hole?

Die racist asshole. Hope you get the trump virus and die.

nice "facts" nigger lover

Not likely, person of farm equipment descent

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How am I a nigger lover? The goat rape isn't the main fact there btw its the iq map but ok


imagine being this much of a broken child. totally incapable of understanding politics, business, diplomacy, or anything. bravely marching back into your own childhood as you rant and bitch and whine about how much of a fucking loser and degenerate you chose to make yourself into, nobody else.

theres no place for weaklings anymore. yours is the rope and soon it shall come to you.

Imagine feeling compelled to defend Lyin' Donnie anytime you see a b8 thread criticizing him.

yeah, four more years of trump is going to suck,

respect your betters you abortion gone wrong

you wanna respect trump so hard with his cock in your mouth

Trump's coronavirus is worse than 9/11.
Worst president in Americsn history.
If Trump had been pres during the Cuban missile crisis, humanity would be extinct.

>implying I'm an american
I'm just sitting here watching the death count go up in your shithole country.
Greetings from canada, motherfucker.
By all means, shoot yourself in the face again be re-electing trump.
A weaker america benefits the entire world.

i understand how it might be confusing for a lib that men respect eachother and have a Code Of Honor. We respect other men who respect themselves, two things you'll never be capable of comprehending.

Gay sex on the other hand, yeah I can see how you'd project that little fantasy of yours onto me, but hey its not mine, its yours.

shut up you worthless little whinehard fag.

America first, no masks for canada!

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he's President and you're not get over it

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it's called the china virus silly

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I know the truth hurts, you retard.
It's ok. Just take your coronavirus death toll up the ass like a cuck.
You voted for someone who's down to sacrifice your life and livelihood for money.

imagine trying to copy the magic that got him elected by crying everyday and getting nowhere

Funny thing is we'll fare better than America even without the masks.
Total shithole third world country overrun by low IQ retards.
7000 deaths and counting, user.

literally commit suicide. the world would be better if you did.

look at the trumptard calling it coronavirus, thats so ignorant and racist

No, you should do that.
I'm not the one voting to get cuckolded.

you didn't even vote last time so who cares about your opinion

Obviously your evidence is made up, but that wasn't really supposed to be difficult to point out, was it? No, the point of this picture is to show that you're willing to believe total bullshit if it supports your racist beliefs.

But why? Do you think being racist without a logical reason is immoral? If so, why would you rather be factually wrong than morally wrong?

Look at all the magaweenies flooding the obvious bait thread to defend their Dear Leader. Huehuehue

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Better than being stupid enough to vote for a life long con artist, son.
It takes a special level of cuckoldry to vote for a man you know will fuck you over.
Trump voters are emasculated low IQ cucks voting against their self interest.

>I'm not the one voting to get cuckolded.

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you're just a bot making noise, nothing special, not changing anything ever, that must feel pretty sad huh?

trump virus will be his legacy. millions dead because he actually has 2 digit iq.

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You haters should all be really happy, you will get four more years to project all your failure on him.

If you want to blame anyone blame Democrats for self destructing their party.

im pulling out an old one for this, but

"sure, kid"

omg no one cares. anyone stupid enough to get this thing and be so weak that it kills them deserves it

stop being such a whinehard that blames trump for everything.

s-s-sure.... k-kid

Whereas the only change you bring to your life is inviting yourself to get cuckolded.
I think I'll stick with whatever I'm doing.

You wish you were the master molester that Biden is. Dude is unstoppable.

i hope they start with your street when the extermination squads are deployed.

Are you making fun of my stutter? That's pretty ableist.

have fun on the losing side of history, sorry your feeling are so hurt

>Virgin trump
>Gets caught every time he tries to molest someone
>Called out and reputation destroyed
>Had to pay for sex

>Chad Biden
>Master molester
>General public doesnt even know what he did
>Never gets caught
>Doesnt have to pay for sex because he just molests wherever he wants