China is a shit hole of a country and needs to pay for the China virus

China is a shit hole of a country and needs to pay for the China virus.

Agree or disagree?

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They will. They will pay like Japan did in 1945.

How are you going to a "shit hole of a country" pay if it is a shithole.


pls show evidence of their bad behavior thank you.
untill that has happened USA is still the nr1 evil bastard for most of the world.

Chinese cunt for all!

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China wuhan virus (made in china)

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They need to be nuked to hell.

Covid-19 is the first thing China has manufactured that hasn't broken in two weeks.

Don't you mean "disaglee"?

> " China is a shit hole of a country ..." ;
In some respects that is true [ 40% agree ] ;

> "... and needs to pay for the China virus. " ;
100% disagree - China is in no way to blame for the emergence of the new virus
> SARS-CoV-2
that is causing
> COVID-19

Agree to disagree

Just like México paid for the wall? You ignorant niggers are so easy to manipulate.

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Fuck that, we should do to China what the Japanese did to china in 1937

nearly every pandemic and plague in the past 1000 years has come out of china's shit hole wet-markets.


I'm British. Full on fuckin Saxon and Celt as well

>and mass rape
That's disgusting, you sick fuck. Who in their right mind would want to touch them. Also have fun with super syphilis they got from eating live sewer maggots or some shit like that.

Do u have a loicense to post on Yas Forums?

I'm not Irish.

its actually recycled cooking oil pulled out of human shit, and no, im not joking

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Ya like MERS

At least they kept fighting for their independence after you went full PTSD after losing to the yanks, resulting in your empire falling apart.

But dogs can't get the virus.

If their military alliance with Russia doesn't get renewed this year I could imagine an attack by America, if the alliance is renewed probably a espionage retaliation. Either way a big war is brewing

Yeah, we committed some atrocities to the Irish and to many countries across the world. Pretty awful. Quite a spectacular empire mind you

Have you been monitoring oil prices?

They are allready paying.
China and Japan litteraly owns US

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Even as someone from Hong Kong, I say yes. They're now asking for the world to thank them for "containing the spread of the virus". Fuck their ego, crush them by any means necessary. Hong Kong people will get by fine cuz we don't have compromised bodies from eating literally anything you can find on the sidewalk.

How is it for you guys? I don't remember how many years ago the "free zone" or whatever it was called ended, but it can't be easy. Shame you didn't remain free.

think GB gave them back in '97, but im not HK fag

Still really shitty over here. There are a whole lot of selfish pricks going out to foreign countries just to travel in the middle of March when the disease is widespread and coming back when they're sick. IMO they're nothing more than statistics, and the Hippocratic oath is now used as a weapon to force our medical professionals to save them, regardless of their stupidity. An upside to this is that a lot more people are seeing the incompetence of our government, and might join our movement once this pandemic blows over.

Yes, the "lease" ran out.

>China is a shit hole of a country and needs to pay for the China virus.

We owe them like $3 trillion dollars and they've been supporting our economy for over a decade. Are these the people we really want to piss off?

Agree 100%

They gave us back to the wrong country. A lot of our values align with Taiwan's, not China's.

>concentration camps for re-education of Muslims
>cooking animals alive for “better taste”
Responsible for countless viruses spreading to humans from animals due to their reprehensible culture
Yeah, they’re a paragon of virtue, you fucking chink

Just dont buy China shit

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Been to HK been to China been to Taiwan nukem all but especially HK that place was the shittiest by far. Also new York city

The US economy needs restructuring. The recent rise of woke culture has stunted the growth of the US economy. Prioritizing diversity over abilities is what got the US to this position.

Yeah, I remember seeing on the news (still watched TV sometimes back then) how they going to be reabsorbed soon. As if GB needed more mistakes on that huge pile.

Good luck. Although being in any kind of movements against commies is a health hazard in and of itself. But perhaps they'll be weakened by all this as well.

Retributionary War is around the corner
China, iran, the who officials China bought. All must die.

i dont really get why they "gave you back" to anyone, tbh. Could've been a beautiful day for democracy and all that...


China going DOWN!

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>The US economy needs restructuring. The recent rise of woke culture has stunted the growth of the US economy. Prioritizing diversity over abilities is what got the US to this position.

Actually, Reagan got us here when he overruled Stockman on deficit spending back in the early 80s.

Enjoy your narrative, 'tho.

I'll be completely honest, having Hong Kong as an independent country would be disastrous cuz Hong Kong is definitely not self-sufficient by any measure.

I've been thinking that we need a war for many years now. I went to war and I loved it. When I got back I absolutely hated to see how weak and whiny the rest of my generation was. All these gender pronouns and the need for safe spaces. It's disgusting and weakness. Not to mention people are incredibly stupid and lack lack the critical thinking skills to process things like global warming or evolution are even more rudimentary science like the world being round. Humans are weak and disgusting and I think War every 10 years or so would help make us a better group of individuals

No more Sweet and Sour Shrimp! No more Kung Pow Chicken! No more Pork Fried Rice! Not even one more Egg Roll!

Not from the US, so I can't comment on too much. Yet I can safely say that woke culture has also played a part in stunting the growth of the US economy. Not the biggest part, not the only part, but a part.

Based and TRUE! You for President 2024!!!!!

>Yet I can safely say that woke culture has also played a part in stunting the growth of the US economy.

Interesting hypothesis -- anything to back that?

That's disappointing to hear from a person from there. I've always had a respect for your attitude of defiance towards your shitty situation.

The fact that I have to have an argument that having a penis makes you a male even if you look like a female should be enough evidence to you that the growth of our nation has been stunted

a major source of why things suck in the US is because were to litigious. Everyone's afraid to do shit, even when it's the right thing because they might get sued.

A guy gets hit by a car in the street and people stand around a gawk with their phones out, but no one helps because they're afraid the guy's wife or parents are gonna sue him if he doesn't pull through, so, lets just livestream his death instead

>The fact that I have to have an argument that having a penis makes you a male even if you look like a female should be enough evidence to you that the growth of our nation has been stunted

Ok, but how does that impact the economy?

>a major source of why things suck in the US is because were to litigious.


Hey, we didn't trust China and the WHO, an upside from the months of protests is that we've built a huge network of individuals and businesses united under the same ideals: Those 5 demands. It has worked wonders in this pandemic, as we've been distributing masks and disinfectants since mid-January. It has flattened the curve a ridiculous amount up until recently when retards who've decided to travel to foreign countries in the middle of an outbreak came back and infected a bunch of people.

how are you gonna nuke anything when all the amerifats are busy dying

everything that has ever broken in my life had the tag "made in china" under it including my wife

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If you don't have enough critical thinking skills to see how a brain like that probably has more than just that fault with it then you're part of the problem.

It's almost comparable to you walking into a household full of meth addicts and yet you're surprised that in addition to their meth use theirs secondary issues going on in their house. Like hoarding, or an in the inability to do dishes or take out the trash, Etc.

Nah Fox is just pumping this shit to paper over the Maga-amateur-hour.

China should close wet markets. Other than that they handled the whole thing better than the USA has and are getting back to normal.

>If you don't have enough critical thinking skills to see how a brain like that probably has more than just that fault with it then you're part of the problem.

So I guess you don't have anything to back up your previous claim, then?

The plural of "anecdote" ain't "data"; just sayin' is all.

>China virus.
Don't call it that. Call it the "CCP Coverup Virus".

But yes, they should pay for it.

Tge CCP keeps their population mostly in a shitjole. But there's a lot of money there, in the upper ranks. To make them pay, you:
>seize trillions in foreign assets owned by China-- real estate, bank accounts, business
>put CCP on trial for war crimes
>boot them off their UN seat
>sanction and tariff
That will offset most of the economic harm, with the rest being paid over a couple decades. The world will recover, while China foots the bill.

But they are, just not directly.

>But they are, just not directly.

Except the real Chinese bus is 5 miles ahead

>We owe them like $3 trillion dollars
More like 1. But we'll just cancel that debt as a result of the economic damage they've caused.

Could definitely be the case. People here in Hong Kong have looked through the records of the central telecom company in Mainland China, and have seen a drop of 7 million users in these few months. Note that their users all have to be logged with their real names, so there's a very real possibility that millions died.

No justification for this. Tourist and economy spread the virus

I've already made my position with my initial statement.

agreed. wipe there whole chicken fucking bug eating disease ridden reactor ruining while they celibrate it right off the earth. hitler had no reason for genocide at least the rest of the earth does they do this as self inflicted terrorism

>More like 1. But we'll just cancel that debt as a result of the economic damage they've caused.

You're right, it's a fraction over $1t. But wouldn't a sovereign default hurt us more than them?

We imposed tariffs until they agreed to block illegal immigration. So they did, at their cost. That, and the win in reorganized trade deals covers both the cost and effectively all but eliminated the problem.