How do I cure my crippling depression and porn addiction

How do I cure my crippling depression and porn addiction.

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this is too rich. I made that image, only ever posted it once and it looks like it has been reposted before and somebody converted it into a jpeg at some point for some reason.

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getting out and meeting people

exercise, nofap & stop all drugs including caffeine

>How do I cure my crippling depression and porn addiction.

You go to a doctor and ask for help. It can work wonders.

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Don't listen to this shit. Go to a fucking doctor, jesus christ.

> coffee is making you want to kill yourself

Fuck off.

wait til god curses you with bad luck and see if you want to fap again. you can have literally no part of porn. zero. and you will live better and treat women normally. i am 35 and my twin friends i knew since age 5 turned out to be pedo shit porn rape porn anamal porn sex offenders. i want to take the right path not that shit. ending up in a dark personal hell of lonley. trust me. STOP porn like i did. before life,karma or god does it for you

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A doctor will give a temporary solution such as an antidepressant that will gradually downregulate receptors and ceasing it's therapeutic effect while causing dependence and withdrawl. stfu dumb gullible nigger

your depression will cure when you stop having vices and living right. very serious. lust is the original sin

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Coke and weed

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you have depression coz u feel like a peice of shit from vices like porn. it kills your dopeamine. you dont have to be a bible thumper to stop being A degenerate lust hearted monster. do unto others if u use women like toilet paper no wonder you feel like crap after

kek saved. Hopefully you will see it again soon. in superior png quality nonetheless.


i hope that helps? im a testosterone filled monster ive had 10,000 porn mp4 vids. my life was wasted on it. just remeber its the BIGGEST waste of time possible and move on and get a real life

meeting people makes me even more depressed when i find out how relentlessly stupid they are

doctors don't have the answers.

if you are depressed because your girlfriend is fucking stray dogs in the street in preference to you, or your boss is a sadistic prick who delights in making your life hell.. the doctor will prescribe antidepressants. they won't stop your gf from being a slut and they won't murder your boss in his bathtub, but they will shut you up.

that's not a cure, that's an excuse.

im sorry im just going to the extreme of things. everyone thinks porn isnt that bad. its bliss. but a regular life is better. every man has sinned. i still cant beleive my friends i knew for 30 years fucked a four year old son with there 50 year old dad....??? thats sick and i grew up with them im not saying its normal but thats the extreme of lust and it starts with porn, sad

just take vitamins and minerals and get lots of sun. antidepressants arent normal in the body its worse for you. quitting porn is extremely hard im the guy who needs 50 joints and 60 porn mags not just one. just imagine, people before porn fucking false idols and women made from twigs and banging animals. they probably went to hell. lonliness is a very hard thing to cope with.....but if you overcome it life will be satisfying again

I've been on escitalopram for more than five years. It basically saved my life. Fuck off you worthless idiot.

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>if you are depressed because your girlfriend is fucking stray dogs in the street in preference to you, or your boss is a sadistic prick who delights in making your life hell..

That's not depression. That's being pissed off at your girlfriend. Not every negative emotion is depression. Jesus Christ you idiots. Fuck. No wonder half of you commit suicide.

Lol thanks for the laugh op

you have obviously never had a girlfriend or a job.

>just take vitamins and minerals and get lots of sun. antidepressants arent normal in the body its worse for you.

Don't listen to this idiotic bullshit. If you actually have depression, then girlfriends and fitness and vitamins will not fix it.

Go to a doctor.

>you have obviously never had a girlfriend or a job.

No, you've obviously never had depression. I lost my last girlfriend because of it you fucking worthless shit-eating idiot.

what you really have is a media/veiwing addiction. stab out your eyes and this will be easily fixed

Wow, the "out of left field" insult. Those ones are always projection.

Sounds like you got upset and sad like a normal person.

A lot of people regret being jewed at the doctors. Drugs have ruined their lives, fried their brains and put them on a bigger downward spiral.

Beside talking therapy, or psychological skills training, think I’d avoid the doctors entirely, I’d certainly refuse drugs, of any kind.

If at all possible get therapy. If that isn't possible read "feeling good" you can get a pdf free on (free book piracy site) I suffer from depression intermittently and once I notice what is happening the techniques from the book will fix it. Don't fall for the alt right/neoreactionary/red pill/jesus pill bullshit. Porn isn't the problem, you have anxiety and are using porn to self soothe but then your belief in porn addiction is causing you further anxiety. Porn addiction isn't a thing. It isn't recognized by the DSM despite being considered because it doesn't meet the standard for addiction. That being said there are better techniques to soothe yourself that help you escape the circle.

The prophet says: In the future people will disagree with me but only people who agree with me will know the truth that I am right.

>The bible is so fucking hack

I was raised christian and was depressed the whole time. I left christianity and have learned to be happy. I experimented with things that didn't make me happy for a bit after I left but I learned from it. Leaving was the best decision I ever made and I would absolutely never go back.

What size fedora do you wear? This just sounds like an immature kid's dramatic arc. You're not happier because you left Christianity

Nope. Depression is caused by a series of cognitive distortions. Believing in porn addiction is harmful because it causes you to have anxiety about your self soothing behavior rather than learning more productive behavior. Excessive porn use is a symptom not a cause.

Rape pre-dates porn dumb fuck.

Just be happy lol

Nah man, that shit does not start with porn. That shit is just fuckedupdry.

I absolutely am. Why would I advocate for living like I do if it didn't make me happier?

I browse porn like it’s the news and I gain strength from cumming.

Go into more detail about the 4 year old son? Whose son? Whose dad? Not asking for raunchy details, just hard to tell what you're saying

To get revenge on mommy and daddy and to rationalize immature behavior

A dose of lead administered at super-sonic speed.

Apply directly to the forehead.

Yup. Christians act like porn leads to list at the same time redpillers say porn makes you complacent about acting on your lust and yet like half of Yas Forums believes both.

I could see that but it isn't the case for me. I think people that advocate christianity on here were not actually raised in conservative christian community. That shit sucked not because I was supposed to imitate christ but because unchecked authority was built right in and the culture was much more about playing the part than love of your fellow man.

Read a book

Visit everdeeperhonesty dot com to get rid of all your suffering.

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This reads like the things a lot of formerly religious people say. They just run out of gas to take the bullshit from the higher ups after a while, even if they still believe in God.

Staying away from Yas Forums could help both problems.

Yeah. My church had private interviews between teens and the local leader to discuss chastity. When it came out that unsurprisingly a lot of local authorities took the opportunity to sexually assault young teens the church responded by lobbying to outlaw secret recordings. I don't believe in god and was forced to participate for years after I stopped believing but even if I did that'd be a hard pill to swallow.

Secret recordings?

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Yeah a number of people who were being abused recorded the abuse so the church tried to make us a two party consent state so the recordings would be inadmissible as evidence.

Jerk off using your other hand

Go outside and talk to girls. Go to conventions to meet new interesting people.

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I'm in a similar position. Considering quitting alkie for a while. Already over using caffeine as it made things far worse. No other drugs.
Also going to doctor for it. But its meh so far

Do you actually believe I'm Jewish/,paid by the jews to spread pro-porn propoganda?

You're still a primate. Social interaction is a physiological need.

Imaginary friends are good for that. Also video games

just one of their coombrained golems

going out more,and interacting with other people

Interacting with other people more and going out.

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Interacting more with other people, and going out.

yeah cause its the perfect time to meet new people

*coof coof*

going out more with other people, and interacting