I'm a 2. I'm surprised that there's people out there that actually can't form an image in their head

I'm a 2. I'm surprised that there's people out there that actually can't form an image in their head

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This is retarded. Everyone's a 5 because no one has the ability to manifest images of things on the backs of your eye lids as real as looking at things with eyes open. You see black.

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A pic of a gay blowjob would have also been correct

if you can literally see things in your vision when you think (such as that it obscures other PHYSICAL things) you should go see a doctor

1 I don't think in cartoons kek

>Close your eyes and imagine

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Sorry can only think about this apple,
So I’m number 6

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Some people can't think of thing acontextually.

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Do you not dream?

Motherfucker, do you fall asleep every time you close your eyes? Are you asleep right now? Do you want me to put your stupid ass to sleep? I have a right hook primed and ready.

Mental visualization is a real thing. It’s not replacing what your eyes are seeing. It can be experienced while your eyes are open. This is what they call the minds eye. Your thoughts are powerful enough to manifest clarity so much that it’s as good as seeing it. I was surprised to find out myself that pilots of people can not do this. This is a high intelligent trait. Most of you dumb fucks can’t even draw an apple from memory let alone visualize one through thought.

Dreaming is different than mental visualization.

>internet punch
lol good luck getting through my firewall.

I have a white countertop in sunlight that I visualize things on. - IE an apple.

I know it's well imagined when I cannot see through it.

Sounds like some new age horseshit to me. Show us your tie-dye weed shirts and charged crystals, faggot.

Is this bait or just retarded?

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I'll get through your mom's panties with my dick

it took me 15 minutes but I got it

I personally imagine a honeycrisp.

I bet you'd eat the partially digested corn out of joe rogan's shit, wouldn't you? Go ahead and deny that your a subscriber of his.

Wuuuut. Some people really can't visualize? That's crazy.

Our eyes lie to us. Our brains lie to us. Our ears lie to us. What we see and hear are processed through the mind that fills in gaps. Slight of hand, illusions and such are only able to be achieved because our mind's lie to us. So, anything is possible for the most part when nothing is real.

Hope you like Jesus and cellulite, cuz that's all there is to her. Have fun with that.

I kekd. Thought you were valuating your appearance on a scale of one to ten. Hilarious punchline in that context.

This is the gayest insult I've ever been subject to.

You're too fat.

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Don't tempt me with a good time, user.

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>such as that it obscures other PHYSICAL things
That's not how it works, moron

If I close my nose, I can smell it.

You don't sound smart.

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She'll be screaming Jesus as I slap her cellulite riddled ass

And your response was so intriguing. Compelling and rich.

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You might be the gayest man.

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2 except its a green apple

That's all you got? Ok, you're a summerfag. Look, summerfag, you're the gayest faggot I have ever had to deal with. I'm now leaving to fuck your Dad's ass while your mother tosses my salad. Shouldn't you be in a trap thread, anyway.


This is why non-creative people pay creative people to do things, creativity will always be valued because it's rare to have an abundance of it. Some people cannot visualise anything in their head at all, but I can close my eyes and fap to a bed full of oiled up lolis taking turns to ride me.

That's a question; newfriend.

Someone triggered the Navy Seal, great!

That's not creativity, that's mental illness. And no-one will ever pay you for it, or anything you think of.

No, it was a statement..

give up

youre the gayest person in this thread

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I'm a 1 and can imagine multiples of different types of apples and objects eyes open or closed but I've been deliberately honing the skill for years.

I’m sorry you have low intelligence. New age beliefs are contacting Inter-dimensional beings and astral projection. Through meditation. But you are so dumb that you don’t know the difference.

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>I'm retarded so everybody else probably is too

You give up. You are the gayest of the fags that are gay fags, fag.

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I haven’t remembered a single dream since I was like 18 lmao

>That's not creativity, that's mental illness.
I'd argue it's very much both.

>And no-one will ever pay you for it, or anything you think of.
A lifetime full of being paid for creative jobs says otherwise user.

Doesnt matter how you slice it, it's gay.

>gay trips checked

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To level 5? FUCKING NICE.

>I pretend to be smart by lying and saying I can do something that no one else can

Have at it, my father hasn't fucked her since the 90's. He prefers to jerk off in a dress.

Based Descartes.

1, but I have a lot of training, when I was in college I had a lot of jocks colleagues so when they were talking about, gym, mma or being stalkerish with girls I would just stop listening and think of an orange trying to make it as real as possible

Your condition is called aphantasia, not everybody has it you dumb fuck

>intelligent user's dubs checked

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I think it’s quite the opposite. Unless you are accustomed to seeing dicks penetrating your mouth and anus in your head, but that just makes you gay.

The problem with this is you can take this as two separate statements.
>Close your eyes and imagine an apple. What do you want for dinner?

As far as visualizing an apple, I usually go through a few permutations, from the word(Arial font), to the Apple logo, a cartoon apple, and settle on a red delicious. And I feel like it all happens in a split second, a similar thing happens when I want to watch a movie, I'll grab the dvd or whatever, and put it back down. It's almost like I just watched the whole thing and move onto another film

this isn't decartes. decartes pioneered primary and seconary qualities of things even though he never used those terms. later philosophers discussed perception but again, to simply call it a lie kind of ends the book and they never did that.

quine, however, offered an argument like "a fool imagines a "being greater than god" and that such a being can not exist. to make a long argument short, because the fool imagines a guy stronger than arnold, that can not exist, the mere fact that he imagined him means he does exist.

philosophy is more based than your want to go.

sorry i'm drunk so i fucked that up but um, "what we see is lie" is more like based jaden smith tier philosophy

Anyone else just think in words, no images? More in line with a book than a movie or an image

Yeah it seems like if you're a creative enough snowflake, there would be no difference between backs of eyelids and any other physical image. Why bother closing your eyes, are you not smart enough to do it otherwise?