Alright Yas Forumsrothers, I'm in a weird situation and I'm not sure what to do about it

Alright Yas Forumsrothers, I'm in a weird situation and I'm not sure what to do about it.

My dad's getting a divorce. Step-mom notified him via text the other day that she doesn't want to be with him anymore and is asking for one.

Me and my Pop have been slightly at odds recently because he's the quintessential '80s edgy alternative hippie, and I'm a neo nazi, which has become more prominent as I'm getting into my mid twenties. Step mom was a fat goth far-left bitch. That included the whole "white men are evil" mindset, and her shit job at parenting turned my stepsister into a tranny. Obviously we aren't on good terms.

Thing is I don't know what to do in this situation. I'm pretty bad at interpersonal connection with anyone that isn't my wife, and I want to be there for Pop but I'm not sure how to handle any of this shit.

Current plan is to do movie night and plenty of whiskey, but I could use some advice on how to proceed.

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first drop the faggot edgelord politics

your family is even gayer than you and you should cut contact

>drop the faggot edgelord politics

I'm not trying to be edgy, I'm rooting in the corner of a political system that can take a completely economically destroyed country and put it in a seat of power so firmly that the entire first world has to throw their entire combined militaries at it to take it down.

>you should cut contact
Probably gonna do that with stepmom, but I'm not cutting out my dad.

An economy based on plunder is not sustainable and is even less sustainable in the 21st century. Nazi bullshit is just LARPing. The whole of Nazi high command was on drugs, and their military success was an extension of Germany/Prussia's military traditions and not their political system.

Laying the smackdown hard

your political believes are as retarded as those of your ex.
try to accept your sis, I don't buy that your ex made her trans. For real, try to put yourself in the situations of the people around you. try to just talk ro them. maybe you find something in common and you're able to bond over that

>economy based on plunder
That's total bullshit, Germany was prosperous before the war ever started.

>The whole of Nazi high command was on drugs
According to documents that were only found after the war, but that's just (((Coincidence))) and they couldn't possibly have been doctored or altogether made up.

>their military success was an extension of Germany/Prussia's military traditions
You can't build a world-class military without good tacticians and good weapons, which are paid for and trained in a prosperous nation.

>your political believes are as retarded as those of your ex.
Do you mean my step-mom?

>I don't buy that your ex made her trans
She didn't have a positive male role model for the majority of her childhood and her mother was incredibly emotionally abusive and absent.

> try to just talk ro them
We're still firends, I'm just concerned about her mental well being since she thinks she's a boy now and has been taking hormone supplements, getting surgeries, and yadda yadda which increase chances of suicide.

She already has multiple attempts under her belt.

Bang step mum and sister?

That's some funny larping dude. All you were missing were the words MAGA or cuck to get the whole set...

No. Nice dubs.

Nice strawman. For the record, Trump sucks ass.

If you truly are a neo nazi, you're a pretty shit one. You shouldn't be friends with anyone of the political persuasion of your family, let alone someone who wants to change gender...

>That's total bullshit, Germany was prosperous before the war ever started.
Yes, when you refuse to pay war debts, nationalize a bunch of industries to increase employment, steal massive amounts of property from scapegoat classes, and create an internal currency, it's easy to create non-sustainable wealth.

>According to documents that were only found after the war
Of course they were found after the war. That's when you find documents of a conquered country. "Those documents were found after the war!" As opposed to fucking when?

>You can't build a world-class military without good tacticians and good weapons, which are paid for and trained in a prosperous nation.
The reactionaries who already existed (monarchists, mostly) and who wanted to support Hitler in overthrowing the Weimar Republic were co-opted as the backbone of the Nazi military. The military "expertise" of Nazi Germany is entirely a holdover from an existing population of Prussian military officers, monarchists, and Junkers. When the Nazis actually made "innovations", they were batshit ridiculous things like that giant cannon on train tracks.

Fuck, the nazi larper is getting his ass handed to him all over the fucking place!

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I don't think he's LARPing. I think he dedicated perhaps hundreds of hours to researching a topic that's extremely poorly understood by the kind of basic bitch liberals who infest the Internet, and so he's had a string of successes when they're baited into debating something that they only know about from History Channel documentaries that they barely paid attention to. It's a lot of fun to argue asinine positions against those people because they're NPCs. A well-read (even if propagandized) radical can have a field day with those retards.

>You shouldn't be friends with anyone
Alienating oneself when confronted by those of a differing ideology is the child's approach to committing to your values. There's nothing that discredits one more than being unable to peaceably deal with minor confrontations.

>when you refuse to pay war debts
that are unfairly imposed on you in order to leech the wealth out of your nation for aiding your allies, who, may I remind you, were not the aggressors.

>nationalize a bunch of industries to increase employment
Are you implying that didn't work for them?

>scapegoat classes
Oh yes, the Jews never did anything wrong, which is why they have been kicked out of every major country they've ever held residence in.

> it's easy to create non-sustainable wealth.
Their economy continually improved for over a decade. They went from being one of the poorest nations in Europe to one of the richest with no signs of slowing down until they got jumped by almost every single major power in the world. Whatever sustainability issues were present in the system, they weren't there throughout the entire existence of the third reich.

> As opposed to fucking when?
Intelligence leaks, spy networks, public information and documents, etc...

>they were batshit ridiculous things like that giant cannon on train tracks.
As well as creating the first modern assault rifle, the Blitzkrieg tactic, new bomber types, innovations in heavy artillery and tank warfare, and a million more things. From an objective standpoint, National Socialist Germany had numerous military and economic triumphs. Attempting to argue against that just makes you look like an idiot.

Are you samefagging to try and give yourself credibility, or is number two just a subhuman that's cheering you on like an autistic football fan for the simple act of mutually disaagreeing with me?

took you that long to think up that samefag response? gtfo

>Alienating oneself when confronted by those of a differing ideology
You mean like the fucking actual nazis did with their political enemies? Jesus you're either a fine baiter or an absolute retard... were your actual parents brother and sister?

>You mean like the fucking actual nazis did with their political enemies?

They tore harmful institutions down and ran out harmful persons who continually abused the populace for self gain. That's not alienating people of differing ideologies, that's resetting and rebalancing the system.

If you're referring to book burning, then you should know that was never a governmental policy. The populace burned Jewish and Communist propaganda as a symbolic way to show that people who sought to abuse the people for their own power or who wished to promote cultural degeneracy weren't welcome.

That being said, even though Britain and America weren't NatSoc, Hitler wished to have an amicable relationship with them as he respected their institutions, histories, and power.

Anyway, this thread has gone way off topic, I'm looking to help my dad deal with the divorce. If you don't have a real suggestion, go fuck yourself.

jidf is out in full force
I don't think there's a lot you can say, really. just being around, it's probably understood. if he wants to talk, he ought to.
good luck with the sibling.

you'd be surprised at how summer this place is now that Yas Forums is mainstream for normies

Reminder if you live in the US in 2020 you aren't a Nazi by any stretch of the imagination. You are infact a member of the KKK so go put on your sheet amerimutt faggot. We don't want you.

That's a gottem.

I don't know, man. I have a good feeling he'd find my own politics as alien as he finds yours. (I read way too much Moldbug and Land.) Why would I bother samefagging as someone who thinks a Simpsons quote with impact font is a good image? I don't know who this guy is either.

>that are unfairly imposed on you in order to leech the wealth out of your nation for aiding your allies, who, may I remind you, were not the aggressors.
I don't have any strong opinions on who "the aggressors" were in the first World War. The reason Germany was forced to pay such high war reparations is their treatment of civilians in conquered territories. Collective punishment is a standard tactic of Prussian military officers and was considered a no-no by other 20th century European powers. (in b4 Dresden bombings -- we both know war crimes by the winner don't get punished)

>Are you implying that didn't work for them?
It depends. Nationalization of industries is pretty low on my list of Nazi mistakes. It can be done well, and the Nazi economic theory *on paper* isn't so bad. However, it contorts the supply/demand curve of markets over time. They were able to keep the factories working regardless because of the incredible need for war material. In a peacetime economy, they would have been forced to re-privatize most of the factories.

>Oh yes, the Jews never did anything wrong, which is why they have been kicked out of every major country they've ever held residence in.
I actually take a position on the Jews closer to the so-called philo-Semitic alt-right. I'm not an equalitarian. It's no surprise that when you have a millennia-old literate society that's boxed by social pressures into finance and law, that they become dominant in those fields. The history of Jewish and Christian conflict is beyond the scope of this post.

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Be a good son download the tinder app on his phone so he can go on a pussy quest and teach him how to post pics to Yas Forums

>never a governmental policy
Just lots of representatives of said party got involved and were never censured. Much like Krisallnacht, yeah?

Here's my advice to you: maybe just talk to your fucking dad. Leave your elementary school understanding of National Socialism at the door and just talk to him one to one. Maybe if you weren't such a closet fag, you'd have the self-confidence to talk to someone you're related to about emotions without feeling like you're turning gay or some shit.

Why is it that neo nazis insist that they're so woke and redpilled on everything, but are actually just maladjusted, emotionally stunted cunts?


>Their economy continually improved for over a decade.
At no point in that decade did they adopt policies which have been shown time and again to create sustainable wealth, and the policies they did adopt are successful only while there is wealth to take, as mentioned before. A very successful war economy, to be sure -- again because they had the world's BEST military traditions who already hated the same people they hated. The collaboration between the Nazis and monarchists/officers is well documented.

>Intelligence leaks, spy networks, public information and documents, etc...
None of these would have found doctor's records. High Command was pretty good at keeping things a secret. This was also before the rise of modern espionage -- the Allies were not even a tenth as good at it as the Communists would become in the later 20th century.

>As well as creating the first modern assault rifle, the Blitzkrieg tactic, new bomber types, innovations in heavy artillery and tank warfare, and a million more things.
All of these are extensions of existing German/Prussian military supremacy and have nothing to do with Nazi political ideology.

Thanks user.

>you'd be surprised at how summer this place is
Summer was never a problem, Yas Forums attracts retards every day of the year.

>You are infact a member of the KKK
I am not affiliated with any member of the Ku Klux Klan, I have no rank in their organization, I have never wanted to join, and I do not own a pointy ghost outfit. I am not, "in fact" a member of the KKK.

I don’t really know what OP is even asking. “Slightly at odds?”

Who the fuck isn’t slightly at odds with their parents?

Just ask your dad how he’s doing and if he wants to meet up and talk

The KKK is a faggot organization and every actual political extremist knows at least half of the members are undercover feds. Why would anyone be a member of the KKK when they can just read Rockwell, who had a decent idea of how to adapt Nazism for the American context?

Every single person on this site is a maladjusted, emotionally stunted cunt.

You should learn to be more accepting of people that are different than you. You think you’re better than all these people but face the facts, you’re a fucking loser that posts on Yas Forums
>tldr kill yourself

>Every single person on this site is a maladjusted, emotionally stunted cunt.

Fair point

You are not affiliated with any member of the NSDAP. You have no rank in their organization. You would be unable to join as they haven't existed for coming up on a hundred years, and you live 10,000 miles from any territory they once inhabited. You're KKK, sorry amerimutt.


>we both know war crimes by the winner don't get punished
I appreciate the honesty.

>In a peacetime economy, they would have been forced to re-privatize most of the factories.
That's not infeasible under the ideology, and is my theory as to the plans for post-war Germany had the Nazis won.

>It's no surprise that when you have a millennia-old literate society that's boxed by social pressures into finance and law, that they become dominant in those fields
I could accept that if it was a slight or moderate overrepresentation in those fields, but the sheer number of industries and media outlets that are kike owned is far beyond cultural differences, as is the incredibly evident nepotism and overrwhelming number of (((fellow whites))) that one can see all over the media and social media sites like Twitter.

At some point you have to stop blaming culture and acknowledge that its something else.

Holy fuck those digits do not lie
Your only option now is to suicide on stream

>faggot organization
>agrees with all their policy
Oh hi faggot!

I already hate you more than the Nazi OP. Modern liberals are far dumber than Nazis, who are normally just wrong, not stupid. This kind of aggressive ("kill yourself") insistence on tolerance is faggot cancer.

I'm not though. I come here to laugh. :)
That's a cop out.


Cultural differences over centuries/millennia create genetic differences in a feedback loop that creates modern Jewish institutional dominance. While this influence is overstated, it is very heavy. Research (Cofnas et al) has shown that Jewish representation is explained by academic achievement and location (Jews are highly literate and live only in cities) and that gentiles with the same qualifications/location have similar influence on liberalizing institutions. Race is real though.

I don't know if you can't tell the difference between OP and myself, but we're not the same person.

If this is what you find funny, then you're worse than the rest to be honest...

>quintessential '80s edgy alternative hippie
>mid twenties neo-nazi
>fat goth far-left bitch
>tranny stepsister
This is a joke, right?

>using intelligence as a metric for how valuable people are

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Somebody’s triggered


What exactly do your think this site is? It's a honeypot for retards to make themselves into self righteous laughing stocks. This guy thinks he's an actual Nazi in tyool 2020 in the United States of America and you don't think that's a liiiiiittle bit funny? XD

>laughing at retards is worse than wanting to kill everyone you don't agree with

Nigger did you just “XD”

>Just lots of representatives of said party got involved and were never censured. Much like Krisallnacht, yeah?
Of course they were involved. They were social activists and a lot of them had front line positions in whatever they wanted to see hit the mainstream. As such, they gained a political following because of their actions, and continued that trend well into their political careers.

> Leave your elementary school understanding of National Socialism at the door and just talk to him one to one
If I had an elementary school understanding it would end at "Nazis r bad."
Regardless, those differences can come up in a heated discussion about someone who has just wronged someone, especially when alcohol is involved. Of course, I don't think you'd know that since you don't seem to be an adult.

>Maybe if you weren't such a closet fag
Nice ad hom, everyone who disagrees with you is gay, aren't they? Can you get through an argument without baselessly attacking someone's sexuality?

> you'd have the self-confidence to talk to someone you're related to about emotions without feeling like you're turning gay or some shit.
Never felt that way, but keep going with the gay thing. If there's anything I learned from middleschool it's that calling someone gay makes you right and them wrong.

>Why is it that neo nazis insist that they're so woke and redpilled on everything, but are actually just maladjusted, emotionally stunted cunts?
Absolutely fucking rich coming from the user whose only argument is "ur gay and nazis r bad and ur gay faggit ur gay."

So... I totally thought this thread would go in a different direction.

Intelligence is a metric for how useful people are, and for how relevant their arguments are, and for how much information they can synthesize into a worldview. This is the standard view even of classical liberals and of everyone until the 80s in the West.

You know, it's this kind of shit that made reactionaries like myself vote for Hitler just to see liberals get btfo. I hope you enjoy another four years of the orange man for the same reason.

>it's this kind of shit that made reactionaries like myself vote for Hitler just to see liberals get btfo
Hitler would've sent you to the camps by now.

so what you're saying is that you will vote for something or advocate for something you know to be self-evidently damaging, just for keks and to be edgy. You really are a fucking retard

XD means laughing, noob gb2gaia

>You are not affiliated with any member of the NSDAP.
But here's the difference; National socialism is an ideology as where the KKK is an organization. I can be NatSoc without being part of the Nazi party, but I can't be KKK without being a part of the KKK.

Who says I'm American, and what bearing would that have on this argument?

This... he's trolling you, my dudes. No one has that much of a sitcom life

>You're making me a horrible retard! See I'm still doing it because of you!
Blame is the only respite of the truly retarded/"self reliant"

So you're a socialist? Weird for a KKK member but ok? ?? ?

>You should learn to be more accepting of people that are different than you
I can accept people without agreeing with them. Tolerating someone doesn't mean you have have a fucking pizza party with them every day.

> You think you’re better than all these people but face the facts
They're unemployed, suicidal, have multiple failed marriages/baby daddies, etc...
I'm a mechanic in a stable marriage and have a child that I take care of. Yes, I am doing better than them.

Monarchists and reactionaries were a part of Nazi Germany's ruling coalition until the end. Hitler was much more aggressive at killing the real socialists in his own party.

I have notably not defended Hitler or the Nazis in this thread. I'm just stating the facts of political history, that liberal excesses create desperate reactionaries who will do anything to remove them from power.

I don't use "liberal" to mean "Democrat" because I'm not a fucking boomer.

If you don't think the primary motivation for political action is to act against an enemy, then you need to read Schmitt.

>Pretending to be a member of a long dead political movement
>Also pretending not to be an American now?
please lol tell us where you're from amerimutt
usually to be a member of a movement you have to be within fifty years and five thousand kilometers of its existence

You'd definitely be in the camps by now, NatSoc. No doubt about it.

>I have notably not defended Hitler or the Nazis in this thread
>you need to read Schmitt
Ah, okay.

>you need to read Schmitt.
And you need to

I'm not NatSoc. I can tell you're a newfag because you can't tell other posters apart without tripcodes.

Schmitt is a well-respected legal and political theorist. Like Heidegger, he's taken seriously even though he was a Nazi.

I read plenty, thank you.

Nobody doubts that's YOUR primary motivation and it's why everyone is calling YOU a retard XD

OP you’re a faggot
>and a cringe/edge lord
Have you ever tried being normal?

You could kill yourself, nazi scum.

>I read plenty
I'm not talking about Mein Kampf or other works that support your confirmation bias. Maybe one thing you can do is ask your hippie dad what books he likes and try to bond with him that way.

When I started posting in this thread to dog on OP for falling for Yas Forums propaganda, I didn't imagine I'd end up hating everyone else in this thread 10x more. Jesus. It's like the 30s all over again.

ecks-dee, go back to Gaia, newfag. Take a book or two on the theory of the political with you.

I literally said in the lines above that that I am not OP. You're illiterate.

You cant build an army with out followers and believes. Uniting a nation for a single cause is not easy. Sit down and take some edge off.

Whatever, samefag

>usually to be a member of a movement
Never said I was a member. It's an ideology I identify and agree with.

I am from America. Now, it's your turn, where are you from user, and how is it doing better than America? Have you accepted any refugees this month?

>Have you ever tried being normal?
No, I don't like to pretend. If you have to "try" to be normal, there's no point in it.

What a thoughtful and mature response, user.

Welcome to 2020, and the results of these people's procreation.
It's real user, I'm not happy about my family but it's what I have.

>I'm not NatSoc
>I can tell you're a newfag
You can't, because both claims are dead wrong, underman.

I call you NatSoc, because you just alleged that reactionaries, like you, voted for Hitler- for some terribly asinine reasons. Makes no goddamned sense, first of all. Secondly, Schmitt.

Definitely a stormfag.

Have movie night. Suck off your dad while your tranny sister watches. This will excite the far left cunt of a step mom and she will drop the divorce and stay with your dad. You will be the hero.


You're intentionally clueless on the facts of political history, and Schmitt is still read in American law schools. I know because one of my friends just finished law school and we spent a month reviewing "The Concept of the Political" for one of his legal philosophy classes.

>Cultural differences over centuries/millennia create genetic differences
I can concede that, but you have to admit that the overrepresentation is astounding. 2% of the US population controls 95% of the industry and media? That's sounds like a bad joke. I don't think the overrepresentation even gets that bad with niggers in Africa.

>None of these would have found doctor's records.
I find that doubtful. Spies were desperate to get their hands on anything and everything, doctors would go on record, any number of things could happen.

I'm not saying that everything would be turned up, but something tangible would have.

>All of these are extensions of existing German/Prussian military supremacy and have nothing to do with Nazi political ideology.
Where do you draw the line, user?

>Who says I'm Amerimutt?!?
>Yeah I'm Amerimutt!
The KKK mind, folks.

Absolutely and without a doubt 100% KKK larp trash.

>You're intentionally clueless on the facts of political history
"You're this... because.. b-because I say so!"

Probably not.

Mind you, I don't think you need to read Schmitt to understand anything about political action. Why would your primary resource be Schmitt? Do you not see the problem with that? Reference something else, anything else. There are plenty of resources. Don't pretend to not rock the swastika, yet actively choose to reference the one anecdotal piece of work written by a Nazi.

Come on now.

You make excuses for yourself.

A child can see what's wrong with that.

We study Pol Pot too but not because he's awesome lulz. It's called a counterpoint and it's often used in education to demonstrate the retarded process we went through to later arrive at the opposite conclusion.

Sounds like a game plan, thanks user.

Attempting to discredit someone's argument simply because of their nationality is a pretty kikeish thing to do. I am American, but you had nothing good to lead you to that conclusion other than the statistical probability as most users on Yas Forums are American.

I also notice that you didn't respond to my question. I'll reiterate. Where are you from, user?

OP is a massive faggot
This is the gayest fucking thread I've ever seen on Yas Forums and that's including trap and prolapsed asshole threads

>unironically admires Hitler's Germany for it's military prowess as a basis for a sustainable model for other nations
I've got some bad news for you, kid.

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>but you had nothing good to lead you to that conclusion other than the statistical probability as most users on Yas Forums are American
If the statistical probability of you being American was high, then user had a very, very, very, very, very good justification for that conclusion.

It's out of this world.

>2% of the US population controls 95% of the industry and media?
95% is an overstatement. Reminds me of Yas Forums infographics with Stars of David all over the place. Further research shows that many of those people aren't Jews, and are classified as such because of a recent ethnic Jew in the family. It's easy to classify broadly when you use a one-drop rule. Jews are liberal bourgeois, just like the WASPs who occupy the same niches.

>I'm not saying that everything would be turned up, but something tangible would have.
Plenty of tangible things turned up. Medical records showing drug use by High Command did not, except insofar as drug use was common in military settings in the mid 20th century.

>Where do you draw the line, user?
Probably the line between the army and the SS would be a good proxy for the difference. By the late Nazi era, the boundaries have been muddled enough.

Schmitt (and Heidegger) are not used as Nazi scapegoats in their relative fields as "counterpoints" but as full-fledged thinkers in their own right. You would know this if you didn't LARP as an intellectual on Yas Forums.

I chose Schmitt because he's contextually relevant given the thread's theme and because his analysis is still among the best critique of liberalism with regard to how it regards all of its enemies as "enemies of mankind".