Fiance just cheated on me

Fiance just cheated on me.

I got nothing left, don't know what to look forward to anymore.

>be me, 18 wage cuck working 2 jobs to afford being a college fag.
>met this girl working at wage cuck job
>start dating
>really dig this girl, decide I'm going to be committed.
>get in school 4 years of stress, barley paying bills and studying my ass off and we're still together.
>I committed to this chick, began helping pay her bills, spending what little free time i had left on her, think I'm going to marry her, even confessed to it.
>one day she says she needs time to her self for a little while and blocks me.
>I knew shit was up, but I wanted to trust her and give her time to herself.
>couple weeks later she sends me a fucking word document outlining all the problems with our relationship
>decided to try and talk it out
>meet up and she confesses in those couple weeks she decided to spend with a guy and fell in love
>all alone, no friends, shit family, and a shit future.

sorry for the shit greentext not much of a writer, anyone got any tips to get my shit back together and live life.

pic not related

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time to post those nudes

At least it wasn't a powerpoint

second this

Don't got any, I'm a cathcuck and was celibate

Woman are trash live for yourself find new people. Wouldn't you rather feel pain then nothing at all? Unless you believe in God then just end it: )

you literally have the rest of your life my guy.

let her go fuck her. she doesn't want you than don't go after her. But i hope you learned some valuable lessons along the way.

also obligatory "you were on a break".

Like i can even handle the fucking redflags man, Blocking you? wtf do you mean.. that would of been the end right there for me.

Play animal crossing.

Same. Fiance cheated on me with a coworker. Women are garbage, I'll never date a chinese chick again.

thanks man. knew shit was fucked but I let my pussy ass self give her a chance instead of accepting what it was.

Stop going to school and focus on an actual goal. Maybe she doesn't want to date someone who is destined to die OP. It's tough on chicks; some don't want to get all wrinkly.

probably why she dumped you. didn't give her any. retard

One, you are fucking young. There are millions of women out there. Does that help now? No. But it will. Two, she’s a user. Shame on her. Look for the signs of this in others you date so you don’t make the same mistake twice. Three, set a timeframe to grieve. A month, six weeks. Figure out who you are without her. Four, profit.

no worries bro happens to the best of us.

Now its time to work on you, get your shit together.

10/10 also dubs checked

It's your own fault, you trusted a woman. :-/

Take all that time you were with her and get your ass a gym membership.

Spend a hour just working out. Nothin heavy. Just show up and do something. Start lifting after a month. Get sick gains. Pump iron after a month. Don't fucking quit. Just show up and have a plan in the ready. No plan? Watch a dude on YouTube and study their form.

After the semester blows over I suggest you find some new language to read about/study. Get sick gains and learn another language on the side. I suggest something fucking rad like German or like fucking ASL. Take those fucking arms and flex the language of iron and speak without a fucking mouth bro.

You see her. You flex and call her a fucking whore in ASL. Let your fucking body speak to her in two ways just to twist the knife. Your body and mind will regain itself through your hard work and gains bro.

nah, the bitch was cathcuck too. But I guess she was just a lying whore.

Work on yourself Yas Forumsro.
Get healthy, eat better, work out.
Wake up and make the bed. You've already achieved something very few have. Go for a run walk. Spend 15 to 30 mins a day just sitting and thinking. Get comfortable with yourself. Learn to look in the mirror and say fucking awesome cunt! Instead of fucking die cunt. Set yourself goals in work and life. Look at what you need to do to achieve them. Remember that nobody is perfect. We all fall from time to time. Some won't get up because they are pussys. You get up over and over and claw and bite your way through life if necessary. Always put positive vibes out and I guarantee you'll start to get them back 10 fold. Who's an awesome cunt?

Commit to your studies and your work, improve yourself you'll feel better in the long run

Based. Saving this for myself in case I ever need it.

Thats what you get for believing in magic sky pixies.
I mean you went to college, but you didn't question ANY of that shit?


haha millenials are so fucking retarded. Want to know why your relationships fail so often? It's because you communicate over electronic means more than you do in person. This creates an aura of impersonality between both parties and makes it much easier to cheat. That's because literally anyone can come in and electronically start speaking to your significant other and seem better. You kids are retarded and know absolutely nothing about legitimate long term relationships.

Fucking straight legend


The only things you can really rely on is yourself and your own success. Pump iron and push yourself into being someone.

It all starts with one rep bro.

Cool story bro again

Kill yourself pussy that's what you do or swallow the fucking pill and you fight.

>pay her bills

He said Help. Yeah you can't get comfortable until they're married to you. That's how these bitches operate op.


Thanks for the advice, its something I always say but It always helps to hear some people say it.

thanks for the jokes they help bring a laugh when there isn't much to laugh about.

why were you engaged at 18 retard

Dump nudes faggot

user, from your greentext I can only notice that you have what it takes to start and maintain a fruitful and fulfilling relationship. You have shown commitment to both your relation and your work, you have shown commitment to move forward in life through educational self-improvement, you have shown great empathy by letting her have time by herself - which meant putting your pride aside.

I could say it like this: you have forged yourself into a great tool, but it turned out you were applying yourself to the wrong objects. There are other females out there, and I dare to bet you will end up in a successful relationship.

Well there you go..

nah dude im 22, the timeline started at 18. 4 years passed from then.

Maybe you can suck the popes dick from now on.

Still a retard

I mean by the look of it if you bought her a house she'd take it as a death threat.

Why are you engaged at 22? Retard

Fucking dead

>meet up and she confesses in those couple weeks she decided to spend with a guy and fell in love

It's a rapist OP classic female maneuver. But if she does have sex with another guy then she loses. You'll be able to cut the chord easy; it turns grey. You can go find someone who desvers you.

>sends me a fucking word document outlining all the problems with our relationship
Can you please take screenshot of this or copy and paste it here? For research purposes...

>thanks for the jokes
Dude. What part of that is a joke to you? You can learn this lesson yourself now or you can learn it in the long run. You're young and dumb though so I'll assume you'll choose the latter.


This video helped me in similar circumstances.

I hope other fags learn from this embarrassment. You don’t get engaged at 22. You don’t get engaged to the first girl you meet. You don’t get engaged before you have started a career that you’re happy enough in. You don’t get engaged until you have your own retirement plan set up. You don’t get engaged to someone who hasn’t done the same.

Late 20s is the absolute earliest to get engaged.

I’m a lawyer fag and laugh as I’m taking money from divorce clients who are in their mid-20s, had a kid too early, bought a house they couldn’t afford, bought cars/furniture they shouldn’t have and now client is stuck with half the debt their spouse incurred and child support for 18 years

Feminist propaganda.

Not everyone is a robot like you

Dude, you're a teenager. Let it go. You've got so much time left. I'm a 27 year old single dad with an 8 year old daughter and still haven't found "the one" if they even exist. Just play the game and fucking roll my dude.

How are your clients able to pay you if they're so financially ruined?

>I need someone who loves to spend time with me and not think it's a chore. Who wants to see me again and again, even after a tiring day, to just see my face and hug me, or at least call me, and when we talk we won't even notice the time passing by. I want to be with someone who lets me go out of my way to do something fun and surprising, who doesn't restrict my wanting to give gifts and time. I really needed time and talking before affection. Giving affection right away scares me. You never even let me tell you why I am scared, what I went through, you shoved it on the side. I needed to share my horrible things in my past without judgement, and I have never done that with you. I need someone who can tell me to shut up when I overthink and encourage me that I am a lot better than I think I am. I need curiosity to want to go out and do things together, not sit at home all day. And if we do sit at home all day, that in itself feels like an adventure and not stagnant. I want to do these things with someone and for them to give them back, not because we ask but without asking. To just know that we want the same things.

most of it isnt true like most women trying to feel justified.

Nice trips, brah. Are you yourself Chinese?

There are more cunts than fish bro

Hello, I am 99% of all future anons in this situation or similar ones.

"omg so fucking cringey, why was stressing about that bitch of an ex. My relationship with girl, insert name here, is so much better."

Common sense doesn’t make you a robot. A ring on the finger in your early 20s does nothing to change how you should each feel for each other.

There are few circumstances where marrying that early make sense. OP should be thanking his god this all happened to him. This saved him a ton of pain/complications down the road. And if he’s not a complete faggot, he’ll learn how to manage relationships better down the road

This is absolutely it

Not all are. I’m citing people like OP specifically. Usually a family member pays the retainer and the client sets up a payment plan.

Occasionally a credit card. Sometimes a combination of all three

More for me

If you truly are as hardworking as you say you are you need to try and forget about her. It will be tough, and she probably will come crawling back, but don’t give in. Continue on the path you are on, maybe start getting fit to replace the time you are with her. Start scamming on young chicks. She is easily replaced, you aren’t.

murder revenge. make them suffer!

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>Working two jobs
>So you can study
>So you can work one job.

American, eh?