YLYL Corona Edition

YLYL Corona Edition

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I'm confused, and slightly aroused.

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What's her name though?

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some of the meme can left I guess

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Lol I would be surprised if that's real. Fucking MAGA MAGOTS are idiots for voting for that idiot. I hope that the ones that voted for him die from Rona. How ironic lol his president got some idiots killed by now for sure


Let's break it into two parts.
•COV obviously refers to SARS-CoV-2.

•FEFE (hex) = 65278 (dec).

65278 can be cut into digit pairs in two ways: 6-52-78 or 65-27-8. Let's take the digital root of each pair and add them up.

6+5 = 11. 1+1 = 2.
2+7 = 9.
8 remains 8.


6 remains 6.
5+2 = 7.
7+8 = 15, 1+5 = 6.
6+7+6=19 also!

How is it that Trump knew about COVID-19 two and a half years before it happened? Why didn't he warn the world? WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

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Lol fucking nasty Indians

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Dude, that was his secret code to the Chinese who already had the virus engineered. Once he made that statement, the Chinese officials knew to start making preparations to release the virus to the public

The people worth saving are already safe. I want the space force for them.

only because you don't wear any masks and cannot understand this meme..shut ur ass poorfag

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bick dig n r g

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That's not how you spell "spittle". Who's the dumb fucker who made this?

We are destroying the world's economy and for nothing! Look at Sweeden! They made the right choice. People will always die. Sacrifice is imminent. The world isn't all rainbows and ponies all the time. But kicking the entire world into an economical crisis that might take decades to pull out of? How is that worth saving even a couple million people? But the numbers aren't even that high. In fact they're small numbers compared to other pandemics across the history.

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Totally worth the resources

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lily adams

The stockmarket until you boil that winged fucker with some bok choy

They photoshopped MAGA hats on COVID-19. Yeah, they’re memelords. Totally.

It's not the word "spittle" not intelligent fag.

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Jesus. Too soon.

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slow, simmering, seethe

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>wears mask
>touches face
>gets infected
Please keep in mind that masks protect other people more than you by keeping your spit droplets from flying out. Washing your hands thoroughly and often will protect you way more than a mask ever will.

Crash talk take 1

I don't touch my face. I only touch my asshole.

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pisses me off to no end that the powers that be haven't been encouraging everyone to wear masks from the beginning when out in public.


Masks are required in my country, I live in HUGE VAGINA

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so far, Laredo, Texas is the only place I've heard of in the United States making everyone wear masks.

Thanks i was looking für that online but couldnt finden it

Also im totally bekifft

so old fatties? Not much of a surprise.

Fake hospitals

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Fake deaths

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shitty thread
Didn't laugh
I hope all of you fucking die

Fake tests

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Dies of old age tomorrow.

Fake deaths

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 4.png (1256x1176, 1.38M)


if only three people have died then why four people are circled in the picture?

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you needn't hope for that to happen, it's a given.

since three of the people circled in the picture are men, I assume the circled woman is the woman whose family is 'destroyed' by coronavirus

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All this bullshit just for the fucking 5g

Nigger shield

is just 1 thread without schizos too much to ask for?

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