What's the best and most unexpected plot twist you've ever seen in a film?

What's the best and most unexpected plot twist you've ever seen in a film?

Attached: brazilian_driveby.webm (400x400, 2.7M)

Other urls found in this thread:


They are not brazillian, this is from Equador


kek ok this was funny

Lmao they fucking deserve it.

they're kidnapping people? the guy in the truck was cuffed

There should be psych tests before getting a license

Attached: nosurvivors.webm (640x360, 2.6M)

enforcing this quarantine with no survivors

ecuador* is leaving their bodies in the street
some medieval shit, total bruh moment when you see it

So, it was a drive-by... chair theft?

if we did this in our inner cities we'd have less problems
don't even have to arrest anyone, just bother the fucks who irl lurk

I'm a teacher. This is basically what I do.

those chairs are pure uncut cocaine.

The Third Man, not sure if it was the most unexpected but its great.

Attached: Don't Fuck With Spongebob, short.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

we really should just allow sound on all boards at this point

Attached: ordinaryasian.webm (408x720, 732.72K)

oe no seas sapo ctm


serious replies only

Attached: Screenshot_20200403-235159_Gallery.jpg (1439x2159, 1.27M)

good point

More like a SIKE test.


This shit is disgusting. Why is the world turning so fat? Even Asians are fat ads shit now.

what is this? Why does the guy in the back have his hands tied?

>what is this?
Fucking phoneposters know nothing about filenames.

honestly, probably Repo Men

I hate twists though. It ruins any chance of enjoying it a 2nd time

Attached: Marley🦄✨(@marlenasojka) on TikTok Sooo cringe😂 #foryou#for.webm (540x960, 1.64M)

yeah, that really clears it all up

im not on my phone. I just meant is there more info about why this driveby happened? Who they are? Why the fuck they want chairs?

Attached: 1491534233875.jpg (728x546, 151.1K)


they were violating quarantine

Every day I drive by this bus stop post that has a chair chained to it. I've thought about stopping there at night and using a pair of bolt cutters to steal the chair just to be a dick.

It should, if you know how to read.

Consider this: I could tell you anything at all and you wouldn't know the difference. This is why storyfags are ridiculous.

is this one of those joke videos or what's happening?

what was black panther's sister doing in brazil

Attached: 1544452699033.jpg (694x694, 192.05K)

There's this thing called coronavirus, if you haven't heard.

yeah it looks staged. the nigger runs without even looking at anything


did he have to kick the chair tho? that was kind of rude

president of the based department


Is that kids last name mayonaise

The cop thought the chair was brandishing a gun.

They forgot to untie him from the chair

It was resisting arrest

Attached: can't trust cuttlefish.webm (720x404, 947.44K)

Attached: daily life in 'merika.webm (490x266, 2.67M)

Attached: footfags rejoice.webm (720x720, 1.52M)

Attached: rlm the wine tasting by rian johnson.webm (854x480, 2.7M)

It's funnier with audio.


Attached: typegfy.webm (480x360, 2.33M)

Attached: 1545948803109.webm (460x594, 1.53M)


Attached: KYITLGXQCBCBDKRJMZFQBBBODE.jpg (415x520, 69.01K)


Fucking furries.

Does anybody have any thoughts on this? Positive, negative, doesn't matter.

don't google his cat's name

i think you should go where your heart takes you

Was this meant to be a reply to the cuttlefish clip?

Attached: wtf moment 1.webm (1280x720, 1.21M)

>when it runs at the camera
some hitchcock type shit

How about neutral?
>Do what you want, man

No, since when was Lovecraft afraid of some stupid fish lol


Thanks, guys. I'm stealing the chair.

But he is afraid of watching RLM?

Attached: wokka crash.webm (264x480, 293.46K)

Attached: ccw prevents armed robbery.webm (920x720, 1.65M)

dead nigger storage

There was forty feet between them
When they stopped to make their play
And the swiftness of the Ranger
Is still talked about today
Texas Red had not cleared leather
'Fore a bullet fairly ripped
And the Ranger's aim was deadly
With the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip

more like cutefish

it is not, things like this happens in south america, i know, i live in it. fucking hell

he got me

Attached: hehe.gif (266x199, 1.84M)

he was ready to operate

Those shifty eyes. That outraged hand jester. Perfect video.

Attached: liveactionsailormoon.gif (200x150, 931.75K)

Attached: yhlothr.gif (610x862, 277.25K)

I still can't believe Bruce Willis was a ghost the whole time


kino forced perspective

holy based

>guy getting shot probably only used to people complying not even thinking about someone shooting back
>barely able to squeeze out two shots as 6 fly through him
Always makes me laugh.

It makes Die Hard more interesting when you already know it though.

Attached: thataway.gif (320x190, 1.54M)

??? they stole their chairs?

Humans BTFO

Attached: perro tries rally racing.webm (900x506, 1.84M)

Corona. So that people dont go outside. In India you get beaten with sticks by the police.

Attached: 1583010167934 (1).webm (608x1078, 475.08K)

Sounds significant, where did you hear about this?

That’s in the Dominican Republic

One of the advantages of being on Yas Forums for some duration of time is that I can spot traps and trannies mile away.

If it's one chair leave it. Old and or disabled people will appreciate the chair.

and start fapping in advance

RIP Rich Evans ;_;

Is this what Euros think America is like?

Take the sign and leave the chair.

>total bruh moment

Attached: 1558720409862.png (600x800, 50.3K)

"Everyone back to the base, pardner."

Think he got everyone watching it for the first time. He just played it incredible well, not overdoing it but slowly escalating.

Attached: SneakAttack.webm (480x480, 1.92M)


"Query: What will you do about it you pathetic meat bag?"

basado mi fren

Attached: 1565821424897.webm (480x480, 1.85M)

Attached: this nigga.png (100x99, 20.05K)

based boomer using that dumb bitch as cover

Attached: 1580683323273.webm (640x800, 2.97M)


This was my favorite shitposting material. The whole
The devolution from the whole sentence to variants of that will never not be hilarious.

What the fuck

Why would that even remotely have been okay?

Attached: out of nowhere.webm (492x228, 2.87M)

Because the guy was a faggot thief

I love this guy.

Using the bystander for a cheeky gunning is questionably unethical.
Gunning down some hoodlum who preys on the common man? Extremely based.

That one cunt in purple smiling the whole time

The moron chose an off duty cop to rob. It's from Brazil from what the /k/ommandos say when it appears on various threads there.

fuck nigs lmao

u r a gay

What vid? I don't normally like prank channels but that's pretty funny.

Shit I remember seeing this one lol

Don't be a nigger, leave the chair for the poor saps that still take pt.

>Yas Forums


ah dude jannies are so based

Attached: no suckerpunches on my watch.webm (960x540, 1.34M)

the best face ever made.

I saw something like this in Africa
Only it was people selling things and the police piled out to beat them with rubber hoses.

Even niggers know to get out of the way. Why can't chinks understand?

thinking your hard when you steal plastic chairs made in china for 0.40 cents

Kek he's like "gotcha"

It was resitting arses.

I'd fuck this thing in it's ass all night