Ohiofags report in. 330 Niles here

Ohiofags report in. 330 Niles here.

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513, Cincy, Delhi, shithole.

Holmes County
*Not Amish

614 here, grew up in Westerville, lived on campus, currently live in Powell... WILL PAY

IT’S ME AGAIN ¡THEEEEE ETERNAAAAL GAPE! WHO LIKES MAKING MEMES AND HUMILIATING FAGGOTS?!?!?! LOOK NO FURTHER! ATTENTION STRAIGHT MEN AND BUDDIES WHO LIKE TO BULLY!!!!! - Looking for guys who would be genuinely interested... im 24 yo, 6’2, 170lbs, white, red headed gay male. My thing is, I like to be humiliated by STRAIGHT, sadistic, HETEROsexual men who would get a kick out of this and no sexual gratification. By that I mean, I’ll go on cam butt ass naked, write whatever you tell me to write on myself with sharpie. Stick random things up my ass (flashlight, end of a light bulb, sharpie... whatever I can find near) give over personal information about myself, passwords to personal accounts and you can expose me. Feel free to screenshot me, laugh at me, grab a buddy to join you in laughing at me. I’m not trolling, just looking for any straight men who would at least want a conversation about this.... please be of age (18+) and have access to a mic and cam if you’re interested!!!! Add me on discord @ OneBalledFuckingFaggot#4211

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Wish I knew

330 east liverpool here

Any Sugarcreek?

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513 north side

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here's Berlin if it matters.

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Ehhh 513 North East

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Going to show her wins? I want to cum to her.

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Know her?

i lived in NS up until last year, i miss it

No, I'm not far away though.

Any 440

She has pics in her house that anyone can see.

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Really? That's sexy as fuck. Any of exposed tits?

614 here I really need a new hookup for weed

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Pic of her pic.

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614 here, grew up in Westerville, lived on campus, currently live in Powell... WILL PAY

IT’S ME AGAIN ¡THEEEEE ETERNAAAAL GAPE! WHO LIKES MAKING MEMES AND HUMILIATING FAGGOTS?!?!?! LOOK NO FURTHER! ATTENTION STRAIGHT MEN AND BUDDIES WHO LIKE TO BULLY!!!!! - Looking for guys who would be genuinely interested... im 24 yo, 6’2, 170lbs, white, red headed gay male. My thing is, I like to be humiliated by STRAIGHT, sadistic, HETEROsexual men who would get a kick out of this and no sexual gratification. By that I mean, I’ll go on cam butt ass naked, write whatever you tell me to write on myself with sharpie. Stick random things up my ass (flashlight, end of a light bulb, sharpie... whatever I can find near) give over personal information about myself, passwords to personal accounts and you can expose me. Feel free to screenshot me, laugh at me, grab a buddy to join you in laughing at me. I’m not trolling, just looking for any straight men who would at least want a conversation about this.... please be of age (18+) and have access to a mic and cam if you’re interested!!!! Add me on discord @ OneBalledFuckingFaggot#4211

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Kik carlosdanger304

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I love how this picture tries to make ohio look good, when in reality, its a flaming pile of sun baked shit

same. hav any wins?

I do. You?

Anyone catfish?

Someone in west Jeff please sell me some weed I'm not a cop I swear

yep kik?

What part? Any nudes?



Thanks for the invite

any jordan s?

liberty center, no wins

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What highschool did you go to, north/south/oak stone?

Ayyyy Clifton reporting in

Ohio disc - no lurkers

Lindsay n tiffin

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Who do you have to offer?

Lindsay n

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Eeeyyyy!! Mt adams yo. NOT a shithole. Lol

Anymore tiffin out there?

Danielle d

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Any Sandusky area out there?

Whats the obsession with T-town


Donna p tiffin

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Moar Donna p

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whats your kik?

Post some then and stop lurkin fagg

Central, wbu?

614 here, grew up in Westerville, lived on campus and live in Powell... WILL PAY

IT’S ME AGAIN ¡THEEEEE ETERNAAAAL GAPE! WHO LIKES MAKING MEMES AND HUMILIATING FAGGOTS?!?!?! LOOK NO FURTHER! ATTENTION STRAIGHT MEN AND BUDDIES WHO LIKE TO BULLY!!!!! - Looking for guys who would be genuinely interested... im 24 yo, 6’2, 170lbs, white, red headed gay male. My thing is, I like to be humiliated by STRAIGHT, sadistic, HETEROsexual men who would get a kick out of this and no sexual gratification. By that I mean, I’ll go on cam butt ass naked, write whatever you tell me to write on myself with sharpie. Stick random things up my ass (flashlight, end of a light bulb, sharpie... whatever I can find near) give over personal information about myself, passwords to personal accounts and you can expose me. Feel free to screenshot me, laugh at me, grab a buddy to join you in laughing at me. I’m not trolling, just looking for any straight men who would at least want a conversation about this.... please be of age (18+) and have access to a mic and cam if you’re interested!!!! Add me on discord @ OneBalledFuckingFaggot#4211

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330 bump

First list who you have.

her friend smith, katelyn b, deanna pedicord, kayla smith, katie barnes and a few older women