I am a strictly independent person, but i wanna see what Yas Forums thinks of conservatives and liberals, that means...

i am a strictly independent person, but i wanna see what Yas Forums thinks of conservatives and liberals, that means, conservatives, what do you think of liberals, and liberals, what do you think of conservatives?

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Fascism a far-left ideology? What?

right? who the fuck made this?

Fuck off loser

I was thinking the same thing. Sage goes in all fields immediately, abandon thread.

I think the idea of holding onto a one-size-fits all political ideology that doesn't change to the needs of advancing technologies or different stages in economic cycles when regulation and manipulation of capital may need vastly different responses, if at all, is absurd. It's no more than the same manifestation of the need to belong as football team rivalries have.

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I think I see where they were trying to go with it. Traditionally conservative means smaller government and liberal generally embraced larger government. Authoritarianism is nothing but full government control which is why it is displayed at left but in modern day conservatives have been shifting more authoritarian with their views so it’s associated with conservatism.

A leftist who's trying to make anarchism appealing to the center and confuse those starting to develop their political identity.

fascist and nazis loathed the left, many intellectuals and knows socialists and communist were killed in the beginning of the fascist and nazi regimes, Gramsci is one of the most important Marxists of the 20th century and died because of imprisonment, only alex jones fans think that nazism an fascism had anything to do with left-wing movements

Look up the national socialist party and take a couple of high school classes.

Authoritarianism is the apex of full government control though. If communism and socialism has a massive usage of government running things, why would fascism not be associated with being left wing (in worst case scenario)

We either take definitions of left and right wing to the letter and nth degree or we just lie to ourselves. I understand authoritarianism and liberalism are nowhere near each other but those are politically philosophies and not necessarily ideology.

Hitler and co described themselves as socialist and many of their policies that weren't related to eugenics were considered very socialist and progressive for the time. You find today's marxists clamoring for the same policies Hitler gave his people.

Because state of total war dictates total control of the means of production by the state user, that happened everywhere, also Nazis particularly endorsed big contracts with corporations, Seinheiser, Hugo BOss, Puma, Wolkswagen and lots of other companies thrived during the nazi regime. Their ideology and economic means weren't anything like the soviet experience

National Socialism is about as socialist as the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea is a Democracy or a Republic. Also you're a gay faggot.

please do refer to ONE Marxist author that does that

Fascism is needed to enforce either extreme so it's a gray area.


the nazis were originally socialists, but they changed their ideals afterwards

Let's rephrase it this way.
Do you want free education?
Do you want free healthcare?
Do you want welfare?
Do you believe in the redistribution of wealth?

These are things marxists and socialists want and these are things the nazis or wanted to provide for their people. It's like you didn't even bother looking into actual nazi platform and policies but instead take the lies marxists tell to make their ideology seem good at face value.

They weren't even originally socialists, they just used the language of socialism to attract more young men to their side because the main opposition in 1920s Germany was the Communist Party

Anyone that says Nazis are socialists, when the first people they put in concentration camps were communists, is a fucking moron

Lol imagine being this retarded.

Covid-19 Conspiracy thread.

Enough of the 5G or Chinese Bioweapon stuff. Entertain me with something new.

>Alien invasion and the Covid is made to strengthen the survivors antibodies.

>The Virus is bullshit altogether and it’s the ones that have made pacts with demons being taken to Hell.

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In England, bastion of liberalism, the universalization of healthcare and education, and welfare programs started to be developed in the 19th century user, this is not socialism is the least you do to your fellowmen. Dont be sassy with me

You're thinking of authoritarianism

You ruined this website the day you brought up politics dipshits

I think that the thing you are using to visualize ideologies is flawed because it is only one axle I would recommend adding cultural economical and authoritarian axles


God bless you

What about the redistribution of wealth and the seizure of the means of production?

Libertarian is not a far right ideology, unless you're going by the American definition

Do they still teach history these days? You know, it hasn't been that long.

This doesn't really take into account Nationalism VS Globalism which is the main battle of the modern world.

Nazi's may have been for big Gov but they were also deeply Nationalist and were run by and for their own people (ala the Japanese).
Kind of like the exact opposite of the modern, corrupt, cosmopolitan, internationalist, aristocratic neo-liberal West.

>Hitler and co described themselves as socialist
No, this is a lie

You cannot be far left or right without military enforcement because it means not giving the other half any say in how shit is ran. Hence why far right Germany and far left Russia looked so similar to us.

Communism and rocky and Arnold are the worst evils to hit the 20th century faggot.

A king or dictator is preferable as daddy. Kill yourselves

Do you know what those phrases mean? If you did, you would not be implying the nazis did them

forgot to add
"imperialist" to the neo-liberal side
thats one of their biggest faults

Not true, but you're still thinking of authoritarianism, not fascism

I liked the Spanish and Italian fascists better.

Worked for Japan they seem to be doing fine

classical economics dictates that the state is responsible to equalize wealth distribution user, almost every doctrine states the distribution of wealth, even the most capitalists, and the seizure of the means of production by the state happens in every country in a state of total war, also as i said early, big fucking corporations rose from the nazi regime.

Facism is Authoritarian.

Really, there's tons of documents where Hitler and other nazis described themselves as socialists.

Uhhh Japan was destroyed by america lol. They're doing fine because they were rebuilt by them after ww2.

They did though Moron.
Factually incorrect unless you can provide examples of other countries governments doing this. Those corporations where also owned by the government.

No there isn't

No it's not

The left right spectrum is outdated by 200+ years as it used to indicate loyalty (or lackthereof) to the French King.

You can call Fascism right or left. Right in that its national as opposed to international, and promotes the family (so long as the family is aligned with the state) left in that it's a strong government that provides basic necessities from housing to transportation.

Me? I'm a bit of a contradiction. As a Christian, I'm a reactionary/monarchist that believes in authority, but I also believe in the fallenness of man so I end up as a minarchist because I trust no man with power.

I like how leftists can be concerned about the poor (even though it feels like they throw them under the bus for illegals that will vote for more leftism).

But I couldn't vote for any so long as they support abortion and general sexual deviancy. I'm open minded about economics (though I'm generally lassaiz faire), but the modern social issues are beyond the pale and become a breaking point for me. I won't vote for a post '95 dem.

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the Night of Long Knives purged the socialist elements from the party. Sounds pretty Authoritarian to me.

Oh really? Then why were there private corporations? That is by definition not seizing the means of production

Yeah, the nazis were authoritarian, and many fascists are also authoritarian, however you can be authoritarian without being fascist



Anyone who has read history knows that Hitler bandwagoned the socialist worker's party because socialism was very popular at the time, then changed the name and ideology so it was nationalist corporatism aka nazi

As a moderate, I find leftists to be the modern equivalent of the old evangelical right. Except instead of God, they worship the MSM, consumerism and degeneracy. But the tactics are exactly the same. Extreme views being forced on a mostly centrist and moderate public, with great force and righteous indignation.

I give up user, there is a pretty cool trap thread going and im not wasting more words on you, do some reading about these movements and see if you can find one intellectual, right-wing or left-wing, that considers the fascist or nazist doctrine leftist, then wonder why every socialist and communist intellectual fled or died during these regimes, good night XoXoXo

That doesn't happen

Japan retained their economic system post-war though but it was working too effectively and not cucking the Japanese so the Western powers came in and took over their central bank and re-made their economy to serve neo-libism and its been slow and debt ridden ever since.

Watch this documentary.

Lol it's literally in the name or is the national socialist German workers party not the same as the nazi party but ok. Let's play feed the retard. How about Hitler's 1927 speech where he declares "We are socialists. We are the enemies of today’s capitalist system of exploitation" but I guess it's to hard to Google.

Evangelicals didn't think they were doing anything wrong, either.

>National Socialism is about as socialist as...
Idk man, central government, nationalizing industry, gun control, clamping down hard on free speech and anyone that doesn't toe the line, redistribution of power from the elites to the masses. Seems pretty left to me.

There was a socialist faction within the Nazi party led by Ernst Rohm and the SA, but Hitler got tired of them and killed them

No, but you're asserting things happen that don't actually happen, that's not me saying they're doing nothing wrong

These are examples of Authoritarianism. Hitler was a Nazi, and an Authoritarian, Stalin was a Communist and an Authoritarian.

>redistribution of power from the elites to the masses.

I agree with the thrust of your post, but this is wrong. Far leftism generally shifts power from one set of elites to another...never the masses.

shitty bait

These are examples of leftism, belief that big government can control things better than individuals left to their own devices. See the pic in op, on the right you have personal responsibility and individualism.

Still doesn't change the fact that the remaining faction still called themselves socialist and where considered socialist by historians of the time. It wasn't until the 60s that people started to imply the nazis weren't socialist.

>"We are socialists. We are the enemies of today’s capitalist system of exploitation"
AH HA, I was waiting for someone retarded enough to claim this came from Hitler
That is an excerpt from Gregor strasser, early nazi member.
He was killed in the night of the long knives because hitler had personal and political differences with him

Gay culture pushed constantly. Black "culture" being pushed constantly. Endless hatred for non-far-left white males. Ecomentalism and humanitarian concerns pushed, that all boil down to cheap foreign labor and voters. And a constant driving attack on the first and second amendments. For anyone that is center, all the way to far right, it's like having an enemy cult occupying our country.

People who claim to be independent are just faggots who are too afraid to pick a side cause they scared bitches afraid of the other side attacking them.

Fuck off faggot.

How can you be socialist, if you kill off all the socialists?

>Far leftism generally shifts power from one set of elites to another...never the masses.
This is the truth, but not what they tell people to get them to vote for them lol see the tax the rich schemes that are put forth today.

And can you give a source for all of those?

It must be hard for anyone that has to talk to someone as stupid as you

Libertarianism is kind of retarded though.
It just doesn't work.
You require a fairly homogeneous group that agrees to it and works together to defend the overall group from threats.
Early America was probably the best example of a quasi-form of Libertarism and even then it had government, militias, armies and plenty of decentralized authorities and it had a homogeneous tribal nation with a surplus of land and resources and limited migration/foreign threats due to more limited state of technology at the time and the general difficulty of migration.

Humans are tribal, humans desire community.
quasi forms of Libertarism can only exist within a strong nation and even then are probably naturally unstable and ephemeral.

You're right and its deeply authoritarian, only with some lipstick on it.
Democracy my ass.
The npc's will never get it though, envy their ignorance I guess.

>I'm a bit of a contradiction.
Not really. You're just a mess for imagining that authority unaccountable by law to the governed will be magically considerate of the governed, and for buying the idea that rich corporate pricks who lobby for mass immigration to lower local wages are leftist by any definition.

Poor you. Too many pansies these days, everyone's always playing the victim.

>Total Libertarianism is kind of retarded though. It just doesn't work.
Something everyone can agree on. Balance is key

>virtue signaling
Surprised your post didn't end with some sort of bad meme about how the left can't meme

>anarchism is far right

anarchism, the ultra egalitarian, ultra queer positive, ultra union, ultra fucking leftist ideology.. is far right?

Who is the absolute fucking mouthbreather who made this

I'm not playing a victim, I'm calling you stupid for not having a grasp on what it is you're talking about