If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?

If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?

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Stop hitler from killing himself.

Not being born female

Hitler died of old age in south america.

High school.

I would have tried harder in high school so I could have gotten into a good music school so I could either direct a symphony, or compose music for movies.

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It came down to the Indian girl or the redhead. I chose the Indian girl. Later we married. Still later I learned she was mentally ill. So, yeah, I'd the redhead instead

not be a fucking pussy about telling the doctors about an infected wound i had so i could keep part of me shoulder

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I would have pulled out before I made the mistake of squirting you into your mother.

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I would be born a girl

> ill trade :(

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Is it possible to have changed obtaining a manly jaw?
>t. ugly trap

Not being born male.

The grass is always greener on the other side fags.

Whats so bad about being a manon/femanon?
I'm curious as to your opinion.

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>Waaaaah I don't like having a penis
Seriously, what makes you think life would be better as a woman?

Not wasting 10yrs of my life being "friends" with shitty people. The people I wasted my 20s on, it would have been better to have been alone than to have been around them.

Hard earned lesson: No company is better than bad company.

Make it so I was a misanthrope much earlier on in life.

>not being born male
>not starting your transition during teenage years
small girldick>>>>pussy

i would have transitioned as a teen

Not having a pussy or tits. I'd rather be labeled normal than gay.

100% agree, user. Good post.

I've wasted years on certain friends as well and it's time I value but it's good to know it never meant anything to any of them. I was just car rides and convenience to them.


>Not having a pussy or tits
I dont know bud, having a cock seems fun
pussies leak and you have to wear panty liners and boobs depending on size and level of bra support can be annoying.

>I'd rather be labeled normal than gay.
Do you like guys? Or do you fantasize about being a woman getting fucked by dudes?

Transitioning is not a good idea for the vast majority of people.
You might just be having an identity crisis due to a lack of purpose/direction in your life.

Your parents and society at large may have fucked up in your upbringing.

Stayed in boxing in 8th grade

I don't have many regrets, but one is this girl, A.C. I'd always suspected she was attracted to me in high school, and one night after we graduated she tried to hook up with me, but I chickened out (I was virgin at the time and a total puss). It was super awkward and now looking back, I really wish I'd fucked her senseless. I bet she would've been freaky too, based on her personality. A real shame. We were watching netflix in my buddies basement, spooning on an air mattress. She kept grinding her ass into my cock and it felt like my jeans were going to tear open. She had small perky tits and a big round ass. I wish I could time travel and punch myself. The girlfriend I eventually lost my virginity to wasn't nearly as hot.

I don't understand, how do you feel good about the fact that you never meant anything to the people around you?

I hate it, it evokes feelings of bitter misery in me when I think of it. Not because I wanted those people to have cared about me but because I wasted my life on them, I lost time I'll never get back.

I wish I had never known them.

I don't care if there are downsides, there are downsides to both genders, I'd rather just not be male, I'd fully take on the female side, regardless what is thrown at me.

I would not trust anyone.

Awwe that actually hit hard. I really wish I started transitioning earlier.


ee smeernybork hurdyburdyshmurdybjoo

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not get gay-raped and transformed into a homo myself

>I'd fully take on the female side, regardless what is thrown at me.
You have until the age of 25 to get your shit together. Because once you hit a certain age your body just stops fucking functioning.

50%-90% of the population can kick your ass

You have to pair up with a man. Someone you have to trust to take care of you for 9 months and upwards.
The world is currently filled with consoomer cuck soyboys, pick up artists and dudes that are basically overgrown children. Those that are not are fucking jaded by getting their hearts broken by other women and the women their age fucking well off dudes decades their senior.

The vast majority of your partners are not going to be able to sexually satisfy you. The most pleasure you will feel is mostly gonna be masturbation.

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enlightening post

Pull tf out.

That is fine, I'm very aspergic, I don't like sexual stuff much, won't lie and say I avoid it, but I don't look for that in a relationship.

Not take the ADHD drug

You met hitler too?

To be born into a family that loved me and gave me attention.

>I don't look for that in a relationship.
Okay. So you are throwing away the one advantage that being a woman might have.

Now you are stuck with your same life except you get a monthly illness that will either take the form of bloody shits (period shits) or sever cramping that can prevent you from leaving the bed depending on how bad it is.

So now you have to work and sustain yourself just like a man would, except once you hit 35 you can't be a "silver fox"
You just become a used up woman.

this is a good thread

Wish i lost my virginity at 16 instead of 22.
Kinda fat slightly ugly girl definatley wanted my cock, i did make out with her at a party and was rubbing my cock, she messaged me afterwards too, but thought my friends would mock me for fucking a 4/10
Woooohoho what a stupid move.

Wish i could slap my younger self. I think my life would have turned out much better if i fucked her%made her my gf. Now 28 with only a handful of fucks and a mild sex addiction.

Aaaand your point is? I'm not transitioning for other's sake, I'm doing it for myself. Gender dysphoria, you know? No matter what you throw at me, I've thought everything through for the past ten or so years of my life.

I'm glad you think so user

being a man just means becoming a used up man too ultimately. Most days I feel empty and disconnected from the vast majority of the people around me.

I would have backed up my old hard drive from back in the day in a couple of different places. I would have still been able to jack off to the videos I lost of my ex Vanessa giving me really good head in various hotels.

Exactly, you have to live for yourself, no matter what ugly curve life throws at you, finding self-love and self-worth will always keep you up and going.

A man can make his way in the world and stabilize his life at 40 and pick up a 20 year old college girl who's buried in debt and fuck her senseless

A woman cannot. She has until 35 or so then its over. 28 if we're being honest because most dudes now are so paranoid around women that they wait half a decade to agree to have kids or get married
(Thanks a lot feminism)

The 20 year old dudes are all fucking 20 year old women and the 20 year old women are busy taking dick from every dude 20-80

Women have a shitton of power and opportunity between the ages of 18 and 28
After that it begins to taper off sharply.
Most women waste it getting railed by piles of pseudo chads and tyrones

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+1 for being a woman. Not even gay and i like having a cock.
But in western society being an attractive woman seems like being a fucking GOD.
Attractive women get everything they want, women hold all the cards.

Being a straight white, working class male is literally the bottom of the fucking barrel.

And being attractive as a woman is easy, just get in shape. Men will want you.

Choosing to date freaks and manchildren is just poor judgement.
Females are the master race if you live in the west. I know for a fact i would have skyrocketed in my career if i was an attractive woman too.

>>Telling a woman what she can and can't do in life

>>Probably really believes the things he's saying

>>Imagine being this caliber of incel


Not everyone can be Belle Delphine user

Haha, you get my point.
Disagree, why cant anyone be belle delphine?
So i am into bodybuilding, getting big arms and a 6 pack requires years and years of dedication unless you hit the genetic jackpot. And is actually UNATTAINABLE for a lot of guys, thats right, for a lot of guys it CAN and WILL never happen without drugs, however this is the standard for attractive male body.

He attractive female body is just not being fat.
Bullshit, any woman can get in shape and be belle delphine
She is a good example of what im talking about though

My addiction to porn

I had a several chances to get laid before I turned 18 but chickened out. I wish I had known you don't get in much trouble if you are under 18 like the girl. Would have been SO worth the risk.

I don't know what I really want out of life to be honest beyond just some vague notion of happiness or fulfillment.

Self-love and self-worth seem impossible to be honest. The truth is that I'm an unremarkable mentally ill piece of shit drifting my way through life waiting to die from old age.

I'm so socially and emotionally isolated its like being a spectre, a ghost drifting through peoples happy spaces.

I'll likey end up a bitter, miserable empty old man living in an empty hotel room. I'll likey kill myself when I reach endgame when hope fully fades. I've spend years trying to come to peace with it.


You are missing the critical component of what actually forges a "man" in the West.

Yes, women grow up being showered with praise and attention.
Women are told their shit don't stink
Women are constantly bailed out of every dangerous situation regardless of if they caused it
Women always have a shoulder to cry on.

Thats why so many of them never capitalize on their near limitless opportunity. They never had to figure out how to do it.

don't drink, think of myself as stronger

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This isn’t even true

how much of your shoulder are you missing?

>Being a straight white, working class male is literally the bottom of the fucking barrel.
