"Trump is doing a great job handling this pandemic"

"Trump is doing a great job handling this pandemic"
-7000 and counting dead Americans

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Americans die in car accidents too
>We should shut down all the roads for safety!

mcuh more died from h1n1 before obama declared a national emergency, shut the retard phone head

Why so defensive about facts?

The giant leaps of faith you take for your president are quite laughable by the rest of the world lol. How do 3rd world shitholes have better results at controlling the virus than you hamburgers? And despite all that you just keep saying 4 more years trump to a random image board. You do you I guess.

Out of 300 million. And those 7,000 were probably fat cunts. Faggot.

Trump is so fucked. america is so fucked. only a retard would vote for him.

Let me guess h1n1 in the world or just the US? Geez looks like fox got you good huh bud.

but 4 people died in benghazi, and like 2 Americans died of ebola, so obviously, trump is doing a great job by comparison.

the left cant meme

Just wait until it really blossoms in the South - the real seat of American obesity *ahem* Mississippi

>B-b-b-buh her emails!

BAHAHAHAHAHA and many more Amerifats to die soon :)

Lmao can’t even imagine being this stupid

>How do 3rd world shitholes have better results at controlling the virus than you hamburgers
Same way they have a handle on the population. Utter control. Costs a lot to be free, faggot.

How many Americans do you think have died from this? What are the sources for your "facts"?

>>We should shut down all the roads for safety!
no, but we should ban all women and chinks from the road. Don't be retarded and face facts.

Tell that last statement to this guy


>It's just the flu

Trump has a retarded son. Let that sink in.

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pretty much, 7000 people is nothing


>It'll disappear magically

How about the 3rd world shitholes don't have the technology to test not are they reporting real Numbers.

when the weather increases, it sure will

maybe you should do your biology homework and you might learn about viruses. this isn't "extended spring break" bud

Is that baron?

We have a lower per capita death rate than the UK by a factor of 10 you simpleton.

You wouldn't believe my background in biology, but you're wrong. Why is Louisiana so heavily infected despite their warm weather?

and what will be the final toll from trump virus idiot? way more than h1n1. only 3000 died from h1n1. more than that have already died from trump virus and it is estimated to go over 100000.

You're a fucking retard. Its summer in Australia and that ain't doing shit to it. Go kill yourself.

Can't wait for the weather to increase!

The death toll hardly paints a picture of how hes doing a bad job. It's more shit like this.

And the fact he called it a democratic hoax and his followers are ignoring social distancing to "stick it to the libs" because if his rhetoric..

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you don't even have a high school degree faggot

go read some reports by virologists; educate yourself instead of listening to the news, a field that has been using scare tactics for decades


Car accidents aren't overloading and shutting down the health care system.
Which, when it happens, car accident victims dont get life saving treatment because beds are full, so in fact more will die.
What breed of pit fruit are you, you fucking plum?

>only 3000 died from H1N1
lol, funny joke

These Eurofags never get tired of posting this shit and BBC threads.

Actually Trump is doing much better than others are or would do. Also actually cares if people die. But hey Alt Left whack job i guess you prefer the Chinese way burn people alive.

>the media said our hospitals will be overrun, it's going to happen

>Why is Louisiana so heavily infected despite their warm weather?
Air conditioning recirculating virions and dehumidifying the air

Sure. Care to dig through your obvious knowledge of the peer-reviewed literature and provide me some resources to read? >inb4 "Google it"

If all the retards in 'merica vote for him, he'll win by a huge margin.

This thread reminds me of the niggers who blamed Bush Jr. for Katrina. Eyo Tyrone if we all jus’ keep voting for the blue massuh we gon keep all dem diseases an acts of god killing pepo lawdy.

I'm not a Trump supporter but 7,000 out of 300+ million ain't shit.
If we get a handle on this soon, we'll be fine.

So the virus doesn't persist outside of air conditioning? How does it persist inside a human body with temps of 98.6 F?

That dot is the last date that the cherry-picking op mentioned. Notice how it wasn’t until afterward that it started showing exponential growth.
Trump banned China travel in January 31st, a month before the point highlighted.
The CDC’s first warning was nothing that would involve any sort of presidential actions and a completely idiotic starting point.
OP really should stop posting. He’s showing his ignorance.

if you only knew how bad things really are

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41,400 average annual deaths in U.S.
Do nothing.

200,000 annual average deaths in U.S. due to preventable medical mistakes.
Give Doctors, hospitals, CEO's, et al hundreds of billions in government subsidies.

7,000 supposed c-19 deaths.
Total freakout.

The power of PROPAGANDA.

Meanwhile a massive transfer of wealth to the wealthy elite, crashing the economy, yet few know.

The power of PROPAGANDA.

Dumbass me forgot the graph.

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This argument is not going to age well in a week.
Yknow h1n1 was also a global pandemic and the world didn't shut down? That's your first clue.
As for coronavirus, you're at 4000 now, and it climbs exponentially every day. And that doesnt count the deaths of other critical care needing citizens who cant get beds because the health care system is crashed.
This is not H1N1. Leave your "But obama" at the door, it doesnt apply here. Let's talk in a week when theres more fatalities from coronavirus, the countries still down, and Republicans are still acting like this is a hoax spreading the infection further causing yet more death.

> united states
> 3433 deaths
i guess you never get tired of feeling stupid when it's so easy for people to prove you wrong.

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yup this was done by jews to crash the market - they dumped before it happened and will massively buy at rock bottom prices while everyone else gets fucked - goyim are simply hogs to be led to the slaughter according to the talmud

you have all the time in the world on your hand, I'll let you pick your own

but stop just parrotting what you hear from the scare factory that is the news outlets, form your own opinions on things (not just this, but all things)

Its happening everywhere ya douchenut. The government in my country is literally retooling manufacturing facilities to produce medical supplies because they're running out internationally. The US is running out of supplies as well

Can you rephrase that question in a way that isn't so binary? I never said that if you turned off the airconditioning there would be no cases in Louisiana, I simply explained why despite a humid and hot temperature it has a high infection rate.

yep, if we talk about the >7000 people will ignore the $2trillion

Pretty much the answer I expected from an arm-chair expert.

>death rate

are you saying that its not going to happen?

pretty much the response I expected from a redditor

orange man bad, amirite comrade?

You shut up faggot

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up

If warm weather is supposed to kill this virus, how does the virus persist in asymptomatic people who don't run fevers and have an average temperature of 98.6F?

It won't. Keep saying anything to feel smart though.

crack open a text book or read some stuff online and learn

I know you don't actually want to learn, you are just trying to use this comment as an argumentative tactic to say >drumpf

>orange man bad,
as a matter of fact, yes
Trump's handling of this crisis
warrants resignation
before Pelosi has him impeached again

Dude, you tell me to read and educate myself, but you can't even provide anything to support your own supposed expertise. That's sad.


>If warm weather is supposed to kill this virus
not that user but it won't
see: Guatemala now

>comparing sanitary countries to third world shitholes

grasp those straws!

Another fantastic response. In your vast expertise, what book should I crack open to learn as much as you know?


Research this shit has hit South America hard and its hot and humid there. The Chinese made a weapon that wasnt ready to get out thank God. Cause if they finished this it could of been the end of the world.

Cartel is gonna be mad someone else is killing people. They're gonna have to up their game and kill even more.

I couldn't tell you, I only took 2 years of biology

but even that was clearly more than you understand about viruses (virii?)

You sure got me.
Well just wait for summer then.

I get that you're cheering on the death of Southerners because"fuck white people's"..but you get that spics and niggers are mostly obese right? They make up a massive percentage of the obese in the south.
You're cheering on the death of spics and niggers

What are your thoughts about Andersen et al's March 17th publication in Nature Medicine?

summer is already here based on these replies

>hot and humid weather only happens in 3rd world shitholes
ok drumpf

They've been engineering bugs for a long time. They're trying to perfect a virus that attacks all genomes except those of chinese ancestry.

that you're a faggot, and it was accurate

So the virus can survive hotter conditions provided sanitation is low?
Is every home and locale in america spic and span?


>The Chinese made a weapon
you have a small penis

>Claims to know about viruses
>Questions the correct plural term
Oh do tell me more

Yas Forums shill on Yas Forums fagging up the place

b.b.bbb brown people wouldnt do that!

Wow. Your expertise fell apart quickly. Maybe you should Google Scholar it and educate yourself.

>he thinks viruses is the correct pluralization of a latin word

you frogposters are all neurotic control freaks aren't you?

And still theres a pandemic. Oh dear.
Speaking of not being able to research, Yas Forums traffic doesn't change in the summer. Thats also bullshit. It just becomes very popular to accuse others of being summer kids instead of redditors when you're wrong, and can't research or argue.

Pretty pathetic man. If you don't have anything to actually post, why are you continuing an unwinnable argument?


we can keep doing this frogposter

every time you post that from now on
you have a nigger cock in your mouth

>he can't spell faggot
i reported your IP to reddit, sorry, I had to. they informed me they are taking away all your reddit gold

typical redditor, always having nigger penis on the mind

reply to my post and your mom dies from corona tonight

The US should be compared to Europe as a whole with the virus response. States are roughly comparable to EU countries, populations in the same ballpark etc.
Europe is currently a lot worse off than the US and they don't have a Trump.
What's surprising is that India isn't doing a lot worse than it is.

kek, I'll take the bait, but it is. Not all Latin words ending in an S get pluralised with an I

you have nigger cock in your mouth

you should probably spend 5 seconds and google search that, viri IS acceptable

>I'm a fagittor
>I'm a huge fagit

no it doesn't , he won't,and she can't lol

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RIP peace your mom :\

>I'm a Faggot 2020
>kick me
>kick me kick me kick me kick me

I took Pelosi's advice and went to an asian heavy part of town and was hugging everyone I could. Today I have a cough. Probably nothing though.

>he doesn't understand green text
whoops, it's not to quote yourself...

RIP your anus being destroyed by Trump's tiny cock

every fucking liberal thinks they're so much smarter then everyone else, it's natural they think minorities need them to speak for themselves, they are literally the racists they demonize

>I have a tiny cock
>like trump
lol you keep replying trumpshit lol

reply to THIS post, and your dog will also die tonight

I don't know how you're going to cope with the loss of both of them AND losing the internet argument

Ok user so answer me this
How much cock does le orange may may man have to ram up your ass before you realize he doesn't give a fuck about you or anything else besides his pocketbook and his club of billionaires
How much cock does he have to put up your ass before you realize he played you like a fiddle?

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The fact we didn't vote for Drumpf like you did makes me way smarter than you dumbshit

if i don't think like you do , you'll try desperately to silence me even resorting to violence, yeah that sounds real "woke" to me

>I'm destroying him
>ahaha I said it again
>it's so free to be able to do this
>reddit would NEVER let me get away with this
>I said it again!
give nigger a try, it's even more freeing

and welcome, newfriend

I suggest you check out

You are correct. The incompetent President with shit leaking out of his diapers uses too much spray on tan. I couldn't agree with you more. He is bad. He needs to be forced to resign along with the entire Presidential Administration.

>I don't know how I'm going to cope with the fact I have a tiny penis
>like Trump

damn dude, stop killing everything you love in life

reply again and YOU die of corona

I did. The acceptable English pluralisation of virus, is viruses. It has no latin plural.




First three google result for the correct spelling you fucking mongoloid. If it were to be pluralised with a vowel it would most likely be vira anyway. Fucking stupid American faggot. Fuck I hate you cunts so much. Why are you so stupid?

user all you've done since you showed up here is try to tell everybody what to do. That makes you a control freak. A failed control freak.


what is your opsession with penis, not just trumps, but niggers and everyone? are you gay?

sorry for the delay all the triggered responces i got was just too funny, how about you answer me this- how's it feel that hes going to be reelected and you cant stop it? i bet you feel really pathetic

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Agree - he’s an retard icon for holding political rallies during a pandemic

A true Magatard

So is the word irregardless, but only if you're a fucking stupid American. You stupid fucking American.

no it doesn't, just stay on your losing side of history and cry some more lol