Dumping my Comfy folder before I die from the virus

Dumping my Comfy folder before I die from the virus.

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I wish I could contribute. Enjoying Tho.

You diagnosed or just scared?

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Not diagnosed yet, but they say a lot of people can have it and show no symptoms, so who knows.
For now I am just trying to not worry about it.

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if you have it and show no symptoms you'll be fine!

Welcome, user.
Stay a while and enjoy yourself.
(thanks for the bumps)

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Yeah you're probably right.
I shouldn't let this shit bother me.
I always wash my hands, and I spend most nights at home.

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Listen user, just remember every time you touch a dodgy surface don't touch your face until you wash your hands and you'll be fine.

Thanks for the kind welcome friend, relatively new computer but ill display what I have and get cosy

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Well that's good news.
Thanks user.
>new computer but ill display what I have and get cosy
Sounds good.
And I'll be dumping pics anyway so don't worry if you run out of stuff to post.

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Any comfy music recommendations OP?

Following the theme, I have:
Moby: Why Does My Hert Feel So Bad
Snow Patrol: Open Your Eyes
Curtis Mayfield: Diamond in the Back
Linkin Park: Shadow of the Day

oi! keep 'dem comfy comin'

My idea of comfy music is a little strange.
Depending on my move it's either Synthwave, Dub, Black Metal, Irish Folk, or (instrumental) City Pop.

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its not anything you linked but its easy to listen to

The dubs will be answered!

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With our without crazy diseases, I'd just stay in that place forever. The whole social distancing thing is what I've been doing forever before. Most people I'd rather not interact with in any way.


> its me, 824407379

OP gets it

Mudmen. Lost.

What does that mean?

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its a musics

synthwave is super comfy
I love all the youtube mixes

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A simple google search would've answered my question.
pic very related

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love this one

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www.youtube com/watch?v=fm9_frUShBY&t=807s

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This wouldnt be comfy. Can you imagine the loud noise from the passing starship engines?

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>noise in space

this shit cosy until you roll over in the night and smash your forehead on the corner of that shit

Well I like to think that if they can make giant star ships they can make soundproof rooms as well.
Also, sound doesn't carry in space; what are you talking about?

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Please keep going OP, even looking at these comfy jpegs is making me feel zzzzz

I like to think the mattress level would be firm enough to be a couple inches above the floor.

Wtf is a "comfy folder"? No offense, but this is literally garbage.

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Don't worry user, I'm going to keep posting until we hit the image limit or 404.

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>he doesnt into comfyposting
fuckin newfag

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Well done, pal.

Some of these pictures are so good I can't even tell what's real and what's fictional.

>Wtf is a "comfy folder"?
I save images that give me a comfy and sometimes nostalgic feeling.
Pic related, for example.
I find it comfy because I think about how warm and snug it would be inside the tiny cabin.
>this is literally garbage
Comfy is subjective.

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The way that duvet is looking and with a human laying in it i wouldnt have high hopes, still when i first saw the picture i was like damn i want to be there

I'm not into the whole van home thing, but it can look comfy

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If only I was rich...

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I would love to live in a van and travel the US, but every time I think about it I have no idea how I would keep money coming in.

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Maybe some day, user.

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I lived in a van for a while, and a canal boat. They're definitely good if you have a pretty unattatched job and life, but both require a surprising amount of hard work. They sure are comfy in the evenings or summer though

How did you make enough money to keep living and traveling in the van?
The logistics are what stop me from trying it.

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Boat does seem nice. Definitely waterfront property, but the maintenance thing is like that of a car and house probably

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I've wanted a house boat for so long but boats are sooooo much work.

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I usually took it to a location and stayed there for 3 months or so, getting an easy job on a market or in a bar or something. It's nice to think you can be just like an 'Into the Wild' kind of guy and just go for it, but unfortunately, unless you're loaded or have saved for years and years, it ain't going to happen.
You can still have a pretty good and frivolous time of it, meeting new people and the like - but you still need to work. Well, I did anyway

Kind of like a gypsy :)

And yeah, this is true as well. And with a boat, my biggest battle was trying to find a fucking place to park the thing of an evening. It is, believe it or not, quite a tough time if you're not experienced, and things fuck up with the boat all the time.

Good to know.
Thanks user.

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>quite a tough time if you're not experienced
Docking a boat is a way more difficult than most people realize.

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