Outbreak map

Outbreak map.
This will all be red within a week.

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and yet,trump supporters will still have their heads in their ass's and think he's doing a good job

per capita, Texas has surprisingly low numbers
what is up with that?

because poor hillbilly communities dont have the resources to test people.retard

All the guns they own. Obviously.


>guns they own

they vote for trump,they dont own guns.trump supporters are just as anti gun as democrats

It just seems to be confined to mostly large urban liberal areas. Who gives a shit if a bunch of people who don't know what gender they are die? They were just going to kill themselves anyways.

those urban "liberal" areas pay for your irrelivant trump voting hillbilly towns welfare

also,america would be made great if all you trump voting retards killed yourself.nobody in america likes you,not even republicans

Texas has large cities user, also I'm looking at the graph and seeing rural states having higher per capita cases.

The world would be better if a lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum killed themselves.
Im an engineer and make over 100k a year. What starbucks do you work at?


It’s not confined. It’s just getting started.
Map only shows confirmed cases too, you can be sure there’s a LOT more than this out there.

Harder to spread in heat and humidity.

we've been lynching most of the infected. they were niggers or chinks anyways

Of course. The # of confirmed cases is only a function of how many tests you give out. And only certain people are being tested. So the # of people that have the flu is a lot higher, and the number of deaths is known is pretty well known. Which means the death rate is much lower and you are just being scared by the media. So wash your hands and stop worrying about it.

Like 2 of the top 10

Im pretty sure the corporations could easily find the applicant from rural areas to fill the vacancies.
...But then those chill rural peeps would have to goto the barber ever two days to maintain a doichey new haircut, overpay rent on a studio with no view, and pay 25 bucks for a burger and a beer after work.
And all for the thrill of living in a rat invested piss soaked tin can.
Dif strokes for dif folks

than texas I meant.
page is right here

Note my Hunger Games district of lowe AL is pretty clean. Due to a)we too poor to travel internatty much,thus ushering the bug.. and b)our LEOs are restricting travel,i.e.,we ain't got shit,won't be shit.Now I got like $600 +$300 unemployment hitting our bank accounts weekly for months. We're flush with cash and healthy...Best regards all...

I’m not worried about it, I don’t live in US.

These guys are going to smash Italy and Spain’s numbers overall and per capita.

Attached: daily reminder that US health service is shit.jpg (1442x521, 176.2K)

Now add up all Eurotard countries and compare the number of deaths, and the death rate per 1 million.

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Covid-19 likes humidity.


It’s the lack of testing across the board in the US.

Awww are you upset, European Countries are mostly a week ahead of you, and you are already passed the number of cases, and by Thursday be the highest in deaths too.

Cry some more, you have only yourselves to blame with your stupid "only the flu" attitude a month ago+

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americunts thinking europe is a single country again.

I make 200k/yr fucking around on the stock market for 3-4 hours a day in my underwear. All's I got is a GED :)

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like muh dick amirite fellas

party on

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can't have any red if you don't test

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Poor europoors.. toppin deaths

Not a good job. I great job.
If you haven't noticed, this virus is effecting the most populous area. Who didn't vote for trump in 2016. The man is a genius.

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next week you will have more than the entire European continent, but if you want to think America is a continent in itself to be compared to another one then go ahead. KEK

Poor dumb white people are fucked across the south and midwest. Trump's base is gonna be buried by this shit. theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/04/coronavirus-unique-threat-south-young-people/609241/

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It's called winning, OP. You wouldn't understand it at all.

In your dreams football head

Fucking Obama left us shitty tests, Trump was right in today's briefing.

Remember last week when people like yourself thought you would never be #1 in cases? Remember a month ago when you all thought it was just the flu and everyone will be fine by easter?

Now you are all salty and looking for any excuse to project your own failings to others.

Good then maybe they’ll finally be some action going on around here.

Never be #1 in cases? Uhh.. I never thought we wouldn't be. America is fucking massive. NYC is the main problem tho

4D chess. Mfw this is over and the economy roars back, Biden never really got any press coverage throughout the whole thing, and Trump wins in an absolute landslide.

Illinois and New Jersey is about to catch up also.

China is number 1 in cases.

..not really? Nyc has 3x the cases of everyone else


Asinine. Wuhan virus started in china. China has dealt with it longer. China also has a much larger population.

You mean like democrats going against bills to try push their agenda into it?

a communist country is handling this global pandemic much better than the far-right run US, but the minds of american leftists are so shattered by the constant trauma of living in this hellhole that they believe the nefarious chinese must be lying

uhh..even the Chinese people are saying they're lying lol

Did you not understand what I said, I said they are about to catch up, as in they will start growing in cases and will soon catch up.

Jesus what is with Americans who can't read English properly.

>about to catch up
they aren't though? you are dumb LOL

The USA needs to stop counting so that it won't look so embarrassing. All the other countries stopped counting. All those americunts doing is smearing shit on their face.

nigga what

If only it would wipe out the retards who don't know the difference between affecting and effecting.

How long until US breaks out the guns because Muh Freedumb Infringed?
A week? Less?


They always be 3x ahead
Moving to American Samoa. Fuck yall.
Don’t visit.

it's like roaches. by the time you see one, there are millions.

Actually, we are displaying our might. Just because the other countries aren't sharing their numbers, it doesn't make the numbers any better.

Enjoy those pre-existing conditions America

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China probably has 10k deaths a day at this point. lets not kid ourselves.

That map is obviously fake

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Faore Islands is free.

teach me senpai please

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Pretty much the cities most important in world commerce are the ones with the biggest outbreaks.
Guess Texas isn't as important as they think

A: The country currently has universal BCG vaccination program.
B: The country used to recommend BCG vaccination for everyone, but currently does not.
C: The country never had universal BCG vaccination programs.

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hows europoor land doing fag KEK

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it's a bunch of fake bullshit.

they're just counting a fraction of cold and flu deaths and if anyone so much as has a cough they'll be telling the world they're "sure" they had it, just for attention.

what the hell are you even doing here?


Pointing out that Drumpf and his Drumpftards are really, really, fucking stupid?

He's in every trump thread.

Not the guy you posted to, but if you are willing to compare yourself to Europe, that means Europe's entire GDP overwhelms the US GDP.

That's both PPP GDP (which is what everyone except the US uses) and Nominal GDP (which is the one the US uses because China isn't #1).

big clit girls

The alt-Reich can't meme.

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He is Mr Moscow, I know him a mile away, he used to moonlight as both sides and even samefag himself to have an argument to stir up replies.

He works in St Petersburg at Putler HQ.

you fags nominated biden to run against him and now dickride him the same way magas do, you have no high ground on this

Eat my kimchi, says South Korea.

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By next week.

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I looked at it too. so what people act like the sun isnt in the sky every fucking day

>BCG, or bacille Calmette-Guerin, is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease. Many foreign-born persons have been BCG-vaccinated. BCG is used in many countries with a high prevalence of TB to prevent childhood tuberculous meningitis and miliary disease. However, BCG is not generally recommended for use in the United States because of the low risk of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the variable effectiveness of the vaccine against adult pulmonary TB, and the vaccine’s potential interference with tuberculin skin test reactivity.

its possible it helps people survive the pneumonia part of covid, still being researched