It'll be gone by april

>it'll be gone by april

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>all americans need to wear a mask,because hey.instead of developing a vaccine for this.lets just cover our faces instead!

republicans were so happy when they repealed obamacare,yet they are just as bad at healthcare if not worse then democrats

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I'm just glad people are finally starting to wake up

Can you blame him

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There was a... how should I put this... a certain period in Ivanka's life when I could not blame him.

God damn democrats politicizing a tragedy.

How ironic considering none of you faggots even have balls.

Obamacare is still the law of the land dipshit.

Criticizing a President for mishandling the pandemic isn't necessarily "politicizing" things.

But I understand why one of his cult members would see it that way.

Cry more trumpfag. His supporters are going to die in mass from his ineptitude.

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came here just to watch trumpfags REEEEEEEE and defend their faggot president


hurr durr i don't know the guy

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This is one poll, not the aggregate. Hope for hope I guess.

Donald Trump has been raping his daughter since she was born. Facts. Look it up faggot.

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lmao yeah here we go, this is the new spin from low IQ faggots.

gotta love it, you guys just can't help punching yourself in the dick and blaming anything but your own fist.

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I'm praying the libtards die, but we can all dream I guess. Not many people will die as a percentage as you hope. So sad for you think.

If anybody's gonna die it's old Trumpfag boomers that think that ThIs Is JuSt AnOtHer fLu

Good riddance. Personally I hope Trump starts to downplay this shit again so Trump supporters go out in public and catch it. Gotta thin the retard herd.

Only ones punching there dick is you. How sad to think that there are people like yourself wishing for death because "orange man bad" and without the grey matter to even realize it.

The aggregate also has him below 50%

I live in California. I assure you, the faggotry is coming from the left. It's alright, I'm hoping for a 25 percent death rate out here from you idiots.

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He's higher than he's ever been despite your best efforts. Does that make you want to spit in the mirror?

All Trumpfags should die. How is that sad? That's fucking necessity

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This isn't going to work.

How shitty is your existence that the left still can't meme despite all the time on their hands.

Shared the same lawsuits, too.

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Nobody could have seen this thing coming and had plans to enact when it appeared. Not even Obama's purpose-built pandemic response office that Trump shut down in 2018 because he said he didn't like paying for stuff that didn't do anything, and if necessary he could snap his fingers and put that office back together if they were ever needed. Still waiting for the retard in Chief to snap those little fingers. I would bet money he had the office's plans and procedures shredded.

The fuck does that even mean?

Ask your mom.

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Because it's the lefties that will die first. Look at the spread, it's hitting your homebases hard. Reality is a bitch.

Regurgitating fox news yeah. Face it, Trump has been pathetic in his response to this. No leadership at all

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I asked her and she said ignore the faggot. I'm giving you an opportunity to do more.

It's like you're trying to be edgy and you haven't a clue. You got anything better?

His approval ratings are about the same as they were when he took office.

But mortality amongst senior is reaching 10% in these areas. Face it, old people are dying, and if trump didn't ride the DOW Jones Dick so hard, he couldve stopped this before it got so out of hand. He had two weeks foresight by investigating italy and still wants to open the country as quickly as possible because god forbid the economy tank when hes president.

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What have the Dems done other than try to impeach the man when this crisis was manifesting?

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But higher than they have been since then. How's Biden looking to you faggot?

>Doesn't know how to adjust for population
Color me surprised

Exactly why government should be out of the healthcare industry entirely. Case in point.. the glourious single payer system of Italy in action right now.

But... t-that's not real socialism.

>But higher than they have been since then

If the Dems weren't stroking off to impeachment everyday, maybe the response would have been better. Maybe calling trump a xenophobe for closing flights from china wasn't the best idea faggot. Try again, your quiver is low.

I can adjust. I'm not the one freaking out. You are.

For the entire population in the US,
7,081 died
12,097 survived
37% are fail

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His polls have been higher than they ever have been. Is english, math and logic hard for you?

Oh, honey!

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Kek, maybe the president shouldnt be holding fucking rallies during his impeachment and do his fucking job. Maybe it would have been smart to be in his fucking office and analyzing public security like a fucking president.

Where did you learn math. Take the number of cases and divide it by the number infected. Being smug while being an idiot is not a good look.

'Bout the same. You?

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I assume you had a point to make or were you jerking it to your own corpulence.

>the number infected
are the people still in process.
Only the dead and the recovered are what have passed through Covid-19.

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The president is allowed to do anything he wants, just like the Dem candidates. Don't be butthurt because Biden doesn't draw flies to shit.

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Yer teachin' lady didn't struct you in makin' yer subjecks an yer verbs agree, did she?

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I wouldn't say I'm freaking out. I think I'm as concerned as everyone should be.

1. The virus is more airborne than the scientists originally thought
2. Whether you're completely healthy or not, covid-19 is much more deadly than the flu
3. The most densely populated areas (which happen to be mostly liberal) are being hit the hardest

The dems were doing their elected job impeaching a President that was looking to influence the upcoming election.

Biden is a walking corpse. You?

>it's not literally illegal and that makes it good