Would you marry a black girl Yas Forums?

Would you marry a black girl Yas Forums?

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Already have, OP. WM/BF. Its great. You should do it. Only downside, shes a total weeb.

No. Nay. Never. That's disgusting.

Based. How is her family?

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Already did figgot, you should too best tier women real niggas know

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>Already did


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They are pretty white. I mean, part if them are part of the liberal shit, but the rest are pretty cool. Her grandmother and aunts werehappy she ended up with a white man.

>Her grandmother and aunts werehappy she ended up with a white man.
But the male relatives?

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Sure, but not a bald one....

Better than a weave.

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Who cares what those niggers think?

only if she had a dick

They don't really care. I know a part of her dad doesn't like me, but I'm not fucking him. I'm fucking his sweet little princess, and it's fucking awesome.

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fuck no. not into bestiality. niggers are disgusting

>tfw missed out on a great relationship with a top tier qt black girl
>slim body, natural hair, adopted and raised by a white family
>studied fashion and textiles, god tier music taste, incredibly smart
>was in a brief FWB thing with her right after my first real breakup with my first gf
>she kept wanting us to get more serious
>meanwhile i was pining after that white roastie that turned into a nonbinary fat sjw cow
>pic sort of related

It's been 3 years and I still kick myself

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She would def be grateful. She'd show you plenty of gratitude

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I have fucked a negresse and they STINK. Even the hot one's smell like SHIT their cunts are fucking vile. You have to be a fucking degenerate animal if you are into this shit.
Fucking kys.

Marry? Maybe. Breed with, fuck no

>I'm fucking his sweet little princess
Based, probably makes him seethe a little bit.

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Nothings to say she would have worked out either, user. Anyway what's stopping you from looking her up and trying again?

Sure. If I find her attractive and she has a decent income and we are socially, sexually and intellectually compatible, why not.

I plan on.
Not black as in African, ethnically Indian, but probably about as dark as that girl. Love it.

You should tell her that you were the idiot. Will at least give her a little win, which I think we should try to give the people that we like.

I plan on doing so she's the best person I've ever known

I'm not saying that I would've died together with her or something, but I am sure we could've had at least a good run of a couple of years. She really was great, and we got along really well. Things don't have to be more complicated than that.
Anyways, it's been a long time, and she lives in some other city now.

got a MILF from the Congo FWB
she calls me her handsome beautifull man and makes me feel so desireble everytime we meet
do feel guilty that she's married and her dude sounds like a nice guy(Red Cross)

yea. i dont see why not

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That The Hate U Give grill is literally perfect

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Been in a few relationships, mostly white women, had one Iranian girl but she was psycho, recently I got into an interracial relationship with a qt black girl, and jesus christ I have never been more satisfied in my life, white women literally can't compare

Easiest way to gurantee they won't fuck a black guy.

I’ve fathered two children with one and we live together, but not married yet.

She’s out of league, and has an amazing arse.

I married your mother, didn't I?

Already did but she’s whats known as “Light skinned”...

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Yes, but I don't want mixed kids. What is wrong with me?

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They're made for breeding!

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prob not but I'd eat the hell out of her asshole

Same man. I dumped a wonderful Indian girl when things got serious cuz I just couldn't handle the idea of mixed-race kids

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How is that a downside? You have hit the fucking jackpot.

I'm sure it does. I'm sure it does.

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hell no, they look better with a weave. They look beautiful with straight hair. Their natural curly hair sucks ass

absolutely nothign is wrong with you. You just have that natural instinct to keep to your own. It's normal. Only brainwashed people actually mix with other races. The less intelligent the person, the less they care about their genetics.

personally, i like to keep my dick away from video game characters.

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Never going back to white girls

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shit taste, neck yourself

that hair. so curly

Maybe not marry but maybe as a houseslave

"shit taste"


says the faggot who likes bald women.

sauce or more of this?

nah mate, bestiality is illegal in my state

same. Been banging a Latina for months and I’ll never pursue a white chick again

Black women are the only good thing to come out of the race.

unironically this, its a shame they're capable of producing black men

how old is ur milf?

Latinas are much better than the shitty white women to choose from today. most of them are tatted up thots with a Diva complex.