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Can someone red pill me on this 5G causes Corona shit? I don't really know what the hell I'm reading on Facebook, are there people who actually think this is a truth or is it mass trolling...?
Boomer teir conspiracy theory egged on by schizos
It's used to make all 5G theories look retarded to NPCs who can't be fucked to look into them
See also: Wacky 9/11 theories
How did they put fire on concrete/metal pylons?
Where are the studies that 5G is safe stupid cunt journalists?
Idiot dickheads. They think the new £20 in UK shows a 5g tower and that the reflections from moving it show the 5g signal. Apparently this is killing birds and spreading corona. Illuminati confirmed?
fuck, we shousd spread shit like this so more faggots die
I've seen this. Why is there such a high concentration of housewives and fucking single mothers going whole hog for this shit, too?
Are these the same as anti-vaxxers?
I don't get it
there's been plenty of radiowave/emf experts talking of hte dangers of 5g, and even papers from china talking about flu like symptoms from 5gexposure in wuhan. like the 5g they're spreading in italy, also killing the birds out of hte sky in italy like in the ntherlands.
Fucking chavz.
please provide me with links
it's mostly older people who are gullible and need help logging in to their email account that repost and believe stuff like this.
It was like the whole thing when cell phones came out and "they cause cancer", and is a "lightning magnet".
What makes 5G so different, we've been using mobile networks for fucking decades.
People hate thinking shit like this pandemic just happens. So they desperately need something to blame. If there's a cause behind COVID, then all we need to do is eliminate that cause and we're back in business!
That's why we've seen dumbass theories like it's a Chinese bioweapon, it's an anti-Trump plot, and now 5G. That's a fun target because no one really understands what 5G is, so it must be evil.
Fucking hell!
How gullible are you.
just like the princess cruise line where people were dying. they were shooting 5G at people's chests with their "medallion" 5g targets. get rid of 5g wifi, airpods, all of it.
Which celebs?
The same reason people are herding toiler paper: some Twitter post got a lot of attention and, without context, people assume idiotic things.
you ask the most important question, the one more people should. ask more questions friend, its important you do! where did you learn everything? How can you Trust everything? Are you In The Loop?
>make up fake headline
>"celebrities definitely endorse X happening"
>idiots read headline
>well, its a headline, it must be real
>cue braindead masses voting against their own interests
Dunno if you're from the UK but some slag called Amanda Holden over here has caused a bit fo a stir.
Although "celebrity" might be pushing it
They sid the same thing about 4g. And 3g when 6g comes out what do you think is gonna happen?
This is like a jumped-up Credit card though. Hardly mind-controlling technology
They won’t happen.
Looks like some reality TV / softcore porn actress.
I work for a company that does tower work. And has consistently for a past few months. We're close to some of these devices for extended periods of time. None of us at the company have come down with any symptoms. Explain that?
Only guy who knows how shit works. They muddy the water so people think their is nothing in the pond.
she sometimes has the correct ingredients
They're tuned off and/or to 4G only for the moment. Radiation is also weird. You might not see any problems for several years.
All 9/11 theoris are wacky and idiotic
Electrical Engineer here. You people are fucking morons.
Nah, only the CGI planes ones are idiotic. There's plenty of proof around 9/11 without having to resort to the physical evidence of the towers collapsing.
>They're tuned off and/or to 4G only for the moment
lel, turns out they actually did this in several countries and people *still* reported getting sick. So apparently it's enough just to place the towers to make people sick, we don't even have to turn them on.
Ok anyone responding to you about 5g waves actually causing the corona virus to activate are IDIOTS. The whole way this meme/tinfoil theory even started was that Covid-19 was RELEASED to FUCK OVER 5g investors and the companies deploying it since it was suppose to be rolling out right now. Also all the countries dealing with massive outbreaks were the countries advertising new 5g very heavily. Covid-19 was not bio engineered so the theory is already dead.
>Me and the boys are gonna secretly fuck up the world with a virus and 5G
>Nobody can know about our plan
>Better put a cryptic clue about it on some money, that will help us make sure that nobody knows about our plan
I'm skeptical. Links, please
This is a paid disinfo shrill.
Covid-19 was already in most human's systems as science has said. The 5G radiation "activated" the virus from its dormancy. Do not fall for these disinfo agents.
I think it was in Switzerland. People complained about weird symptoms after the towers were placed, when the towers weren't even in use.
is this science or trolling
>Covid-19 was not bio engineered so the theory is already dead.
Proof? I thought there is a level 4 bio-hazard lab or something like that located in Wuhan where they experimented with bats.
>disinfo shrill
Seems like it was disabled in me and my entire family when we washed our hands and didn't cough at each other. Weird!
Proof? Its a CORONA virus. If anyone bio engineered it then that would the bats. The lady is getting tons of shit from people like you when she has spent her whole life taking samples of bats in caves to stop people from dying. She probably lost family herself to a type of corona virus. Fkn tinfoil heads
You know they released the study proving that the virus was already in us, right? Fuck google is easy as hell but since you're not educated enough to use it.
"It is possible that a progenitor of SARS-CoV-2 jumped into humans, acquiring [new genomic features] through adaptation during undetected human-to-human transmission," the team from the US, UK and Australia writes in the study.
"Once acquired, these adaptations would enable the pandemic to take off and produce a sufficiently large cluster of cases."
The researchers analysed genomic data available from SARS-CoV-2 and other similar coronaviruses, showing that the receptor-binding domain (RBD) sections of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins were so effective at binding to human cells, they had to be caused by natural selection.
The team explains that although samples of coronaviruses in bats and pangolins have shown similar genomes, none of them fit perfectly just yet.
ScienceAlert com
Nature com
Those are the references.
Provide me with a link then, you fucking crackpot. And let it be from a reputable scource, not The Times of Israel or some bullshit.
Now I know you're having a laugh, you nearly got me bro
>“Good science, bad safety”
>Scientists don’t rule out that an accident at a research laboratory in Wuhan might have spread a deadly bat virus that had been collected for scientific study.
>Less than 300 yards from the seafood market is the Wuhan branch of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
>Researchers from that facility and the nearby Wuhan Institute of Virology have posted articles about collecting bat coronaviruses from around China, for study to prevent future illness.
>A December video from the Wuhan CDC shows staffers “collecting bat coronaviruses with inadequate [personal protective equipment] and unsafe operational practices.”
So it wasn't bio-engineered, it was just the Chinese being careless as always.
"Two features of the virus, the mutations in the RBD portion of the spike protein and its distinct backbone, rules out laboratory manipulation as a potential origin for SARS-CoV-2."
Well said user. That is an example of an argument from ignorance
Which is why I am not allowed to use my phone at a gas pump in the inbred hick town I live in
>>indian cunt up a pole barefoot
million cables and a roll of tape
electrical engineer
one of my first jobs was at a gas station. pretty sure they don't let you use your phone in case the electronics from it somehow spark and mix with the petrol
Now that im not gonna argue.
It has to due with the minor risk of battery explosions. But those are a rarity. OPs just wanting to call his home dumber than he.
Yeah no. This one is on the zoomers.
Idk think that's because of covering their asses. The car battery would be more likely to start an explosion than a cellphone.
Not likely that 6G will happen, those frequencies are already close to interferencies with other systems
It's Q shit.
Bunch of sad lonely fuckers who believe some seriously asinine bullshit. Exactly the same type of dumbass who believes in flat Earth or ancient aliens
Could just be like people who gets drunk just because they think they are drinking alcohol
red pill you? you mean turn you into a screaming idiot who blames all of his obvious shortcomings on women? what?
>Are these the same as anti-vaxxers?
Yes. Same breed of retard
nice quads
>there's been plenty of radiowave/emf experts
Ah yes, the fabled anonymous "experts."
I'm sure these are the same kinds of "experts" that say chiropracty works, homoeopathy can cure you and vaccinations give you autism.
GOOD. Trump told me 5g and China flu are linked and I agree we need to END 5G to END CHINESE FLU!
its funny when you put idiots in a news story but then misspell the word masks
>So it wasn't bio-engineered, it was just the Chinese being careless as always.
But it's still just as possible it did come out of the wet market because that really is how a lot of this shit starts.
We will probably never know the truth though.
What is astounding is that you think the waves of 5g are different than the waves of the last 50 years. Your cordless home phone 15 years ago, any microwave, your router, etc. All similar 5g capabilities. Nothing new.
I know there was a scandal a while back in china where the manager of a research lab was caught selling the dead animals to meat markets.
People don't understand radiowaves. Or anything related to em waves in general. It might as well be fucking magic to them. So, it doesn't take much for some fairly convincing person to make them think it's doing something evil.
The Chinese been eating bats for probably thousands of years right? Why there been no cases of corona before? Why now suddenly?
I'm a retard, explain it to me
>jet fuel
have they?
bats just don't seem to me like an easy animal to catch, especially since it seems a lot easier to catch rats, why would someone expend the effort?
> I'm a retard, explain it to me
It might not be from bats, but, to answer your question in a more general sense. Viruses mutate. A lot. When they mutate, they take on new properties. Maybe they'll target a new host species, maybe they'll become more or less deadly, or more or less infectious. Maybe they'll breed faster, or slower.
In essence, it's just something that happens as part of the natural world.