Celeb Thread - Why Do Allergy Pills Make You Sleepy (and other random thoughts) edition

Celeb Thread - Why Do Allergy Pills Make You Sleepy (and other random thoughts) edition

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Nudie Jlaw pls Edition

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Double yes

Those are unironically some great tiddies

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Supreme titties

Because you're allergic to being awake

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Who else here wants to submit to Goddess Elle?

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Fantastic body!

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Why does soup taste better in a bread bowl?

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First generation anti-histamines (allergy pills) are usually potent anti-cholinergics which is why they can make you drowsy.



i like nice big celeb tittays

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because they restrict the production and flow of histamines
you're pretty cute. you know that, don't you?

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Kiki? Cami?

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holy shit, this is the best touch-up I've seen so far!

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Dat tongue .... Yummi

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I can't not see these are want to jack off

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Crawl, Walk, Fly. It's a natural progression.

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.........it's time

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Still need the rest
Waiting and waiting
As time stands still

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Only submitting to goddess Anya

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Left pic >

The waistband width on her panties always gets me.

Another wasted day :)

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best b cup tits and nips ever? i think so

anyone else in love with ggboi? how do I handle this feel

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Comfort/Utility not pain. There's no sacrifice.

Anyone have a mega with all the fappening leaks? I had good collection until my hard drive died.


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I'm sorry, I'll leave ;__;

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Dark nips

Everyone is.

gather some of his DNA and clone him for yourself

don't leave user

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That angel face

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>don't leave user
Why not?

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