Bill Gates and The Pirbright institute patented a coronavirus in 2015...

Bill Gates and The Pirbright institute patented a coronavirus in 2015. They have worked with the Wuhan bio research facility. Pure coincidence?

Attached: Bill-Gates-Ted-Talk-Pandemics-2015.jpg (846x461, 77.98K)

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OP needs a new tinfoil hat

>Pure coincidence?
No, epidemiologists have been screaming about coronaviruses for decades.

But this specific one and it's tied to Wuhan?

hat not going to protect faggot OP

Attached: 143BD2DA-788B-4202-9AA1-93C6883CDB7A.jpg (275x183, 9.89K)

Interview from 10 years ago. Put your tinfoil hat back on.

>retarded trumpanzee spotted

What an asshole. Looking for someone to take the blame? Try the liar-in-chief. Fat, old and stupid TRUMP.

It was a bioweapon released by the US or its allies to destroy Chinas economy

I doubt Trump has the knowledge/skills too cook up the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Stupid asshole, wake up and get your head out of your ass!

Trump Lied People Died

more conspiritard shit?

how much are they paying you?

Wuhan has been the center of coronavirus research since 2003. There are nearby caves with bat populations that carry them. You saying "this specific one" doesn't make any sense

Except it's affecting the US much worse since we have a free market. A military dictatorship can kill whoever it wants within it's borders so these situations are always easier to handle for them. Just kill anyone in your way.

Yes. Get to the part where he was told that a flu like virus would be released in China and allowed to spread around the world. From 10 years ago.

You'll eventually figure it out. Just like when 9/11 happened everyone blamed Iraq until the truth finally came out

This shit is on another level. Way above politics.

Sounds made up.

No one has to pay me to call out lying republicunt assholes. Grow up kid.


It's going to be a short term crash in america, which was bound to happen soon anyway if you follow the markets youd know this. Chinas economy will suffer for years because of this

it's great cuz the donid-19 virus is going to rape trump supporters lol

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Yea? Made up from 10 years ago and executed exactly like he was told it would?

China manufactures much of the worlds goods. This cannot be moved. Much of america is service based. This is what is crashing in america, market-wise. China also has many people to spare. Too many, really.

Oh my god!
You mean a organization dedicated to fighting infectious diseases owns a patent for a virus to be used in creating vaccines?
Those absolute monsters.

China has been running out of growth potential for years. That's why they are so involved in Africa they are trying to get away from manufacturing since it's the only thing keep them afloat. And now that companies are moving away from china this will really fuck them up


Watch the vid

And tied to the city where it was most likely released. And stands to profit the most from it. And it falls nicely in line with population control goals.

Iraq wasn't blamed for 9/11. Not even used as a justification for our war there.
You're pretty terrible at this.

But somehow no vaccine exists. Sounds like the perfect cover

What importance is it? If he just said "there will he a corona pandemic" that's nothing special people predicted this in the 80's

Yes they were every american wanted to bomb the middle east you just weren't around to remember. Same thing in Vietnam, Americans created a hoax as an excuse for war

Not until George and Donald said Al-Qaeda and weapons of mass destruction were hiding there. Do you even history bro?

Who else makes the electronics they make? No one else has their fab facilities at that scale. There is no replacement. They are in africa for rare earth minerals. Nig nogs sell their land for next to nothing because they're too dumb to think more than about a month in advance and china plays the long game.

He literally said a flu like virus will be released in China and allowed to spread around the world. Information he got came from a source who attended a meeting where they plan world events. Now that I say it out loud, doesn’t sound suspicious at all. Good day sir!

what the hell is that link supposed to be?
why are you getting your covid-19 news from a 'fertility and sterility' forum?

you've already failed in your ignorance of coronaviruses being a broad group of viruses, and you've failed to provide any indication that the vaccine patent relates at all to covid-19

And I suppose you think jews control the banks. LOL

Vietnam, Malaysia, Mexico, south America. Companies dont have 100% of their manufacturing in china as it is. They have a percentage of it there. Bet your ass they will moving as much as possible away from china. Because when everything shuts down like it has now they can't risk their stores being empty. Apple already said they are leaving and if you listen to the last few speeches at the White House they are making it clear China needs to be replaced

How dumb are you? Are you illiterate?

he should probs just admit he did infact fund the outbreak and that he was infact successful in results that it made a profit and that several people had to pretty much ask him to stop funding it because of how profitable it was.

I’ve never head of a Jew controlling a financial

They do not have the cleanroom/fab facilities for this. What phones are made there? What motherboards? You actually think those countries are supplying the world with iphones?

That's right, and they don't. Just keep that in mind. They are always the victims.

He’s not on that level of world power. The purpose of political figures is to create a face to distract and take the blame while the shape shifting reptilian Jews manage agenda 21 when no one is paying attention. Duh!

But they killed Christ! How does that make them a victim?

You're an idiot.
Try to stay on topic. The other idiot said they were blamed for 9/11. The lie about weapons of mass destruction didn't imply whatsoever complicity with the 9/11 attack. It was an entirely different thing.
Look up the differences between OIF and OEF to learn just how much your "do you even history bro" reeks of irony.

There were certainly some dumb Americans that would see the entire Middle East carpet bombed to satisfy ignorant revenge, but the majority knew that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
You're thinking of Afghanistan, and it's getting more and more hilarious that you don't know the difference.

Evil christians have been murdering them ever since.

He has tendrils in billions of pcs and millions of servers world wide. Politicians envy this sort of reach.

Vintage FSB cozybear Russianposting!

How come this whole thing isn't George Soros' fault?

See, right now, you think you're making sense, but all you're doing is volunteering your strange motivations.
It's a worldwide pandemic. Even if China 'deleted' some report, some other country (with better research capability) would find the same results and publish - that is if the report had ANY veracity.

But it's funny to know you're so worried about your little guys.

None of the parts are made in china they just get assembled there and it's not all in china

I did see an article claiming he was an investor in the Wuhan research, but China doesn't release records like this so it can't be proven. We know he follows the Talmud however, and we know what that says about what goyim are to the master jew.

You are dumb as fuck. I literally lived through that shit. Just because it says something different in your history book doesn’t mean that’s how the shit went down fucktard.

When you find out their are more powerful people than that, you will understand

I don't want kids. I don't give a fuck about how it affects me. And it's very early so time will tell. Gates has made it extremely public he wants to curb global population growth and this is one way to do it.

If it was released by the US or its allies to target China, They would have had a plan in place in case it spread. Not in case, WHEN it spread due to Chinese travelling so much. Where's the plan? When's the lockdown? 200,000+ cases and rising. 5,000 dead.

That's double China's numbers. Yeah man they really smashed em hard ay

Because it's Trumps fault, the gooks, the bats, the pope, probably your grandma had a hand in it too.

Christians are evil? Come on now! Their symbol is a man being tortured to death. How does that translate to evil?

You're talking to a vet dumbass.
Quit your trolling/larping and go find something better to do than lie to randos on the internet.

Oh I'm not saying there aren't, I'm just saying he and people like him (IE Zuckerberg, Page, etc) are major players because of the information they will be privy to.

We should be bombing Agrabah

Oh what veterinary clinic do you work at dipshit? That makes it even worse you fucking militarized, brainwashed, misinformed fucking moron. If military monkeys actually had a brain and knew the truth they would be getting shrapnel in their dick hole for no response at all. Get enlightened my friend. Get off the Diet Coke and 6 o clock news faggot.

They were blaming Saddam Hussein the president of iraq. The Afghans were mostly our allies

Those guys are petty no ones compared to the actual entities the run the world.

>Of course they did of course every major organization is in on it. All the elites already have vaccines and when it kills the target number of people they will release the vaccines. First to wealthy and give placebo vaccines to the poor and needy. This is all about population control nothing new here.

What you really should be focusing on is who is the biggest loser and who will be voted off the island and who will the bachelor pick.

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