Just got off the swing shift at a New York hospital morgue. Ask me anything.
Just got off the swing shift at a New York hospital morgue. Ask me anything
Does your mom suck black cock for fun or buisness ?
Are all people who are dying with COVID-19, but didn't die OF COVID-19 being listed as COVID-19 deaths. Curious how they are being counted.
Is the meat good for gyros?
Are the causes of death listed and counted accurately in the US?
I don't think she really thought of niggers as human.
We treat them all as covid +.
Almost all other type of patients have been sent away already.
Not really.
Mostly old and grisly.
Probably under counted.
They list as Pneumonia, heart failure, etc.
Most don't even get tested, it's only recently been available and wouldn't change their treatment anyway.
Too bad... maybe pot roast, Mulligatawny stew or Sloppy Joes, then?
Are most of the bodies elderly?
Are you scared?
Did Epstein kill himself
Where in the city do you work? I'm in Brooklyn and shits pretty freaky here.
This is a serious chat. Please don't ask questions to which we already know the answer.
I killed him.
It depends on what you mean by elderly.
Over 50?
Do you pretend a dead man's boner is like the joy stick to his body and go "brrrrr" while wheeling him around?
Describe how so
I'm gay. Are you?
Gay for the pay son.
Do you think it could be a bio weapon after seeing it up close? Why or why not?
Also, Yes and No
It's everywhere, so it's hard to stay scared of the air.
But when I do get it it'll probably kill me. So that sucks.
Mainly at night but police presence seems much higher than average. Sirens almost 24/7. Everyone freaking tf out.
Not Manhattan.
I won't be more specific then that.
If I do survive I will still need a job.
has the army stepped in at all?
The fuck are you talking about "scared of the air". My sister in law said the same thing, she lived in NY and now is sheltering in long island or some place. Bitch is afraid to drive back to her apt to get contact lenses because of the air.
No. I don't believe that.
Weaponizing a disease like this would be moronic.
Bio weapons without treatment or vaccine are suicidal.
Found the guy who doesn't understand how viruses are transmitted.
What’s the deal with Pluto not being a planet anymore?
>afraid of the air when its transferred via moisture from a cough sneeze or breathing heavily while in a car
Okay zoomer.
I guess so. I disagree but whatever, I suppose time will tell.
You should probably take a vacay to NYC. just make sure to social distance.
I can't speak for the air in you in-laws apartment.
In a hospital every treatment, ventilator, high-flow oxygen, etc. vaporizes the virus.
We literally make it airborne during treatment.
They are transmitted by aersolized particles from people. Walking down an empty street ain't gonna kill you from no damn air but people treat it like it's the air in general that will kill them. The fuck is wrong with new york. I'm glad they flew a plane into your ass.
I cannot begin to express how fucking awesome that is. Damn near blew my dick clean off.
That's not what I asked you fuck. I asked if you are listing their cause of death as COVID-19 even though they may not have died of COVID-19, but were just infected at their time of death.
All the rich people freaking out. The regular people are just praying for people to die for the job market and apts to open up. It's like a necessary evil that people are like "yeah, well how else is shit gonna change".
I love people like you. People like you remind me that this virus is going to decimate the human population over time. What a time to be alive.
asking the real questions
If you think you're going to die anyway... are any of the bodies fuckable?
Yep, at a certain point, something has to give. In this case....it's multiple things giving at once and the downfall of humanity is going to be epic.
And I answered you dumbfuck.
Covid doesn't kill you, pneumonia does.
What's the point or purpose to swing shift?
nigga, humans were already doing a pretty damn good job of that. don't need no poison air conspiracy theorists to help.
New York is a fuckin shithole
look at Mr "i went to morgue school".
pneumonia doesn't kill you it's the lack of oxygen to the brain.
Fucking the dead is not that appealing in real life.
Or maybe it's that I'm not a virgin like you.
No, just New York is gonna Tank. I'm out here in Cali and shit ain't all that bad. The recession is gonna fuck some shit up though but I'll survive.
Here's a hypothetical for you. Dude on 20th floor goes out on his balcony for a smoke. He coughs or otherwise creates particulates in the air. How long does it take for those particulates to settle? How far do they travel before doing so?
yadone goofd
Wyckoff Heights Medical Center brooklyn
i hope it kills all the white people there lol
But you check out their tits right?
That could be true for the immediate future, but by next year, everyone will be feeling it.
4 to 12.
It's the shift after 8 to 4 and before 12 to 8.
No other point
So you are counting them all as pneumonia deaths and COVID-19 deaths shouldn't go up? Or you are listing them as COVID-19 deaths that pneumonia caused? Honestly, that's not even what I meant so here's an example:
What about the guy who has COVID-19, but is shot to death? Is he being counted as shot to death?
Old man who has COVID-19 and a heart attack kills him due to complications?
These governments are getting a little creative with cause of death from what I am hearing.
If there's a slight breeze they dissipate within a few minutes. They travel in the direction of the breeze + gravity.
Hey, you don't have to take them out to dinner first. Or share cigarettes.
Yeah, I have to agree with you there. Something about putting my penis inside a corpse is unappealing. But then, I am also selective when they are alive too.
Why stop at the whites. I hope it kills everyone.
>Slight breeze
Pick one.
I already got it. Fucked my digestive system for a week and had a low grade fever I couldn't shake.
Like I said, I'll be fine.
In reality, it will kill many more minorities than whites. But you go ahead and hope.
>"just got off the swing shift at the NYC morgue"
>the swing shift
lmfao you're that faggot who has been "volunteering" and screaming about how virtuous and noble you are for doing "the job no one wants to do". which really means that you're a fat fucking autist NEET who doesn't normally work nor pay taxes so you're using this bullshit quarantine to make yourself feel like you aren't actually autistic and worthless instead of enjoying the time off. go to reddit and let them suck your baby e-dick bitch.
Do you suck your dad off on his birthday only or more often?
Fuck New York.