a celeb thread for the man that we left on the moon
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I hate my body, but I like Soto's.
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Ignorance is gay.
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I broke the dam
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>you are lucky to have so much night still to come
Why is that user? You have so much morning to look forward too.
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Who have you blown the most loads too
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between those four? scarjo by a mile
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how am I to tell? I am only the astronomer, not the historian.
you are of course correct. we are both so lucky
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Absolutely haram repent
Historian aka fake news history
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Scarjo by far, ever since the red dress
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any big dick chads want to humiliate me for having a tiny penis on disc?
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She is literally the most beautiful woman who has ever existed. Accept no substitutes.
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There's no chads in her only waifu fappers
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this quarantine is making people go insane already
is this true?
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i have a tiny white baby penis
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ScarJo by a Gallon
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I've been in quarantine my whole life, welcome to my life
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all history is
why so? I would trade the mornings for nights
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god fucking dammit, im gonna have to go round 4 today.
Yes it is
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You doing alright over there neeners?
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4 rounds? take it easy user
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Baste and he did nothing wrong
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Early mornings well the world sleeps are nice.
I'm alive, alright, normal stuff. How about you qt?
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I see
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Chad is my husbandfu
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Some parents just raise their children right
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it happens, who were the first 3 for?
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5 should be easy
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Out of these four now who’s made you blow your load the most
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this is mine, i will send pics and pretend i like you if you add me
it could be
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But she cheated on Anakin with Obi Wan.