Hunger Games Thread: We're not /actually/ going back to school yet, but imagine if we were Edition!

Hunger Games Thread: We're not /actually/ going back to school yet, but imagine if we were Edition!

36 students!

Attached: e44b20c8d031389b788ed69d4493c889.jpg (457x400, 22.51K)

Your Host

Attached: Vex.png (962x846, 39.72K)


Attached: Rigs.png (84x110, 6.61K)

Jeff Wayne

Attached: 715Ko1PS2hL.png (500x500, 143.92K)


Attached: 00767.jpg (509x509, 192.32K)

Angelique boyer

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 42.75K)


Attached: Bismarck 0 Alt.png (1026x997, 1.16M)

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Attached: battleJC.png (418x314, 210.51K)


Attached: baby wetfang 1.png (686x1135, 264.83K)


Attached: Elfriede but loli.png (600x600, 131.68K)

Yes, i love these, even though they are predetermined, our slots are not


Attached: Doremy toots as she pleases.png (501x328, 273.97K)


Attached: 1486412346132.jpg (1280x720, 105.89K)

Callie Briggs

Attached: c56e7e6159388732defb399b9adfbf83.jpg (640x480, 48.42K)

Barret the Penguin

Attached: Barret, Ready.jpg (361x553, 25.4K)


Attached: 1584905752616s.jpg (124x93, 1.79K)


Attached: ~djc.jpg (927x1200, 197.38K)

Ducke detective(s)

Attached: DUCKE DETECTIVES.jpg (624x614, 57.51K)

A Rollie Pollie

Attached: NEWS_131007716_AR_0_HZFRANUJSOBF.jpg (500x584, 111.05K)

Full Frontal

Attached: e137d524d5d6d401b2f4763348b993e0af5c2737_00.jpg (512x512, 56.33K)


Attached: animeJC2.jpg (250x271, 55.25K)

Lunch Money

Attached: 129.jpg (576x768, 126.78K)


Attached: kirito_2_sword_art_online_by_zerolshikumai-d5dj8gv1.png (769x960, 733.32K)

Dlanor A. Knox

Attached: 1102d7f26317ae6087391f71a04c5e9f.jpg (603x800, 395.74K)


Attached: Warspite Retrofit.jpg (850x721, 171.86K)

Blue Destiny Unit 1

Attached: 016d6bf5-507b-46a1-c65c-193a5827cd8d.png (840x840, 838.75K)

The Arbiter

Attached: engel.png (822x462, 832.29K)


Attached: Screenshot_20190826-231444_iFunny.jpg (1439x1351, 732.3K)


Attached: 63.png (313x571, 67.02K)

Nice Feet

Attached: 1556467362040.jpg (499x570, 67.51K)

Chester a Arthur

Attached: feat3-arthur-276x155.jpg (1040x602, 56.46K)

Astro Cat

Attached: 33.jpg (800x640, 153.43K)


Attached: nordecai.jpg (236x248, 11.49K)


Attached: 7dca3f199511613cdef68a9d0bd8192d.jpg (637x358, 24.17K)

me irl

Attached: 1576386279181.jpg (725x527, 36.38K)

Obese Link

Attached: received_651143028762451.jpg (636x900, 42.83K)


Attached: 1989b39b.gif (350x480, 9.1K)

Richard Rawlings

Attached: 519sNaqbQLL._SX385_.jpg (385x481, 24.14K)

Yotsuba Koiwai

Attached: 547ut4t10n5.png (258x254, 113.84K)

Black Spy

Attached: blackspyoyo.png (219x241, 65.8K)


Attached: Gridmn.png (535x689, 754.94K)


100 trib game

36 get rid of samefags

Clam your tits, Jude.


Attached: IMG_3343.jpg (746x663, 41.41K)

>Putting yourself on the game

23 uids, no way to tell who is a samefag. Get not new.

I won already tonight, bump my ass!

Attached: 3b41859849d22461aa4b3426bb482008--aaron-kaufman-ford-galaxie.jpg (236x600, 29.5K)

We all do it

Attached: beri smol 8bit rigs.png (16x16, 300)

Smoll McDabbins

Attached: 126.jpg (600x450, 26.37K)

Fag hosts always do.

1 trib is roguelike

Not all.

Attached: classiestJC.jpg (1500x1500, 190.12K)

>no way to tell who is a samefag.

pained canine

Attached: dog.png (205x206, 45.46K)

Let's delet ever1 and run empty slots as a game

yes plz

let's just only veteran tributes

Christ could my internet be any slower

>Not realizing putting myself in allows at least one secured spot for a late new IP, and acts as a counterbalance to fill games quicker if few players join
>Being this new

Anyone wanna swap out for and before we begin?

Attached: Reaping.jpg (670x1171, 315.15K)

Arbiter Ripa 'Moramee

Attached: HW2_Render_RipaMoramee-FullBody.png (1000x1223, 1.31M)

Why is he in pain?

Attached: hehehehehehehe.gif (150x150, 81.14K)

And too, I guess.

...fuck it we're going to 48. Keep posting!


fuck I'm too late

You can swap out Dlanor for someone.

Attached: Tirpitz and Bismarck.png (1339x943, 975.13K)

So do it.

Sad Cats

Attached: 1560760936146.jpg (966x1024, 226.46K)


Attached: 79a10ccdeb52b83abe2084002551940a.png (336x309, 137.55K)

Swap for smol

>>Not realizing putting myself in allows at least one secured spot for a late new IP
>Implying people like Rigs aren't already doing this but better

Dated a girl named Callie back in high school

Attached: Sad Barret.jpg (361x553, 25.27K)


Attached: 1319_tc.jpg (200x199, 11.46K)

Corolla smoking a cigarette and using a selfie stick

Attached: 34t8b9.jpg (1347x1071, 174.81K)


Attached: unknown.png (382x432, 320.64K)

i have to go, goodnight!

Attached: 100.png (382x440, 120.51K)

Distressed Monkey

Attached: Destressed_Monkey.gif (500x333, 228.15K)

Don't speak for me faggot

Forgot pic

You can also do for

Attached: Big Version.png (576x576, 11.44K)

Sleep well


Attached: 1585123406989.png (622x425, 439.48K)

why do y'all keep posting tributes still

And we're off!

We needed 48

I am now thoroughly pissed off thanks to shitty slow internet reeee

Attached: 02.jpg (670x4597, 585.58K)

They're fuckin retards who don't know about the image limit

We can't see shit it's compressed as hell


Attached: 747.jpg (1058x772, 81.67K)

No. No it's not.

Enable desktop mode.

Where'd all the newfags blow in from?

Attached: 03.jpg (670x3127, 471.68K)


My nose!

Attached: chibi bismarck.jpg (1234x1234, 1010.78K)

Thanks Gridman
Now I just have to take care of Angelique

If you're on phone enable desktop mode on the top right

Attached: lol nigger.png (173x245, 7.57K)



Attached: 1432453675252.gif (500x281, 1.08M)

Probs cause Vex called for a 36 and people are willing to swap.

What's wrong with a multiple thread game?Good on you Grid.

Attached: JC7.jpg (297x350, 24.91K)

People who thought yesterday was SOOOOO funny they had to come from off site after someone posts a screenshot?

>Where'd all the newfags blow in from?
That's a good thing dum dum

Looks like Ellie's finally having some wholesome fun

Attached: PeakOptics.png (387x447, 94.08K)


Attached: 3256777897.png (952x536, 904.45K)

Get your ass over here

Attached: Angelique-boyer.jpg (360x450, 22.59K)

but they weren't new IPs