I'm 100% sure my 13 y.o. stepdaughter is coming on to me, or at least teasing me to see how I will react

I'm 100% sure my 13 y.o. stepdaughter is coming on to me, or at least teasing me to see how I will react.

Should I tell my wife? if I do she will lose her fucking mind and probably send the kid off to boarding school.

(Not her pic.)

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If this isnt bait.

Just ignore. Completely. Look away and change the subject. Probably dont tell your wife. She's young and highly impressionable so just let her figure out this sexuality shit on her own and dont fuck her up

hit it repeatedly

Corporal punishment

Yeah, I love her like my own daughter and my wife would seriously overreact. I've thought about talking to the girl one on one but your idea about just ignoring it is probably sound. Thanks.

Lesser men would be tempted.

No wf wouldnt she would say you are abusing her. Plant drugs in her then tell wf the bitch acting strange and flirting with you and you believe its drugs. Get her ass busted wf will believe its the drugs and always be up her ass.

Dude just go after 18 year olds. Stop wanting to fuck kids. That shit ruins their life

>boarding school
Imagine being this retarded
Are u 12?

kys boomer
saged and reported

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Watch her around adults and also teach her about being sexually responsible a while after you shake her off

Good advice, thanks.

If OP's daughter is just accidentally doing things that other things in OP's life that normally lead to sex, then OP has a right to be concerned because they can see someone they did not expect or predict would be there. Investigating so that youth can be directed to where that youth actually wants to be is basic parenting/teaching.

If however all the people who are available to OP to ask will flip out just because of where the question is coming from and doesn't have the emotional or intellectual stability to explore a solution space with OP then all OP can do is create a harsh/firm rejection message whenever OP experiences the behavior. Problem with that approach though is it can make the youth feel unwanted or that it is somehow a shameful thing because why wouldn't mother want to help sort this shit out also.

It sucks because it is like society needs OP to be the one to do it but at the same time would exclude OP to make it even harder for OP to navigate this space effectively.

This comment makes no sense given OP's situation. Youthful sexuality is very aggressive and energetic so of course it can, without intending to, ping some part of anyone's brain who has a well-maintained or developed sexual existence. Attraction to a certain age-range has more to do with intelligence matching than 'hurr durr hot young bod'. If you're intellect really is just 'hurr durr hot young bod' then I doubt any recommendation to not do a thing will be heeded.

Basically teach her what behavior would attract someone to a close physical proximity narrative and describe how those things can go right or wrong. OP would need to give at least one or two examples of their own sexuality though so daughter at least has some boundary to base her future boundary bubble on. One of the more effective methods is encouraging or teaching masturbation without using devices or external stimulation (basically use pure imagination).

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post picture of said Daughter

Good advice. She is just starting to be sexually attracted to the opposite sex and hasn't figured it out yet. You just happen to be around her at this time. Don't respond and don't tell your wife.

Pic is daughter exploring OP's limits

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Ground her for five years... JACKPOT!

Ignore it. Girls that age start being flirty to see where they can go and what they're comfortable with.

Father's have daughters so that there is at least one female sexuality that they can't/don't define and basically throw said daughter into the chaos meat grinder that is humanity in order to get a new and uniquely sexual female.

Don’t post pics

Walk around naked, flash your cock, see how much you can tempt her and if she ever actually tries anything just tell her no because her mom would find out

Fuck her bro if you have to ask its the only answer

Reported for what, nigger?

Ah the old bait and switch! When she reaches out to take the bait punish her with the wrath of God for touching fruit of the tree of knowledge and go full biblical as you nail her to a cross and drag her around the public square shouting, "MY DAUGHTER IS SHAME, MY DAUGHTER IS SHAME, MY DAUGHTER IS SHAME ITSELF!"

>Technically Yas Forums parenting would still be considered as communal parenting.

For accepting that he wasn't omniscient and needed user Yas Forums help, obviously.

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whats she done?

Made OP question his tinglies.


The only sensible person here.

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Look it’s OP

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Record her with your phone without her knowledge if you two are alone. If she comes onto you and you reject her, and/or she lies and claims you molested her, you may have a chance at salvaging your livelihood


Also just don’t let her see your dick ever

This thread has been overwhelmingly wholesome. Good on ya m8s

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"Forgetting" to cover up when she gets out of the shower, climbs up in my lap to snuggle in a tee shirt and panties, flirty comments, etc. I never initiate any of it.

shes 13, depending on how girly and young she is it might just be normal, but if you feel things escalate you should def talk to ur wife imo, hiding it will only make it worse in the long run.

wtf is that

You, wife, and step daughter need to sit down and talk together about this openly before anyone or anything goes any farther.

You have a young tight pussy coming on to you and you're just going to ignore it? Wtf is wrong with people?

Yas Forums and the jews contributing to the faggotry people...

There ain't no boomers with 13 year olds. Boomers are ancient - at least 55.

Yeah, I'm 45. Wife is 35.

This seems more opportunistic than targeted, which means if it wasn't you it would be someone else she is exploring that space with. You basically might be witnessing how she is going to be in a future relationship where she feels emotionally/sexually free to express all of her "I AM AVAILABLE AND WILLING" behavior.

Open everything is pretty much my approach. When we hit someone or something that can't or won't open, then we can have cause for concern. Otherwise we'd just be chasing our imaginary fears that there wouldn't be some future moment where integration or translation wouldn't be available to us.

Some of us prefer the pussy to have a brain. If OP's daughter writes some sort of 'fuck me daddy' thesis or essay where she explores all the points and is actually targeting OP willfully THEN it's genuinely nobody's business but their own.

Ain't it bullshit the amount of crap other humans want to put around what is essentially a conversation? It's almost like the police exist because eventually someone hears something they don't have the patience or resources to understand and want to send their dumbest sons to kill other men for some reason.

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Lmao. You have girls write you essays on why they want to fuck you?

If that's her and you ain't fucking it you gay

No, but that shit would be hot beyond hot to me. A female has to at least be able to confidently signal a fucking narrative, for one, and that I am actual a target and not just whatever was available to serve a purpose. This is because I don't waste my time on a language for people that don't care who or what is in front of them.

Some usually just need a few ideas to get the ball rolling but those that need me to always feed them ideas just tells me that they are used to being described by whatever man they submit to and not the person itself.

I was just saying that if OP's daughter did do something weird like write an essay or do a video report on why her daddy should fuck her and everyone should just be chill with it I'm pretty sure that nobody would be able to argue against that and would probably confuse OP's boner so much that he'd have to rename it just to account for the psychological shock.

I don't get it with these kind of posters. Are they saying that if they don't keep their numbers up or engage every possible opportunity that they'll dip below some threshold and the gay fairy will catch them?

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>I don't get it with these kind of posters. Are they saying that if they don't keep their numbers up or engage every possible opportunity that they'll dip below some threshold and the gay fairy will catch them?

Lmao stfu

>waiting another man's daughter
here I thought having your own daughter was the actual most cuck thing, but raising someone else's daughter so they can get fucked? christ, just kill yourself now

hi reddditor

when we "young'uns" use the term "boomer", we're actually insulting you because you're an old fart and remind us of our grandparents

kys, thx


You remember what it's like being 13 right? Horny all the time. Brain all screwed up. Just treat this girl like she's a kid and all the flirting in the world won't phase you.
You were 32 when this girl was born. Be the adult and just write it off to crazy teenage hormones.

You shouldn't abd you know you shouldn't.

Also kids can't keep their fuckin mouths shut to save their lives. She'd tell someone eventually.

Bullshit. A hot girl is a hot girl. Fuck her if you can OP. Don't listen to these fucktards that use religion and morals as their scapegoat for not admitting they are attracted go young girls.

Stfu fag


except being old isn't an insult to us, so it just doesn't make any sense. you will be here someday.

Like her bestfriend that would want to fuck him too.

u wish, faggot

I literally have no personality or behavior memories of any of my grandparents or any of my family members. Not an orphan, just had a very 'unique' childhood.

So? Nobody listens to kids in this economy anyway except for those with too much free time on their hands and justify their existence through whipping people up into a lynch mob through emotional shit.

Been there, done that, moved on.

Holy kek now I feel like a retard

No like her best friend who would tell their mom then the stepdaughter's mom, and the cops.

The nut ain't worth the trouble

Kys nigger

i lost

>Pull a Professor Humbert Humbert.

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Have you met a 13 yo? They are horny af. That other girl will be quick to hop on his dick. Trusme

Quads of truth

Start telling the slut to have sleepovers and obviously make koolaid with melatonin, obviously

This is the most retarded take that you see over and over again on these boards. So basically, if you don't marry your high school sweetheart as virgins and luck out in the genetic lottery to only have boys, your advice is that every one over the age of 18 should just die alone and unhappy? We can't possibly, as adult men, you know, somehow navigate a complicated life in a complicated world where women not only exist, but we are married to them and raise female children without resorting to this grug brain take? Ffs

Shes challenging you, so you need to assert your dominance. The only correct answer here is to begin walking around the house naked.

Eventually, she will recognize you won't bitch out, and will go back to normal.

Then OP can just teach her daughter that the nut IS power for her to cause any trouble she wants and turn her into a monster that can manipulate and control any man because she's now a semen demon! If every other guy would somehow want to be in the party that ultimately punishes OP for sharing his nut then OP can just train daughter to be the master of all men, with OP's discipline being that he never has, or will, give her HIS nut because she is too powerful.

Or ya know whenever she does something flirty or sexual just scream REEEEE FUCK OFF NORMY while taking your shirt off and foaming at the mouth.

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They just wish everyone was as hateful and miserable as they are.