Time to confess, Yas Forums. This is the path to forgiveness.
Time to confess, Yas Forums. This is the path to forgiveness
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I touched my penis last night
Didn’t we all?
Yeah but is talking about his son
isn't that a sin that needs forgiveness though?
lay off the weed there cheech
Kinda gay
>isn’t that a sin
Debatable, depends on what material he touched his penis to
trap porn
Fear not, my son. You will find forgiveness. But you must first recognize and admit to your homosexual tendencies and cease to hide behind the alleged ambiguity of whether or not being aroused by crossdressers is homosexual in nature.
I haven't ejaculated in 69 days
I haven't jacked off in more than a year and a half. all I want to know is: am I missing something
I'm a married man who would never dream of touching another woman.
But I ERP as a girl who gets fucked by animals more than I would like.
Not particularly. It feels nice to do it, but only briefly, before you feel regret and shame. Overall, you’re doing good for yourself.
Your lucky 777 trips have already atoned for your hobby, user.
I worked on covid in a lab back in 2018
it's that i reached what seemed to be my lowest point. i didn't even feel like an orgasm would do. i wasn't a cooler or something, at most i would jack off 4 times a week or so
Maybe to a Heathen. Masturbation is degenerate in itself. Sitting there spanking it like a donkey. It is unbecoming of a Man.
This is true, but then the same can be said of ingesting chemicals such as alcohol and tobacco that cloud the mind and/or do physical damage to the body.
Unhand me priest! You shall burn in the pits of hell whilst sucking the swollen cock of lord lucifer.
On the 6th of April (in 4 days), I'll have been sober for 3 months. I've been drinking for about 10 years. This is the longest I've been sober in several years. I'm very clear headed and feeling healthier in my body and in spirit. I am a Christian myself. (Whether anyone on this website cares or not is irrelevant.)
yes, you know it's wrong, but it feels so right as satans throbbing cock explodes in your mouth... the unholy semen spewing from all your orifices as you squirm in dark ecxtasy.
I fapped to Happy Tree Friends vore last night
Congrats user, alcoholism is pretty fucking rough. You're doing good. The fight never ends. Keep it up!
Forgive me, father.
i am concerned about becoming alcoholic due to work related stress
Thank you. The anxiety is down, I'm getting a full sleep like I haven't had in years, my joints don't ache like they did, and so much more. I really do feel better and I thank the Lord for it.
i jacked off to a dude being beheaded
Hey i have all these benefits from weed!
I'm a grown ass man, steady job, wife. Everything is fine and I want to change nothing. No-thing. I like my life, I like my job, and I absolutely love my wife.
So why do I have a crush on Emma Watson? Hm? Can someone fucking explain this shit to me. I have never met her. I don't look for deepfakes with her. I don't jack off to fantasies about her. I am not very impressed with her acting. But I fucking consume information about her like my life depends on it. Why oh fucking why do I have a crush on some fucking person I haven't even met? It's infatuation, the sort you get when you're like 11 and some girl in your class says hi to you. Same sensation.
I have no idea what's going on.
All will be well, user. You’re a growing boy, these things happen.
OP here. I resign from my pastoral duties. Someone else can take the wheel now.
If you aren't doing anything wrong then there is no problem, user.
I have fingered minors every day for the last 5 years or so and haven't been caught.
ages? how have you gone about doing it?
It's just taxing, because I wouldn't act on it even if Watson appeared here right now and declared her undying love for me. I'm not 12. I have a good life and I'm not going to fuck it up just because my instincts decided to go apeshit over an actress. Just wanted to confess because if I told anyone RL, they'd misunderstand and this I meant it like something I wanted to act on. It's just this dumb thing my brain is doing that I'm barely involved in.
it’s a piano you pedophile jackass
Kek. Nice bait and switch user, I applaud you.
People think that kind of shit even on here, user. /adv/ went all moral crusader on my ass and basically told me I was a piece of shit because I said I find one of my friends attractive and wouldn’t mind accidentally receiving her nudes. It’s not like I’m gonna fuck up my relationship with my girlfriend over a friend I used to work with that I barely share any social/moral values with just because I think she’s kind of cute. But if I saw her tits, I’d probably jerk off to em. I mean, I’m not sticking my dick inside her, it’s no different from jacking it to porn, the only difference is I know the person in the hypothetical images.
Augh, no forgiveness for you user
lmao gottem
I once molested an 8 year old girl and she loved every minute of it
I killed my neighbors dog on purpose, she later came over and asked if i had seen it, i said no. Still make me chuckle to this day.
Fake and gay
Fuck you
I liked Resident Evil 6
I find ass-eating absolutely vile and I can’t get some of my meme page buddies on IG to agree with me about it which frustrates me
There is no redemption for you.
I also liked Final Fantasy XIII
i used to post my exs nudes online.
i stopped it though.
Good man
I'm too fat to fuck myself
based. kidnap emma watson
I fucked my girlfriends gay twin brother and tried to convince them for a threesome a few days after that.
I fingered my sister once while she was passed out
I can't stop sleeping with randos, and usually bareback. I really need to pull it together.
Fuck off and die, stupid christfag sacamalatta. You and your shitty book are worthless.
I have sinned
>am gay
>secretly want to be trap, hate living my day to day life as a guy
Im sexually attracted to old fliphones to the point when i used to steal my moms and cum on it
got any pics ?
got any pics ?
Not many but yea
Nice legs you've got there user, may I see more?