did anyone here had any mom son sex experiences? im thinking about trying something while she sleeps (52yo single mom, and 25yo single son living together here, any advices?)
Did anyone here had any mom son sex experiences? im thinking about trying something while she sleeps (52yo single mom...
Sage ..
i really want to try something but honestly scares the shit out of me... any advices to encourage me +please?
Yes. Kys
stop thinking about your mom like that you pervert
she nursed you and raised you, she isnt a sex object
don't do it when she sleeps, tell her that you are attracted to her. she's your mom, she'll know what to do. and when you'll hear yourself say it, you'll also realize how much of this desire is real and how much of it is just your coombrain
Pretty much this, I haven't done anything with my mom out of respect
The fantasy is still kino though
thats my point! maybe im a pervert but she's also i can notice on the air that she's embaressed and feel's guilt because she's alone for many years and i noticed many times that she flirts me, maybe she is confused but i noticed many times that my mom feels some desire for me
Shotting yourself is a good advice
i dont have the balls for that... i cant just express what i feel... it scares me that she can have both positive or negative reactions both scares me
Jesus dude. Move out
.Dude, you if you do when she sleeps, she will thinks that you're a weirdo, is even worse.
Those things that you see in Xvideos isn't real, of course she will wake up if she didn't take any rufilin.
I can almost guarantee she doesn't feel the same way. And if you got her drunk she would regret it.
in the past days i stayed home and masturbate myself couple times day. sometimes i belive that she wents to my room for some reason and she just knows when im doing it and she dont even knock on the door she just leaves.
Post pic of mom for context
Because she don't to want see your dick?
go fuck a hooker and forget about this idea.
>get drunk
>try something
>if not working just say sorry I'm drunk
and i should go talk to her, express my desire of sex with her and if she agree's (i belive that would happen) and then go on and fuck my own mom?
yes i agree anyways she will probably regret, but i know her very good and i know she's a bit crazy and also that she desires a men for a long time
the part that can work is what scares me the most...
The ultimate in pathetic. There's a reason why you fuck the girl next door, because she's NOT your mom.
Is she hot?
Just stop.
well not so much, maybe for some average 50yo single men she's pretty hot. for my eyes it isnt. still she have a chubby mom ass, and some medium breats that seem very interesting...
Search for help, I have paranoid schizophrenia and sounds like everything you do makes sense for you, and her, being your mom don't.
The world doesn't turn around ya, search for REAL help fast.
daily she walks home near me in thong and some times in cloth changing or bath she walks arround a bit in topless, i dont do anything like that like walking arround naked in home or even without shirt. is that normal? makes me horny and confused!
in our lifes allways happened things like she trying some new bikini, leggins, ... calls me and ask's: "im i hot with the?" "it stays good on me?" "does this leggins do my ass good?(and turns her ass forr me to see)" wtf is this normal for a moither to do without any sex meaning?
Search for help, unirocally
What the fuck does this even mean?
not a thing
Most ive ever gotten was looking at my mom in thr shower or while she sleeps when i was younger. Would lift up her nightgown n stare at her fat ass
Jesus Christ
simple solution, don't try anything
i dont have it or even similar
Wait till she's in the shower - hop in behind her and start soaping up those tits
i belive im so scared because i dont know what to do in future, maybe this works i cant explain you all in few words but there is facts and feelings that proves there is a big chanse of my mom agrees in having sex with her own son (even she regrets later)
english is not a strong suit, is it?
is this normal?
Get drunk together and see what happens
Hey buddy, even if she does agree is that really what you want? She’ll be 65 and you’ll be 38, you should have your own family. There’s a million sluts out there but you only have one mom and that’s special. Take care of her but don’t make any sexual advances. Your time will come, just not with your mom.
Have you had sex before?
Let her “catch” you with your hard cock out. The rest will happen naturally
yes, in fact i lived with my ex in my mom's home just us 3 and my bedroom is next to my mom's bedroom me and my ex fucked million times loudly next to my lone mom hearing all. at that time i dint realized or even cared about she heard or not i was focused on fucking my first gf hard as i can, but now i realized all that. (tanks for that advice helped a lot)
Yeah I’m an old fag but I fucked my mom for a few months when I was 24 (she was 45)
It was super hot and intense, we were drinking a lot (and I was also doing a lot of cocaine and meth) she was kinda a pill head
I won’t go nuts with the details but basically my Dad travels internationally a lot for work and would be gone for weeks at a time, they were both cheating on each other. I was going through a scumbag phase and the right factors just aligned.
One day when my Dad was gone for 3 weeks we ended up getting really fucked up with each other and fooling around.
The next day she asked if I liked it and I said yes so from that point we would get fucked up and high and would mess around, after a few times this led to full on sex which was so mind blowing I can’t even really explain it.
Like the world was out to get us but we didn’t fucking care, that I was such a man that even my own mother wanted me, that my dad was such an idiot that I could steal his wife
The emotions were the most intense I’d ever felt
So then this went on when we could for about 4-5 months
However pretty quickly the rush of the incest began to ware off and I realized that my mom wasn’t really that hot and that the sex was kinda meh really.
So once the initial high went away the sex got kinda bad and then it just trailed off.
Obviously we kept it a secret. Overall I’m happy I did it I know my mom better than anyone really and while things won’t ever be the same between us, I think it was worth it to experience her “fully” if that makes sense
>a woman isn’t a sex object because she raised you
Why not?
what will happen? like in xvideos she will normally confess that also have that fetish and ask if i want an hand?
I used to sleep in the same bed with my mom up until I was 13.
She liked it when I would spoon her as she fell asleep.
I would cup her breast, and progressively got more bold, until one night I went under the sheets and tried to see her vagina.
She woke up, and asked me what I was doing. When she realised I was peeving on her she kicked me out of her room.
She was wierded out and pissed off at me for a couple of months.
One day, though, she was upset with me over something - don't remember what - and she pinned me on my back on the floor, in her nightgown, and mounted me. I was so fucking turned on, and so I raised my hips. She just rode me a couple of times doing this, and then, when I didn't know what to do, the moment was lost.
Nothing ever happened again between us, and I regret being a stupid spaghetti monster by not doing anything further.
Shit was hot as fuck.
Many fucking summerfags
Incest is hot you prudes
She’ll be curious and keep trying to catch you again. Just keep that dick out and she’ll eventually give in. She is just a woman after all and women need cock.
im gonna do it! maybe even today! seems wrong but very hot and interesting to try!!
I agree. I'm currently fucking a woman 18 years my senior, because older women turn me on. She is down with roleplaying mom/son incest. We've reinnacted some incest porn scenes, like broken arm shower. It can sometimes seem really silly, and we both fall out of character, though. When we're really hammered it seems to feel more natural when we roleplay this stuff.
She will do little things sometimes when we didn't even plan any RP, like say, "Fuck me, son," or similar, out of the blue when we are fucking sometimes, and that turns me the fuck on.
She’ll do the whole “Stop that!!!” But she will always look. Eventually, she’ll want it
she dont have sex for 5-10 years, i kind of can feel she need's a men and she have her desires. my theory is that she is alone and depressed and sometimes she get confused and thinks im her son and she loves me and wants to help me because im single, joining to that her desire of a men for a long time...
I've never tried anything with my own mother, but I did meet a 60y/o married woman and after hanging around her for x amount of months. She now calls me son and I call her Mom and we play when we have the chance.
I asked my mom for a blowjob once. She said no but it wasn't a big deal. Now it's like the incident never happened. Point is just go for it - your mom understands you and she won't judge you unless you're a giant creep about it.
>implying this shit hasn't been cringe for over a decade
fuck off gaiafag
this fucking virgin RP
i belive that i do that you did maybe it works (maybe not at the first time asking her) but the problem here is that if in any possibility of that happened:
in my mind the imagination of my own mother's head between my legs sucking my penis THAT SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME 50% and makes me horny like i never felt before 50%
i dont know if anyone can understand that...
Similar story
Tried to tuck my mom and got shut down hard.
She doesn’t hold it against me tho.
She kinda teases me now so it was still worth it for the occasional flirt
Anyone remember the name of the crazy yoga woman with big tits who got her son to film her. Her Xmas present to him was dressing up in a thong. Driving me mad to find the vida
Uh ... more?
honestly i want to have sex with her, but while that i cant even look at her face... a feeling like that
There was a whole series. Yas Forums and Reddit both knew the whole story. She also made vegan videos and yoga stuff. She was insane
They followed his life and knew he grew up to be kind of normal and into the rave scene but I can't find the name or the videos
You need Jesus
Please fuck your mom and then come back and tell us how horrible every family event is for the rest of eternity.
That’s probably not going to happen
Women get constantly hit on and inappropriate propositions from the time they are 13 years old by horny men, teachers other kids , even relatives
The chances of your mom making things awkward forever over a sexual attempt is basically 0
Women are very good at brushing those things off they do it all the time