Hi, my name is Abby. I'll be taking care of you the entire time your in the hospital for covid-19...

Hi, my name is Abby. I'll be taking care of you the entire time your in the hospital for covid-19. Let's start with you taking those pants off since I need to check your cock for symptoms...you finish...

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Oh, my the swelling might keep you here for a few days! It's okay. I'll check up on you when the swelling goes down!

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I need Abby to check my dick's temp with her mouth

I was in the hospital for two months, and I fell in love with so many cute nurses.

she has sucked quite a few. I know.

I’m wanna see abby’s tits.

Tits or GTFO

Is yours one of them? Nudes?

Oh my! You’re swelling hasn’t gone down at all! I’ve never seen a cock this big! I guess I’ll have to take more drastic measures to slow your swelling and pressure buildup...

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timestamp ot gtfo

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holy fuck i want to cum inside her tight body

Keep going babe

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I now have a nurse abby folder

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:) everyone should

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Any bikni?


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I’m going to need her to bathe me my arms are broken

oh fuck she's so tight please dump it all

naturally. gotta stay clean

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I wonder how many loads of cum that tongue has tasted? Not enough

all these girls are fucking heaters! Woooo so hot!

4 guys i know...how many loads...idk

post her nudes

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I can take your temp, Nurse... just let me stick my dick in your mouth to do so. ;)

def gonna fucking cum for her

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this one did it. im fucking spent

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you got these in individual files?


that would rule. vola?


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im banned cant talk there

can't you make another account or something?

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you look like a Clydesdale kicked your face in abby


dont think most agree with u...asswhipe

post the individual nudes please

got her white blouse and jeans full res or the ones in the bra?

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quick turn this into medical creeps

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Is this too high doc?

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god damn she is hot

for real the best dump in weeks.