I am retarded. About four or five years ago I matched with this Russian on tinder...

I am retarded. About four or five years ago I matched with this Russian on tinder, and have been flirting with her throughout this entire time. As we have gotten to know one another, we have gone from talking on Tinder, to Whatsapp, to Facebook, to Instagram. Every six months or so, when I'm awake late at night or just bored, I'll send her a message, we'll video chat, and eventually masturbate together. Now, I have just realised how retarded I am because I have been dating my girlfriend about two years, and she has obviously known nothing about any of this. I was talking to the Russian this week, out of stupidity, and she messaged me today saying, "I saw that u have girlfriend, how u met her?" I am so retarded that I have pictures of my girlfriend and I on instagram and never thought this would be an issue.

What do i do? I do not want to get ratted out.

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> About four or five years ago
> on tinder
does tinder even exist for that long?

The next time you bang your girl, whip out the phone and start video chatting the Russkie in front of her.

You're stupid, Yas Forumsro.
Go along with your RU friend, play it casual and honest.
If your gf finds out you're fucked.

The Russian probably dosent care. Its not her circus or money so to speak. Ask her for a nude and tell her she looks good. Dont blow this up to something it isnt OP.

tinder has been around since 2012


what the fuck how old are you retard?

Just do what you want
Learn a lesson
Then do better next time

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if pic related is the Russian in question and your GF is not a solid 8+/10 you really are a fucking idiot OP

>dump the skank
>get the Russian QT3.14

I hear Russian pussy tastes like vodka and cabbage

Is that a real pic of the RU girl?
Got moar?

it's your own fault if you get caught OP. but chances are shes not going to say anything. for all you know she could have a boyfriend and she definitely has a schedule of her own amd if you think shes chill than you'll be fine. cover your tracks a little better next time

Haha, I don't want to end up in a stew. That's how both women kill me.

How should I respond though? I really do need help here, please.

She directly asked me how I met my girlfriend though. How do I respond?

Fuck, man. I just hope I am smart enough to learn. I feel clinically retarded right now.

Hi OP it is Tatyana
I can make you good meals and suck your cock too, give me green card

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fake and gay dude, just go fuck yourself

what a twist!

> (You)
>Haha, I don't want to end up in a stew. That's how both women kill me.

They'd kill you? Sounds to me like you're a pussy. Grow a set of balls and fForce your girl to suck your dick while youtell the Russkie how to play with her clit.

i agree with this guy
step the fuck up, user

Not true, I married a russian camgirl, having a great relation for many years now.
Cleanest pussy ever

Yeah two women at once will do that to you but it sounds like you are into deep already. Live it up while you can, then bind over and hope your lesson is gentle.
You’ll learn something eventually.

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Practice social distancing. Ghost both of them


I wish I had a girlfriend...

Chat up RU camgirls

that's a man!

Ratted out? I’m pretty sure the Russian girl doesn’t care. Just enjoy the casual stuff on the side


If that's a man, I am now officialy gay.


Newfags, all of you.

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Fuckin rekt roflmao

You say that like it's a bad thing



Nahhh, she looks very similar. The Russian's hair is more blonde though. She is definitely an 8/10 or 9/10 though. The issue is that whilst my girlfriend is the stark opposite, a tall, light skinned, short curly haired, brown eyed girl... she is also equally incredibly beautiful.

How do I respond to the direct question she asked though?

Lived in Russia for 5 years

Russian women do not think like western women. They do not give a shit if you are married, have a girlfriend. Actually, even for russian couples its ok for the husband to have a whore... as long as he keeps on providing and delivering. On the other side, the whore will also understand you are married... as long as you provide.

I'm hardly providing, haha. The Russian is a lawyer and I'm just a poor law student.

If Russians really do not care though then how do I respond? You might be my saviour.

Believe me, they think long term. Russian are very much byzantine, thus Oriental y theur way of understanding life, space and time.

I would be honest and talk to her about your GF. I have a few russian ex girlfriends I keep in touch with and they regularly ask about my kids.

How long term are we talking? Is she going to drop in on me in ten years asking if I'm divorced yet? That's brave if she really is hedging her bets like that.

So, total honesty is the path to my girlfriend not finding out? That genuinely sounds like the best advice I have heard all night. Thank you, mate.

wtf you made this thread AGAIN. didn't we already give oyu enough advice

She’s pretty cute.

says the phoneposter

Just treat it as an every day occurence. Don't get all nervous, your just having fun on line. Unless you told her you wanted her to come here, or you there. If you told her you were single, well....

Definitely might have told her that I was single... and told her to come here and fuck me at some point.

Gee, what does that tell you..." give me green card". Hmmmm?

I wouldn't know, mate. I am Australian. She is a lawyer and I am a student.

Her long term intention is probably to get out of Russia. She will ask to come and see you, get a visa, fuck you a few times and then just disappear.

I mean, that isn't so bad, right? Just so long as my girlfriend never finds out.

She's not Russian and probably not the woman, what does that tell you if you can't tell what's a fake post

In the pictures, I'm assuming you haven't posted your russian friend, as those are online.

Depending on how you look at it. I can lmost guarantee she doesn't care about you girlfrend and has no intention of telling or ruining yuor relationship. That's not how ther work. YOu are just a mean to get something else.

Only problem yoou might have is with immigration if you vouch for her and then she ends up in some shitty brothel.

Have a gf and today im going to a hotel room with tinder match. I told her im going out.
Not the first time either. I dont rly care if she dumps me or not in the big picture. Just embrace being a fucking scumbag, its cool bro.

I mean, she's literally a lawyer, and seems to be doing very well for herself, so she could just apply for a legitimate visa and come here. Pretty sure I couldn't vouch for her unless we had met.

That's fine if I am a means to get something else though, haha. Just so long as she never mistakenly believes me to be a simp and try taxing me. And of course that if we meet, we fuck.

That's good to know that Russian women are not that brand of vindictive though. I will tell her tomorrow how my girlfriend and I met. Thank you.

Reply here if you can. I have to get to sleep and Yas Forums sadly doesn't archive posts. I will be able to read posts on /adv/ in the morning. Thanks in advance.

Cut all ties with the Russian. Remember, no Russian.

Hello sexy. Green card only for gays. Come to me. I pay you flight to betiful india and marry you my sexy. I make you good and kiss your whole body. Also send bobs and vagene.

Be a chad and say "yes."

In response to her question of how my girlfriend and I met, would this be fine? "Haha, yeahhh, funnily enough we actually also met on Tinder. But that doesn't mean that you and I have to stop being such good friends and talking so much :)"

Nice bait

is that @yungdari?

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>literally a lawyer
As long as she hasn't studied the 'merican law system her degree is worthelss. If she's planning on moving to the States she has to relearn her profession or start to clean toiletes/suck dicks for a living.