Itt: god tier metal

itt: god tier metal

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Kyuss , Blues for the red sun

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It's amazing, man. truly incredible.

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I have this on vinyl, sounds fucking incredible

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I love it more than anything since The Harvest Floor. Death Atlas tends to perfect death metal in a constructive way and yet still continues lifting the genre higher than its ever been.

Toxic fucking Holocaust. Enough said.

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What band is that? Looks good.

Nvm reverse image searched

Enough said? Are you poser of the year? Toxic Holocaust is party rock nu-thrash and compared to the likes of Megadeth or Sepultura, it is not a god-tier band. The music just isn't complex enough, and the attitude is the same in each song.

Moloch is a lone all-star out of the Ukraine that has been out-doing Burzum since 2002.

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Someone's a gatekeeper

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I simply stated that it was not god-tier. Listen to what you must.


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>God tier
>Devil's music
Isn't that retarded?

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First 3 incantation albums

You know their are Christian metal bands right?

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I used to listen to metal when I was 12 years old
Grew out of it
You can hardly understand wtf they're saying
They all sound the same
I never liked musical instruments either

But this thread has none of them

But youre a faggot shut the fuck up retard and go drown in a grease disposal unit nigger

These are not god-tier
These are god-tier
That is the only behemoth album that is good.

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Take your meds schizo

Powershifter is such a fucking anthem.

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None of these are Christian metal
None of these are God tier
You faggots are actually retarded aren't you

These threads make it so easy to pick out the autistic kids.

Youre a fucking idiot, obscene majesty is on the same level as the molesting album if not better

Holy fuck you are a massive baiting faggot

Since we talking about Christian metal, this was probably one of the first "heavier" albums I ever listened to. My mother bought for me at a Christian bookstore I'd say... 12 years ago I think.

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So? What’s your point?

hoping for another full length soon, im sick of these split releases

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Obscene Majesty is a great album. A 9.5, for what it is. It has an awesome sound like a block of concrete and the guitar work is phenomenal, but there isn't enough dynamic in song structure, or even in vocals or riffs. There isn't enough variation, or even action. It's still the second best Devourment album, no matter what.

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still waiting for them to release a batter album than this

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Well said my man

The newest one was pretty cool, but it still doesn't come close.

how can you listen to this stuff?

Music is supposed to have soul and rhythm

not retards screaming like apes


Edge of Sanity. Swano-tier

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Listening to cattle decap now actually. Monoliths is my favorite album.

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whats everyones favourite demo tape?

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just because you can't understand the apes doesn't mean what the have to say isn't valid

You know about "Cattle Decaptaion" and that all members of the band are radical vegans?

Metal he said