Corona is now the number 3 cause of death in the US

Corona is now the number 3 cause of death in the US.

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you think it's different in the shithole where you live?
not even american but this 'MURKA BAD LOL' makes us euros seem like such third world insecure faggots.

In my country there are less than 500 cases and not a single death.

>absolute numbers
wow, have you even finished any basic form of education? that all means jack shit.
>zero recorded deaths
you either live in a propaganda state or are lying

Look at this mutt seething. You realize that there are countries where nobody has died from this flu?

I realise you're lying, otherwise you would have blurted out your country three posts ago

Every hospital that can is claiming coronavirus as cause of death so they can get that sweet government money.
That 1200 bribe you're getting, corporations, including ones dealing with healthcare, are raking in the remaining 1.8 trillion.

I'm not saying the country. All I'm gonna say ia that it has slightly above 400 cases and no deaths.

What on earth are you smoking?

He didn't say "Murka bad".

Don't read things into things, it's a sign of paranoia.

seeing as you're so cucked for american attention, i'm guessing eastern europe; Latvia?

I swear, conspiracy theories and hoax claims will kill the USA. Nobody wants to know what's really happening - they want to believe their favourite Cinematic Universe.

The virus is laughing to itself.

'murka bad', 'haha look murka', it's all in the same spirit; it's making us europeans seem like insecure and attention starved faggots.

Lol there is literally no reason not to say. You're not only a liar but a very poor one at that.

It's not Eastern Europe you retard. We're not Slavshits.

Someone hold me I'm scared

your not supposed to hold anyone right now.

haha are you saying latvia isn't eastern europe? hahaha of course you are!

Attached: northern-europe-map.png (1700x1080, 71.85K)

What conspiracy? Read the multiple primary sources reporting people dying of head injuries being counted as coronavirus because they had/have it.
And read the fucking bill. It's actually going to cost more than $2 trillion over time, and everyone will have to pay it back in taxes eventually.

Those are the same countries nobody goes to, aswell. Not sure I'd be proud of a country that is so low on the food chain, that a pandemic doesn't even bother with it.

Lmao what a complete load of shit

haha well alright. and you actually were right about them zero deaths.

but please, don't make posts like this thread, it makes europe seem like little angry children

I'm not OP.

Sorry America is getting so fucked by their own incompetence. You can keep seething on Yas Forums if it helps you cope with the fact you or your loved ones are going to drowning in their own lung fluid soon.

What I'm hearing is a few extra parking spaces. That sounds good.

this is exactly what I'm talking about. this blind seething towards murka. in my post it's abundantly clear i'm european but your brain apparently is receiving such restricted blood flow you can't even see that.
stay mad at an overseas country. lord knows why

Attached: mad lil boi.jpg (768x480, 88.52K)

Only 90 year olds are dying and they don't drive cars.

Get mad fatboi

Time to ban Chinese people

who is this ugly bitch?

are there nudes?

It literally is not even close to being a leading cause of anything.

>This page was last updated on April 25, 2017
wow thanks mr. current affairs!

You can not seriously be so stupid as to post an article written 3 years before the virus existed, could you? Despite the fact that number 3 is "respitory illness" and the virus is a respitory illness? You really couldnt possibly be THAT dumb?


WOW carona isnt even on the list!

yah man follow trump into your graves, that'll show the libs/mexicans/chinks/blacks/atheists

hahahahah you fucking idiot

>banning chinese is the same as dying
Lol. Quite the opposite my good man

This virus created by god is our punishment. We deserve this. It is gods will and a test. He still loves us though

>This page was last updated on April 25, 2017.

I feel bad for you

Way I see it, still beats living most anywhere else in the world. Orange man is certainly an idiot, but the media gives him an even worse rap. Plus, we've been scraping the bottom of the barrel for presidential candidates for years now, and I'll take the racist sexual predator over the socialist any day

That was my guess too. Some slav who decided to use his 10 minutes on the town computer to shit talk the US

I must disagree with you on that. As a christian im fairly aware that this wasnt gods act. This virus happens because of people on this planet that have no faith

Daddy Xi made one hell of a bioweapon with the Chinese death coof.

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That ugly unfunny bitch needs the boomer remover.

Hello comrade. Your President Xi even has you chink bots spamming Japanese anime forums? Yikes. Hope the CCP pays you chinks well

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Aww, is the slant eyed Xi bot upset America won't let you chicoms visit anymore?

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UK is Northern Europe? WTF XD idiots making maps continued xd

What a surprise a trash article that says 800 people die a day from Corona virus in the US. Offical numbers from the CDC
COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*†
Total cases: 186,101
Total deaths: 3,603
Jurisdictions reporting cases: 55 (50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) Updated April 1st

what a revolting creature she is

i wouldn't be surprised if she were a lesbian libtard

CNN told me to be scared of the apocalyptic virus, and to be angry at Trump for downplaying it at the beginning.

I don't know why, but this fear and frustration is making me want to vote Democrat.

"Corona overrated lmao" watch retards still say that after this

you do realise banning chinks is not going to have any effect on whether thousands of yanks a day die for the next few weeks, right?
All this 'he who smelt it, dealt it' bullshit with China might make you feel nice that there's an outside force to blame, but the reality is pandemics can come from anywhere - lots of intelligent people have been warning about it for years, and most governments spaffed away the chance to handle it well in order to try and look after economy instead. Economies which are fucked anyway.

beats living a few places maybe, if you're rich. Most of europe is objectively a better place to live for most people for quality of life and social mobility.
Americans just like to pretend they all have some kind of FREEDOM which is unavailable elsewhere in the world and that makes it worth being ground into the dirt


now that the dust has settled

who gives a fuck about the mortality rate!

you should be more worried about the economy

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>source: a clickbait article which doesn't link it's own source

it's over Chang

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same in germany and italy, they admitted that they dont differentiate between people infected with corona and people that died on corona.

if you are infected with corona and die because of an heartfailure, you died on "corona"

Corona is the biggest scam governments ever pulled on us

shut the fuck up, leftist faggot

Fuck the illuminati PAY ME

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How do we know the numbers are correct is this just another attack on trump? There is no testing kits. What are the chances the numbers are fixed?

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All fake

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Hire me, illuminati

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Wow the next guy who is president of USA is going to get fucked hard

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Fuck the illuminati, PAY ME

Are blacks number 1?