Secret thread

Secret thread
tell b/ your fucked shit
>wincest while quarantined
>ate dog shit
>cheated on partner with a trap
say anything just make it denigrate

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I've been cheating on my gf with multiple members of her family and I've let my little brother fuck her I'll green text and answer questions if any anons are interested

I use salad dressing without shaking it before use.



is your gf hot? sounds kind of redneck user

yeah actually but it was not her idea to fuck my brother can do a green text if interested

do a greentext for the story about your bro

First incest thing I was involved: I got my little sister to touch my dick and give me a a "handjob" for a minute or two. Didn't come there, but jerk off so hard just after she left the room.
We did some softcore stuff after that. Incest is really too common in Yas Forums, but aske me anything you want anyway.

lost my virginity at 26

i want to fuck pyrocynical *coof coof*

what else did you do?

OK, I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... when my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out! ...but the worst thing I ever done: I mixed up all this fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. And I never felt so bad in my entire life!

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I was probably the biggest bra and pantie thief at college who ever lived. Pretty much every girl there had worn at least one pair of panties stained with my cum. Never got caught, graduated, never felt like doing it again.

>Didn't wash my hands before going to work
>I work at the clothes shop you are in wearing now
>Socially indistant at customer

You're a degenerate who shouldn't breed

Next time I got her to sit on my lap and we started to watch porn. I got a boner and she didn't do anything, so I started to slowly touch her pussy over her shorts.
She was a bit wet, but then our mom came back and my sister went running to her room. She changed her shorts before coming out again haha.
We repeated the same thing again a couple of times, she on my lap and watching porn. But those times I got to touch her more. She came a couple of times.

i came on my moms and sister toothbrushes

>>cheated on partner with a trap
I wasn't seeing anyone at the time, but the sexiest thing I've ever experienced was having my hands around this cute little trap's waist, slamming into her (his? whatfuckingever) ass and seeing her little rock hard dick explode and shoot cum straight up like a fountain.

Can someone tell me why incest is hot and not degenerate? I can even understand pesos who want to fuck 14yo more than people who want to fuck their mom or sister and probably impregnate them with a retarded baby.

Wow be proud. Your family member probably know and think they should've aborted you. Seriously what's wrong with you jizzing on toothbrushes. You're probably a lossless virgin

Every panty had your jizz but no pussy ever seen your dick

>be me
>Me and gf been together 3 years now
>Find out she's talking to another guy
>I make this known to her
>She begs me to give her a second chance
>She relies on me finical and so she has no where else to go
>I tell her we need a few days apart
>spend a week with my family
>hang out with 12 y/o little bro a lot
>we talk about life and stuff
>says how he really just wants to lose his v-card typical horny teenage boy shit
>normally I would let him say this shit and not think much of it
>rather see opportunity
> I want to humiliate my girlfriend for even think of another guy
>talk to gf still desperate for me to stay with her she agrees to fucking my brother
>tell parents I want my bro to go to my apartment with me for a day they let us
>my gf sees brother she has known him since he was 8 before we started dating
>she looks sick
>I make my gf strip and do foreplay for my bro
>I can tell she fucking hates and is about to ask me to stop
>So I push her down to the floor hold her back down so she cannot move
>let bro go at it
>he cums inside her she's on the pill so its cool
>take my bro home and come back to the apartment
>she cries for the next 4 hours promising me she will always be loyal
>going to wife her once the corona shit is over so I say I taught her a good lesson

I haven't ejaculated in 68 days

What's your endgame user? Never jerking it again or just going for a nice round number?

when did you do all this how old was she how old were you and why didn't thing go further


wow you're a shitty person

If it isn't ejaculated, it's reabsorbed into the body after 3 days max, so if you're edging for the biggest load in history, you're just torturing yourself for no reason.

Never jerking again but my streak will end when i eventually ejaculate in my sleep, i'm going for 666 days without self stimulation that would be cool.

I my opinion people who even think about cheating deserve to be humiliated

So basically this dude is Yellowstone at this point

It was like 6 years ago. She was 12 and I was 15.
I think it was grossing me out the last couple of times, so we didn't do it anymore.
Nowadays I wish I went further.

Any good stories with the trap?

She was 12? 12. And not 21 but 12

Yeah, she was 12, that's why I said "little sister".

Make it 420 then 69

Cuckold. You let your brother fuck your wife and think you are alpha.

Only degenerates in this thread.

In the first month of dating my current gf I fucked some little faggy femboy, fucked my girlfriend later that day and then fucked some cheap hooker looking slut I worked with. I made her suck my cock and take it up the ass, all without washing my dick off. It was rad. Good times.

This post is definitely bs but whatever.
If it is true then you're a shitty boyfriend but a much worse brother. That is an awful way to lose your virginity. Retard


> Cheating is bad
> She maybe thought about cheating
> I will punish her by forcing her to cheat with my underage brother

You're a pedophile you know? You abused a 12 year old child. You're literally a childfucker.

2 years later bro seems pretty happy

it's called humiliation I'm sorry some people on this thread are literally to dumb to understand

Well, I was 15 back then buddy, not 40, I liked girls with ages close to mine.
And I didn't fucked her. Of the 3 sentences you made, none is correct. Go kill yourself

No word from Clemanon


You don't want her being fucked by other guys meanwhile you force her being fucked in front of your eyes. You're not just a bad person, you're a stupid cuckold too. Maybe just humiliate her by letting her fuck everyone she wants cuck.

I had a son with pic related while I was a young teen. I’ve been in quarantine with my son now for three weeks. I’ve fallen in love with him I think, when I see him I see his dad and it’s kind of fucking me up.

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> I fiddled a girl
> She was 12
> Prepuberty 12 year old girl is girl my age when I'm 15
> I literally raped my sister
> I'm no pedophile
Mhkay keep telling yourself

I did this to humiliate her since, she has never even had a guy friend or an interaction with another male unless necessary also she didn't want to fuck my bro making it humiliation not cuckolding

haha sure mate, go on with your rant.

Even with 16 it would be weird to fuck a 13 year old girl. Fucking anything which is under 14 is pedo. Nothing under 14 looks like a women and like a child.

God bless latinas then. She had a good body for a 12yo

> Cuckold
> (of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.

You are by definition cuckold. Doesn't matter if you think it was humiliation, you let other guys fuck your girl. You're a cuckold. And that you let 12 year old fuck your girl makes you a pedo cuckold. You're a fucking beta.

You probably think a 12 year old fucking a 9 year old isn't pedophile too

My gf was an escort. Met her a couple months ago after my ex broke up with me.
Feeling a bit down I found an escort online and chatted with her for a while. Then I set up a dinner/movie date and we got super high beforehand. Fingered her in a movie theater, even though there were people sitting next to us.
She liked what she felt, plus I make 6figs lol so she dropped the escorting and now I get laid 3-5 times a day, which is so much better and more frequent than my ex that it's embarrassing.
I realize she's a dirty whore but I want to fuck my life up so I creampie her every time. I wanted the trad life, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

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You think that because you're a pedophile shitskin

I don't know, what do you think? Please go on

use them as sounding rods, you fucking casual

Sure mate, I wish I was balls deep into her child ass