Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself

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am not gay
OP is always a faggot, so I suppose that explains your involvement

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I'd rather take pride in things I've actually achieved through my own stubborn effort, not just being born a certain way and using that as a justification for my mediocrity and overall laziness.

Similarly, I'd prefer not to blame others (namely Jews) for my own fuck-ups and shortcomings.

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I hope OP saws down some shotgun barrels for the ATF.


Batman must embrace the darkness in order to become the night. White powerful would kill this.

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Why don't you explain yourself?

Why don't you give me your take on correlation vs. causation. You people seem to not understand the simple difference when you post your statistics.

You people are always like "people who get long educations don't live in the real world".

Maybe you're just dumb, have you ever considered that? Or is the Dunning Kruger effect taking over?

You have to be so pathetic to take pride in anything you don't control, and there are never any girls at your retarded gatherings.

The Aryan Brotherhood fags sell meth to their own people, how is this helping white pride?

>Being a white supremacist
>In 2020

hoooo boy

What the fuck?

Cause niggas are the future you're obsolete

i thought everyone did this... i don't go for a pacifier but otherwise...

90% of the people in this world are idiotic assholes. Why would I even pick a side? I take pride in myself, that is all.

You want white pride out of me? Do something that makes me proud, if thats even possible.

kek. Boomers pop veins at shit like this.

Oh no... Im gonna... Im gonna... COOOOOF cooooof coof cooooof

livin the life

Aryan Brotherhood is controlled by Mexicans. They only invite whites to cover up what they actually are- a branch of a Mexican cartel. They can go fucking kill themselves. I believe in white pride, but I'm a separatist not a supremacist. I think everyone should stick with their own race and leave everyone else alone, because race mixing only creates animosity and other problems. Be proud of your race, and leave all the others to themselves.

I'm not insecure.

Race mixing creates animosity and problems? Should have told the anglos and the saxons that...

I'm half irish and half polish. I've got fuck all to be proud of

imma go with this guys post

you must be new here

I'm only sexually attracted to black women

I got plenty of other shit to be proud of. Being proud of being white is a sign of laziness to me. Can't do anything on your own, have to ride the coattails of greater men before you.

> (OP)
>am not gay
>OP is always a faggot .......

Has OP actually had an erect penis inserted in his rectal orifice? YES or NO !?

>stick to your own race
>"you think you better than me?"
>mixing would cause animosities
oh boi. how old are you? I somehow doubt youre older than 20. animosities or hate is a individual thing and there are corelations to education. lower ed, more likely to spread hate. it has nothing to do with other skin color. look at all those gangs in the world. mexicans fight mexicans, black people kill black people because they live on the wrong side of the street. separating people wouldnt change shit.

Because having white pride is just as retarded as having white guilt. Its not something you chose to be or worked for. Also what is "white"? Im german irish and i dont have anything in common with romanians or italians.

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you probably don't have anything in common with me either, and I am also german and irish. Why should we be grouped together?


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I'd fucking annihilate you.

Post ancestry and let’s see how pure you are, mutt

You know what's white culture? Being an individual. You know what's white pride? Taking credit for other peoples work.

Please, white pride is stupid as fuck and only exists to make inadequate fuck twats feel secure about themselves. a dude

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user said what he said. Prepare your anus.

because the people repping this shit are always overweight disgusting white trash. the first part of the shit should involve being stronger and smarter than everyone else or like just not just smoking meth and getting shit tattoos.

But there is animosity between races. It would reduce a lot of social disorder if we separated everyone by race. I never claimed that all social problems result from racial differences- absolute claims such as that are rarely (if ever) correct. I agree that not all of our problems are a result of race mixing, but I certainly am of the opinion that many larger issues we currently deal with in modern times could be solved through racial separation. I'm 18, so go ahead and say what you will about my age. My opinions are based on my life experience. They are prone to change. Don't use age as a reason to disregard someone's views. Flaws in my logic? Perfectly acceptable reason for debate. Age? Not so much. Sure, I don't have as much experience as you may, assuming you are older, but that doesn't mean my thoughts or views are any less valid.

Uh oh

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i dont know dude just seems silly to say I'm better cause I'm white, I want to be recognized for what I do not my physical features. kinda silly that's all

Furthermore, I don't hate anyone else. There are plenty of blacks, asians, Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, etc, who have done plenty of good for humanity. I only believe in separation due to how extremely hostile many groups of people have become in recent years, and I also wish for every culture to preserve itself as much as possible. By mixing races, we dilute and destroy our cultures to create a homogeneous culture which has no originality, and supports too many contradictory moral and social values. I want humanity to continue to be truly diverse, rather than becoming a useless bastardization of itself with no further cultural significance.

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I only look white, genetic variation lightened my skin color and softened my non-north-european features.

look closely, when you really see me, you'll shit bricks......


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im not a retard. The only way for humanity to move forward in evolution and technology is to realize regardless of race or religion we are a species of one.

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Benis :DDD

what you perceive as hostility is the result of the fear white people have inspired through centuries of indifferent domination and repression of non-whites.

The past century seemed to promise real progress on that front, but now you white people are gonna be the minority soon, your fear is causing you to act up, and re-ignite the terror and fear in non-whites that we thought was no longer appropriate.

Well it is.

Fear on both sides. Own your own, before judging others... tough for a white person to do, but doable.

Try Again, Alfie !

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My skin color is white, but I don't identify as European. I identify with my nationality over skin color or religion.

im italian. I've seen people brag about having grey eyes, blue, green, but never brown. I can't think of a reason to support people that think i'm a subhuman. I also can't think of a blonde person who invented anything important.

I feel a slight coof coming on

White pride is just the poor white trash afraid the poor black trash is going to take their jobs and women

Being proud is much different than feeling superior. "White pride" is just covert white supremacy.
Fucking wannabe Nazis

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Reminds me of this
Exactly so in fact

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Op just sad his Latina went after an NBA player

Because taking pride in a colour is cringe.

I prefer to take pride in my own ethnicity and so should all. A bond between two people of common ancestry and heritage is clearly a lot stronger than having only a skin colour in common.

That's what a true ethnostate would be, however a lot of Americans and such have confused this and decided to have it mean that two pasty white people would have a truly great bond due to this only. They probably did this because most can't enjoy a common, whole ethnic pride due to them being mystery mutt pies themselves.

You mean Scandanavian? Celtic? Germanic? Slavic? Anglo? Mediterranean? God fucking help you if you mean the bloody frogs.

What "white" do you expect me to rally around? Because they stand for different things you know.

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Apologies my fellow white man

Why are white supremacists always the most cringey pathetic white people?

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Personally, I just don't see whiteness in particular as the thing in which to base my pride. I'm quite proud of my ancestors for what they did, but it wasn't because they were white. Just because they were brave and clever.

Also, there's minimal social acceptance for it and the concept of race isn't necessary for animal science. Might also mention I've had very kindly acquaintences and short-term friendships with black people, Mexicans, I think even a Jewish fellow at one point. I would be sincerely remiss to find myself in support of any white pride movement that would advocate genocide of these decent people.

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For centuries they told us we weren’t really white and tried to kill us. Now we’re suddenly peak whiteness. Fuck you. I’m glad you’re shitty cultures are going extinct!


I'm not gonna trust a infected nigger

Religion is everything. Race is nothing.


meds aren't white

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Cause their iqs do not surpass 90

Is this supposed to make me mad, or lash out? If so, the attempt has failed. My beliefs have nothing to do with white people becoming a minority. In fact, I wasn't even aware that the white population has been declining until your response encouraged me to look into it. White people have done shitty things in the past, I'll admit. But so has every other race. Everyone's ancestors have had their good and bad moments. And besides that, their decisions and actions are not our own. I encourage everyone to both be proud of their race/ethnicity/religion, AND to be aware of the past faults of the social group they belong to so as to prevent those mistakes from happening again. I don't disagree that some people would use the same arguments I've made to support ulterior motives, but I've been about as honest and straightforward as I can be. I don't have any motive other than to hopefully convince everyone to preserve the culture they are a part of, rather than allow it to be diluted through what I believe to be a misguided idea of "social progress".

Found the chink nigger

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italians on pol don't like being called white. Actual whites like the british were still backwards subhumans well into the 1700s.

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I wish i was a mexican

Then there should be race mixing by your logic. The less distinguishable the average person's race is, the less animosity there will be.

>meds aren't white
Well then who the fuck is? The Scandanavians?

Because if you want the Swedish and Finns to be the guardians of Whiteness I got some bad news for you bud

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anglos, germans and nords are white. Slavs too but that's where i draw the line. Meds don't want to be white.

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If you only focus on my point about animosity, then yes. But my views also encompass the negative cultural impacts of race mixing, hence why I believe in separation. I've made several other posts already discussing those points in my chain of logic.

>anglos, germans and nords
Cucked, Cucked, and Cucked.

The Anglos have surrendered their capitol and their prince has run off with some materialistic shell of a woman from America.
They care more about not offending people than defending their own.

The Germans have flooded Europe with Africans and Arabs and are literally allowing their own women to be raped and their men to be killed as to not offend anyone

The Nords have such a small population they might as well be a statistical rounding error on the globe stage and are the worst of the bunch.
At this point the Swedes are importing more people than they are birthing. They have withdrawn police stations because they cannot even control these imports.

The future you have just outlined is a failed one that won't even exist in a few generations.

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