So, I watched this show on YouTube about pedos. Long story short this show demonized the hell out of pedos, even the good ones that try to help other pedos not have sex with kids. That show almost sent me into a blinding rage. I suddenly wanted to kill people after watching that show.
I want people to suffer the same way pedos suffer. I want to beat the shit out of people that get to enjoy sex and romance and I want to watch them die slowly. I want to watch a man beg me to spare his wife as I slowly beat her to death...Her screams of agony would be music to my ears. I would also enjoy watching women grieve over the deaths of their husbands.
I want humanity to suffer the same way we suffer. Never in my life have I ever been so angry. We pedos need to fight back. If you don't want to act on your sexual urges that is fine, but at least go out and make pedo haters suffer. The hatred that is thrown at us is unacceptable. The shit that we deal with is unacceptable.
I don't know where I am going with this, but this hatred changed me for the better. If you want your situation to improve then we need to stick up for ourselves. We can't rely on compassion and sympathy because there isn't any. I just don't understand why most pedos would pick a depressing life like this over death. Either way I am done with humanity.
Do you degenerates really find 3DPD children attractive or it's just the thrill of committing a crime? They look AND act in the most disgusting way possible to me.
The people who post those on loli threads deserve a painful death They want to kill loli threads, and they don't care They chose to bother other people minding their own business